Die to the die romanigger enablers!

Planes were chartered to bring Romanian workers to the UK to pick produce

This has led to death threats for UK farmers for letting 'migrants take jobs'


Fearing spuds, strawberries, plums, parsnips, rhubarb and other crops will rot in the fields, planes were chartered to bring Romanian workers to the UK but it's led to online abuse including threats to kill.

NFU horticulture and potatoes board chairwoman Ali Capper blamed it on reports of 'migrant labour taking British jobs' when the truth is, she claimed, that 'British workers haven't wanted to do them for decades'.

More flights are expected over the coming weeks and months as fears over a seasonal labour shortage mount, despite calls for a new 'land army' of home-grown workers to keep the UK's supply chain going.

Attached: screenshot2020-04-25--18_50_04.jpg (696x780, 358.84K)

When western Europe collapses from unemployment, they're going to have to do real jobs again. I wonder how they'll act having to compete with 2nd and 3rd worlders for the same job.

this is why you don't provide any safety nets

Let me guess they were trying to pay like $8 an hour and wonder why no one wants to do it..

Farms won't take local workers. They want none domicile workers so they can house them in on-site accommodation and charge them rates which are taken directly out of pay, thus making the labour cheaper. It's all part of the business model, they can't afford, and/or in most cases do not want to pay locals at full rate.

how are ookips going to defend this?
It's a shame tho, that nobody wants to do these jobs. I'd gladly work as a seasonal farm worker as long as it would be easy for me to get there

>NFU horticulture and potatoes board chairwoman Ali Capper blamed it on reports of 'migrant labour taking British jobs' when the truth is, she claimed, that 'British workers haven't wanted to do them for decades'.

Dumb bitch you dont fly in workers to do low paying jobs if no locals will take them, you raise wages until the jobs are attractive enough for locals to take them. Capitalism 101.

t. Worked like a slave in 120 degree heat in the oilfields for 3 years and made fucking bank with no regrets

that and generally the only people who want 2 weeks work are people who are unemployed. When you do 2 weeks work they don't let you earn it as an extra, they take it off the benefits you were getting, thus you are no better off. Even worse it often results in them temporarily ceasing other benefits, housing and council tax etc.... you then get bills you couldn't have prepared for, bailiffs come calling and the high interest loan companies beckon you to the abyss.
tl:dr It's a "banker" scam

This is the right answer, t. spudshagger

good thing im classified as disabled so any income i make is extra

Germany acted quickly, allowing seasonal migration workers in early enough that there was time for two weeks of quarantine. We even got the asparagus plugged in time for the season.


Its gonna be brutal.

Muh factory jobs types are gonna learn real quick how cushy they had it

this would all be very easily solved by banning immigration

Nothing a pogrom can't fix.

The work is seasonal. You have to be desperate and poor to do it.

Who gets killed in the pogrom?

Theres a term for that
It's called either the welfare trap or the welfare cliff. It only comes from bad planning.

It's that plus many farms will only give you a job if you're willing to live on-site. They then take a huge chunk of your minimum wage on accommodation fees.

>Arbeit Macht Frei

Thats the joke. Workhouse conditions for the poor are deadly. They are so, so that the wealthy may live a life of ease and luxury.

Don't they have shitloads of unemployed Muslims that could pick that shit?

The farmers want to pay even less than that. Slave labour imported from overseas will be much easier to keep 10 to a kennel with basic amenities that will be charged additionally so the farmer can get away with paying each foreign slave £3 a day as opposed to minimum wage for a native.

Except for the rich apparently.

>t. Worked like a slave in 120 degree heat in the oilfields for 3 years and made fucking bank with no regrets
how much? 120k? US or overseas. jw

Which part of "they hire Rom*nians" did you not understand?

they are paid simply for existing and smelling like shit and pooping out kids

>'British workers haven't wanted to do them for decades'.
What she really means is British workers don't want to do them for the same price as Romanian workers, which isn't enough to live on because they've got no plans to live here.

Just expel the non-natives and they won’t have to compete

you need them so bankers and multinational corporations can make a few more shekels

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>'British workers haven't wanted to do them for decades'.
There's no such a thing as a free employee. The market will fix it.

1) increase wages for workers
2) increase prices of your produce accordingly
3) put tariffs on imported fruit to match price of local fruit so there is fair competition to drive productivity
4) literally profit
5) fuck globalism

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-29 Seasonal Work - Hops Labour Solutions.png (976x120, 16.05K)