With pic related even the lamest estronaut could defend a woman against all threats. Selecting for superior genes is pointless
Guns have made alpha males obsolete
daily reminder for the braindead npc zombies
Now all you have to do is convince women of that. Should be easy, they are always so rational.
Why do you think we’ve been regressing? You’re only half right however. The ability to commit to violence and violent thinking is selected genetically.
Estronaughts lack the basic masculinity to inflict their will via violence. This is why chads and ProtoChad outcasts (edgy racists, fat nationalists, dad bod studs etc) still exist.
The real chads remain chad despite the tools of the era
1st thing that came to my mind when I hear about the so called bat virus. Haven't they been eating them bats for hundreds of years?
yet white women pick alpha black men over weak wh*te incels with guns any day of the weak
stay MAD
>With pic related even the lamest estronaut could defend a woman against all threats.
Not at all, testosterone is directly correlated to intellect, which is something one must posses in order to operate within the parameters of gun-fighting (which is NOT a videogame, and involves much more planning than shooting).
Estrogen-riddled males, such as niggers, are incapable of participating in a shooting war without outside help.
Those faggots lack the will to train with or use them properly, nor will they be able to carry the ammo any appreciable distance.
You just point it at the person trying to hurt you and pull the trigger
You'r never been in a gun fight aren't you?
You can’t always just kill people with guns. Say you’re 6’3” and 225 of muscle, you can defend any girl unless someone is willing to kill you. You can also pick up weaker men and throw them in trashcans which women find super hot. Even without a gun there’s not very many deadly threats in society anymore but physical confrontations happen all the time
No. Not in real life. Please stop playing with toys made for children, such as videogames.
It only takes 14 pounds of force to break a collar bone regardless of how strong chad is. Armed with this redpill, you can send any uppity chad to the hospital crying like a baby
It was made in a lab you fucking retards
How many basedboys do you know that can properly use a firearm Mr. OP?
Yeah but the lab bats got sold as food
This selection thing is bullshit. It has never been about that.
Otherwise why would so many white women chose to breed with the ugliest niggers they can find? It's all about what is considering sexually attractive on a societal level. Women are attracted to what they are told by the powers that be.
Because they think niggers are masculine due to how violent they are even though the truth is the exact opposite. Especially thugs, theyre bratty little girls in a powerful grown mans body
The animal in the lab infected patient zero who then spread it around the market and Wuhan
Is this a bot?
Now for reality
01101000 01110100 01110100 01110000 01110011 00111010 00101111 00101111 01110111 01110111 01110111 00101110 01111001 01101111 01110101 01110100 01110101 01100010 01100101 00101110 01100011 01101111 01101101 00101111 01110111 01100001 01110100 01100011 01101000 00111111 01110110 00111101 01011111 01110011 01000010 01000010 01100001 01001110 01011001 01100101 01111000 00110011 01000101
What is this?
bro I'm in the military and women shit themselves after firing two bullets in a row
someone post the russian roastie shooting an AK and shitting herself
are they about to fuck?
>fat nationalists, dad bod studs
Goes back to the warlord days where fat men had resources to get fat.
>stay MAD
You seem upset, nigger.
Nigger sees a Russian for the first time.
>It only takes 14 pounds of force to break a collar bone regardless of how strong chad is.
Cope, like chads going to let you hit him
Pro tip nigger, fighting involves movement.
>theyre bratty little girls in a powerful grown mans body
This, its fucking funny watching niggers cry when I drive around there hood.
this, a coward with a gun is still a coward
>soiboy can't aim properly and drops the gun upon firing once
You have to be quick, ive done that to chads who are way bigger than me. If i didnt learn that trick from a retired cop id probably be dead now
Guns are for cowards and never should have never been invented.
As the boer war demonstrated it's the opposite. People too dumb or cowardly can't perform well with firearms. Previously you could get away with being in a big bulk of people freely marching over an open field until all you had to do was hit someone with a long stick. You could retreat, see threats coming and felt save in numbers. Now combat is pure terror to the atomized individual. Death is invisible and instant, protection useless and you are isolated from any help. You need to be one stone cold motherfucker to stay operational in a firefight and still be able to calmly use your weapon. This also means that one alpha guy with a machine gun could beat thousands of cowardly retards within minutes.
Low test beta fags will die out.
Never drink onions milk. Never listen to feminist ideology. Never act like a faggot when the chips are down.
AK is the great equalizer. Survival of the fittest.
New diseases can appear in animals.
low test fags don't know how to handle firearms
they either can't take the recoil or suck at trigger discipline
or, of course, they are against firearms and firearm rights because they're pussy whipped statist cucks
what your clans name in CoD MTGoW edition?
Im not really a gamer, i enjoy metalworking