Americans are out there, right now, injecting Lysol. Just stop for a moment and think about that.
Americans are out there, right now, injecting Lysol. Just stop for a moment and think about that.
Not all Americans, just the idiot President and his followers.
Jesus, all of the people commenting on the video without actually watching it. How is the media this fucking successful?
Fuck off chink
jewish propaganda
CBS News God Damn they just won't give up making fake narratives to stay salty about something Trump joked about he really got them again it's become a natural occurrence with the MSM at this point to get triggered by everthing Trump say's amd does it's really pathetic actually.
literally nobody is doing this
>be in virus R&D progress briefing
>Trump has an innovative question he wants to recount
it's all so tiring, fake news can't lose any more respect so they cut this clip out of context.
>how dare you call Trump and his supporters stupid? He's a very stable genius. This is why Trump won
>yeah I drank bleach because Trump told me too
Injecting lysol with WHAT, exactly, you cunt?
Most people don't have hypodermic needles.
How Stupid?
Americans think Trump is sending them a check from his own personal account. That's how stupid.
Boot lickers just love it, not only the licking boots but now getting paid for it.
Every California junkie has a hypodermic needle, you moron.
Wow, so innovative and powerful suggesting his team is looking at injecting disinfectants and light into people's bodies. There's a precedent for using UV light to treat infections by shining it in a person's stomach (like in the case of the H. Pylori gut bacteria), but it's rarely used due to its intrusive and possibly harmful nature. Here's the problem though, and it's something that flies over a lot of /tpg/'s heads: as the President of a country, especially one as overwhelmingly do-it-yourself as America, your commander in chief should know better than to run his mouth like this. The last time he shared his brilliant ideas about hydroxychloroquine, Americans tried to self-medicate and died. So what do you boys over at the Yas Forums brain trust think will happen when Trump shares his brilliant ideas about injecting disinfectants?
Come on, seriously now.
Fuck You if trump says bleach is the cure it’s the cure faggot.
And what about vaccines? They have disinfectants in it
>b..but it's in low dosages!
Either putting disinfectant in your body is a dangerous and stupid idea, or it's not. If you concede that the dosage matters, then you have to also concede that Trump never said a single thing about having a high dosage, thus the arguments about what he said are now null because you essentially agree with Trump that injecting a disinfectant in your body at a low dose can potentially be beneficial.
it's just an interesting line of inquiry not a directive.
I notice the fake news didn't tell people not to skin themselves alive and sun bathe.
Didn't know Aussies were this illiterate. Re-read my post and develop your vocabulary past "fake news" and "shrimp on the barbie".
Everyone is just butthurt that Drumpf is an absolute genius.
>not freebasing it
I mean, I used to just spray it into a cup too and then sit back in my igloo and chill but once I figured out how to cook it up into rock sheeeeeeit
No. Fucking. Way.
I feel bad for Americans, who will have to choose between Trump and dementia Joe in November. To be fair though, at least the silver lining is that Biden might have finally forgotten how to be a pedophile.
>Americans are out there, right now, injecting Lysol.
>lysol says don't do this.
>no one did that
Trump trying to take credit for getting high on Lysol when my people were huffing paint and all kinds of shit before he was even born.
He was asking, not suggesting...
If someone is THAT dumb, then its natural selection at that point.
no actual stories of people doing it, just people saying not to do it
You are not influential enough to be on trial, the mainstream media is, for insinuating he was making a suggestion for any and all to follow. You don't have to like his sidebars or demeanor but you have to quote the person in context to be respectable.
You have to go back, shitskin
>Injecting themselves
Show me ONE person who actually injected himself with lysol...
Fuckin shills are out in force these days.
>How is the media this fucking successful?
Because as long as enough people are yellling loudly about the same lie it'll eventually be accepted as the truth.
These things always turn on the libbos. In the end, all the voters will remember is that the liberal elite thought normal Americans were so stupid they drank bleach when Trump told them to.
just go out on the reservations they've been drinking, smoking and injecting household cleaners for a hundred years.
Literally most arent
if you're dumb enough to inject yourself with bleach or lysol, then you deserve to die.
>t. Every goddamn liberal npc
Go back to China dumb chink
Trump needs to understand that he's leading a cult and dumb remarks like the one he made could actually kill people.
>traps are not gay
Thats not what the article is about
Who's more retarded? The man who says this shit or the man who does it in the first place?
Yes, but injuns aren't what you'd consider functional members of society
>injecting bleach is innovative
lmao you retards will defend anything this moron says
2 more weeks.
2 more weeks and we'll start to see bodies pile up in the streets due to bleach overdoses.
>How can Americans be THIS stupid?
You're a retard yourself if you haven't realised that most of the people on this planet are brain dead, not just Ameritards
>functional members of society
who is though?
people who wipe heavy metals under their arm and then wonder why they end up with some lymphnodal cancer? and then want someone else to pay for the treatment, which is poison in and of itself?
c'mon man listen fat pushups Obama and back in the day man.
uhg fake news sweaty
literally nobody is doing it
only the media are pushing this narrative and telling people not to do it, as if anyone was ever going to.
every article is just some jew saying don't do that, or some anonymous source citing people asking about it, but still no actual names or people.
show me the "inject bleach" quote you keep hearing. he asked about possible application of all the R&D techniques, you should accept medical progress even if you first hear it from trump