Bye bye rocket man

bye bye rocket man

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>trump and kim gone in the same year

Has God finally started paying attention again?

Lol Trump is here til 2024, loser, go buy more anal cream
s aged

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>russian owned
>ows debt to china
>email scandal

Yeah, he's done.

I know Biden is fucked isn't he

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Will he be training with King Kai?

How do you get "biden is fucked" from trump being china indebted, russian owned, and email scandal? Unless you're saying china and russia are super powerful.

>Next time, on Dragon Ball Z!

Glow harder nigger

Praise Kim's sister

Praise Corona-chan

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I'm gonna miss this lil nigga like you wouldn't believe

I hope North Korea is able to get a new leader and continues the status quo. They are the last Stalinist Communist country on the planet and I'm going to miss them when they are gone.

You're going to be crying for 4 more years you pathetic incel.

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He is doing fine. Stop believing your Amerishart propaganda.

God i wish that were me.

>25 million jobs lost in 1 month
>Trump is here for another 4 years

Holy fuck. America will be crippled by then.

she cute

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It's not Amerishart though, this shit is usually always CCP, Most likely is they are trying to strengthen their bond with NK so another country can be used as a meat shield in a fight.

Interesting. Why post data that's more than a month old? Why not show us the current polling?

Calling it now, Corona-chan takes out Trump and we get Pence until 2028.

best korea changed tatics. they wanted to kill us with nuclear weapons, now they went full kawaii to our hearts.


Wasn't it CNN that started this bullshit about Kim being dead? Now all the mart sharters take it as fact without reflecting on it for even a second.

>they wanted to kill us with nuclear weapons
>being this retarded

RIP Rocket man

> yeah i really meant that. i'm not shitposting at all.

Another one bites the dust!

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Androids don't go to heaven

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Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha So long Jabba.

And just die already you pig faggot. Maybe he already died but it's NK soooo we're gonna have to wait a little while to confirm this. Like an hour ago I heard he could be in a vegetative state, but then again, it's a NK, we have to wait to know for sure.

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Strange.. didnt he say he had a gift for the west, Nov or December then we all got sick.


why does she look like martin shkreli