This general is to help newfags, old fags, and anons to group together, coordinate, identify and create a response to the constant shill effort to derail and disrupt this board. Shills will never completely stop and if they do then the board is headed in the wrong direction. Remember shills are paid to or encouraged by (((them))) to respond to threats. Higher threat=Higher shills Previous To understand how to beat shills we must first highlight their characteristics and how they function. 1. They are always disrupting, distracting, or demoralizing. >e.g. Trump said drink bleach HAHAHA, rightists btfo, and 13 threads all talking about nigger dick and porn all posted shortly after each other. 2. They have separate communication outside of Yas Forums, through (((Discord))) or (((Reddit))). >e.g debating shill or having a thread talking about how western culture dying, and suddenly 5-10 other posters start attacking you directly or the thread via the methods stated in #1.
Tactics for beating shills 1.Sage alone no longer works, as the shills have enough members to keep the thread bumped, drop at least5 to 10 redpills using "sage" in the options field, and leave. 2.If debating a shill DO NOT let them change the argument or move the goal post. They have the burden to disprove you, and if they can't do not budge from the argument or let them change the subject. 3.Recognize patterns these are npc's we are dealingwith and once they start attacking threads or sliding it follows a pattern >E.G Amerimuts rule, whity btfo'd, and more recently "inject" or, "Trump said drink bleach." 4.Report without advertising, as jannies hate to be bothered by anything they may delete the thread if enough reports are logged. 5. It is the burden of the person making the argument to provide VALID sources, Valid meaning they have evidence rooted in fact and not speculation or wild theories. >E.g previous thread
notice how the shill contributes nothing to the conversation and is just looking for an emotional response rather than a valid or in-depth conversation.
Caleb Phillips
it works for me
sage and /thread
Luis Cook
Can't stop the shill threads as long as the newfag cancer keep replying to it. The mods delete so many other threads but leave the obvious shill threads up. Mods are shills.
Parker Baker
> notice how the shill contributes nothing to the conversation and is just looking for an emotional response rather than a valid or in-depth conversation.
> trump did historical stupid > people laugh it > the cult makes threads literally organizing how to respond > because it's so historically stupid > doesn't realize their larp is even sadder now
please drop ten red pills on me no wait twenty thirty please make them extra strength
Noah Martin
nice strawman that is not the point I was making and you know it. if you must have it explained the point is check sources as shills mislead.
He's right though. I'd wager it's the Zionists setting up a dialectic like usual. I sometimes find myself wanting to defend trump. Luckily he hasn't done anything in the last couple years to win back my favor.
Leo Martin
eh more debate experience, easier to btfo them when they show u, plus I keep them around as a measuring rod to see if what I am suggesting threatens (((them.)))
Adrian Murphy
Bump faggots are mad
Nathan Long
Fucking this, the shills keep trashing our president, so I'm gonna start chugging the Aryan elixer of wonders.
Hi newfriend, on the internet and especially on Yas Forums you will encounter a lot of people from different backgrounds and cultures. These people might disagree with you on topics and call your points "retarded" or personally attack you for "being a whole-hearted faggot." Instead of just ignoring them and continuing on-topic thread discussion, simply call them out for being a CIA "shill" or "glownigger." No other country has these CIA agents, so anyone who is not from America and/or is attacking your point is controlled dissent! These aren't just regular people calling you out for being retarded, you are always in the right, and any other opinion is wrong because they are being paid to say it. Make sure you tell them how flawless Trump is, and how much the left-wing media sucks donkey dick. These are called "redpills," and are 100% guaranteed to make the CIA seethe away. If you see someone with an Australian flag, run.