How crude oil is made?

Is crude oil really made of dinosaurs?
Or is crude oil made by mineral processes that have nothing to do with fossils?

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Other urls found in this thread:–Tropsch_process

Jesus planted the hydrocarbons in the ground to bless those who bless Israel.

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How is Fischer Tropsch process involved in natural crude oil formation?–Tropsch_process

Crude oil is unlimited and combustion based energy is satanic

Crude is made from compressed plants matter.

your hypothesis has never been confirmed by any scientific experiment.
Crude oil cannot be made from plant or animal matter.

A bacteria consumption of aged plant matter.

Ask the Russians they know it’s a mix between rock and ancient bacteria.

Oil is abiotic and not a slosh of vegetable or animal detritus.
There never were any dinosaurs.

Russian geologists developed Sakhalan Island oil fields purely on the hypothesis of abiotic oil creation. The idea is that pressure in the mantle-core interface turns carbonates into petroleum, basically forming planetary lube. It doesn't negate plant matter turning into petroleum, but biological petroleum would be different quality and a tiny portion of overall petroleum.

Here you go everyone, I just saved you all the time from your shitty conspiracy filled thread

abiotic oil

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Reminder that there are entire planets composed of methane in the outer solar system.

Crude oil is the excremential squeezings of extremophile bacteria slowly kneaded into porous rock through the process of simple osmosis, aided by heat from magma causing pressure via steam.

At least that's my theory; there are bacteria miles down in the crust, and they excrete waste the same as any other life form. They are mainly chemotrophic but some of them gain energy from radiation. This process is pretty fast, all things considered, since there is a layer two miles thick of this sporadically bacterial layer constantly being slowly molded and worked like clay by seismic processes.

Both dead colonies of bacteria and the waste of living colonies are carbon rich matter- but there aren't many detritovores down there and those that do- again- excrete carbon rich waste. This material tends to very slowly move from areas of high to low pressure in accordance with basic physics- namely, porous rock layers, caves, etc. As we pump it out, more siphons its way into the void more quickly due to lower pressure- again, simple physics. That is why formerly dry wells reactivate over a couple decades, so long as a bacterial colony layer exists below- as it tends to, in areas formerly flush with oil.

Abiotically, GOY

Implying wikipedia is actually a trusted source of reliable info...

Case closed everyone, wikipedia said so!

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There was a time where we had an explosion of plant life with no microbes/fungi that could break down the lignin so we ended up with vast quantities of lignin that became trapped under new sediments and slowly transformed into the hydrocarbons that we use for fuel today. We still use lignin for fuel in the form of black liquor.

Archeae, reducing environments and some heat
(((they))) will never allow us to know though

fake and black pilled

That's coal, genius.

There are two theories.

Biogenic and abiogenic.

One involves the slow breakdown of organic structures into hydrocarbons.

The other involves hydrocarbons being made from other sources that existed on earth long before life. All of the ingredients for life and oil existed on earth already.

abiogenic sources have been discovered but not in the useable amounts that biogenic sources have. .This is not a conspiracy theory.

So it's more about the process. How did the usable giant resovoirs of oil come to be?

They either came from deep below the Earth's surface via natural non biological processes or they came from above the Earth's surface from biological decay.

Or both. The crude oil extracted from various resovoirs has its own "signature".

It's not a question of both processes being possible, but more of a question of which one is more probable?

At the moment, the decay process is more probable but it does not exclude bad resovoirs of abiogenic oil existing in theory much more deep below the current resovoirs we drill.


>Implying there are trusted sources besides Trump

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(pic related)

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Crude oil is made in the mantle.

You would need the required pressure, catalysts, temperature, ...

I doubt there are enough carbonates, also they are usual in sedimentary basins just like:
Still not enough material, I think.

Checked and yes crude oil is the souls of the damned.

from California state University
>The overwhelming preponderance of geological evidence compels the conclusion that crude oil and natural petroleum gas have no intrinsic connection with biological matter originating near the surface of the Earth. They are primordial materials which have been erupted from great depths.

It's all fossil fuels dipshit.

>implying you can trust people