Prove you're not a blind hater, say something you like about the Soviet Union

Prove you're not a blind hater, say something you like about the Soviet Union.
They were a better rival than China.

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I like that they killed germans

They were human at least

They had a good aesthetic

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I like that they had the capacity to innovate, vs how these bugmen just copy.

Nobody has hated the Soviet Union for a very long time now. This is why the Democrats trying to meme Russia collusion was so hilariously outdated and ineffective as a strategy for getting people to dislike Donald Trump.

Managing to integrate minorities that were a problem for hundreds of years, I'll give them that.

They purged neoliberalism

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The holomodor was pretty based

You will be saying the same thing about the Arabs in 10 years. America must always have an enemy, but you forget the old ones so quickly.

Debatable. We can't stop talking about the Revolutionary war, the Civil War, and World War II as if they all happened yesterday.

Russia has always had good artists.
Composers, authors, poets and painters.
It's impressive that they shared heritage with all the гoпики and cyкa блaд

The did well here

Soviet Union at least forced us to push ourselves as a nation.

Now we just shit on countries and don't make them better, or ourselves.

I'm actually reading a biography of Lenin right now and looking back at the soviet union with rose colored glasses is pretty dumb.

Obviously they didn't purge neo liberalism because neo liberalism didn't exist yet but Lenin did purge moderate liberals.

One of the low points for Lenin before he organized a true revolutionary force was when he was competing against Social Democrats rhetorically. It was actually a woman that struck a major blow against Marxist extremists like Lenin with a propaganda pamphlet called The Credo of the Young by Ekaterina Kuskova.

She argued against total class warfare. She argued that living standards and quality of life for the Proletariat could be raised by organizing Labor and through strikes. You didn't need armed revolution and destruction of the bourgeoisie to accomplish your goals.

Lenin actually cucked. He moderated his position temporarily but we all know how it turned out. He went scorched earth on the Tsarist regime and the middle class. Total psychopath. Vladimir Lenin was totally insane. Only interested in destruction.

Communism is preferable to neo liberal capitalism. The soviets would never have allowed gays or people mixing.

>Prove you're not a blind hater, say something you like about the Soviet Union.

Played a pivotal role in defeating the Axis Powers.

Their contributions to space exploration cannot be understated

>1st in space
>1st animal in space
>1st man in space
>most successful spacecraft in terms of number of missions and longevity of the program

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Are you reading A People's Tragedy by any chance?

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Far as I see it, you people been given the shortest end of the stick ever been offered a human soul in this crap-heel 'verse. But you took that end, and you - well, you took it. And that's - Well, I guess that's somethin'.

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They killed a bunch of Russians.

They made a few good inventions, half of their leaders knew what they were doing, they could build housing really quickly and fast, they made good on their promise to actually get jobs for everyone. The Soviet union wasn't that bad we were just enemies because we got caught in a dick measuring contest.

I really don’t understand how Americans think they won the space race because they got to the moon, no one was racing them to it and everyone already knew it was a barren shithole.

No actually. I'm reading The Life and Death of Lenin. By Robert Payne

More of a close up on the man himself. Not an overview of the time period.

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I like them more than china.

'Space Race' is just a code word used to hide all the nuclear weapons the US and USSR were trying to build behind all the space stuff.

I liked that they gulag'd faggots then told everyone it was for political reasons when it was really because faggots.

They killed more communists than everyone in history (except china).

Their athletics program was excellent.
>havent competed in the olympics since 1991
>still second place in all-time medal count
>handily BTFOing the bongs, frogs, and huns

>Thinking that living in communism makes you communist

Who let you near the computer, Gypsy?

I like that they killed millions of people.

They were a worthy rival and pushed us to bring out our innate potential as a country. However, they sucked at economics

They valued women and the integral role of motherhood in a healthy society. My older brother was born towards the end of the USSR, his childbirth was totally free and the state provided everything a young mother needed for a newborn.

Meanwhile my birth in america cost many shekels, even on insurance.

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>say something you like about the Soviet Union.
Well, they did kill 50 million communists.

Forgot to add

>1st to the Moon (albeit with an automated lander)

>I really don’t understand how Americans think they won the space race because they got to the moon

To be fair, Kennedy set what seemed at the time to be an absurd goal of getting a man on the Moon before 1970 and that goal was achieved, despite the massive challenges it presented (manned spaceflight was only a year old at the time of his famous speech).

Ah, would you recommend it?

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