/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3445

► Detected: 2,868,001 (+39,175) ► Died: 200,436 (+3,337) ► Day: 107 (-09:33:06)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,604 strains have been sequenced —


20,000 dead in the UK, beating projections by 8 months

DIY facemasks can be made as safe as N95

88% death rate for patients on ventilators in NY

Italy claims virus found in dust clouds, fully airborne

Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

Virus infects T lymphocytes, simultaneous coinfection possible

Patient in Iceland got simultaneously coinfected by two strains

Patient reinfects himself after "recovery"

Patients remain on ICU for 20 days on artificial ventilation

Czech Republic buys Chinese rapid tests, 80% fail

Italy doesn't report deaths at home and nursing homes

Iran coronavirus burial pits the size of football fields

Spike in deaths in NY already visible in mortality rates

▶ 6 new deaths in the Dominican Republic
▶ 35 new cases in Sri Lanka
▶ 139 new cases and 1 new death in Morocco
▶ 381 new cases and 30 new deaths in Poland
▶ 4609 new cases and 650 new deaths in the United States
▶ 2357 new cases and 415 new deaths in Italy
▶ 419 new cases and 45 new deaths in Germany
▶ 39 new cases and 1 new death in Sudan
▶ 129 new cases and 4 new deaths in Algeria


Attached: CVG.png (600x460, 346.01K)

Other urls found in this thread:


who else /comfy/ here?

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Post one, request one with full file number please

Attached: get one for free.png (1724x753, 1.09M)

Reminder not to reply or give any (you)'s to the CCP agent.

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Pic related is the type of burger this happening is.

Attached: 6160FA6B-E289-4255-AA84-115583BF9E1E.jpg (437x550, 36.68K)

Remember, they took this from us

Attached: file.png (750x933, 961.33K)

Not great not terrible


>I live in a mountain / hill or in a sea / lake / river place, am I allowed to take a walk in the mountains / hills or by the sea / lake / river?

Yes. It is always possible to carry out physical activity in the vicinity of your main home, or in any case the one where you have resided since March 22 2020, with the consequence that it is allowed for those who live in mountain, hilly, lake and river areas or marine - and as long as it is not a subject for which absolute mobility is prohibited as it is subjected to the quarantine measure or is positive to the virus - carry out this activity in these places (including swimming in the sea / river / lake) provided individually and in any case respecting the distance of at least one meter from each other person. This is because the aforementioned are not places closed to the public, as parks and green urban areas currently are, and also the bathing establishments, where the ban on entry and circulation remains.
It remains understood that it must be exclusively activities carried out without having to leave your home and without making it necessary to use public or private means of transport, nor significant movements.
However, different and more stringent prohibitions imposed on a local basis are justified because they are justified by specific territorial situations.
The existence of the conditions in question (motor activity carried out near one's home) can be justified with self-certification, if the agents who carry out the checks require it.


1584656761631 please

i want to fuck the mexian whilst whispering slightly racist things into her ear.


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So does Corona fuck with your organs or not?

only thing i'm interested in. fuck old people

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Coronachan, it's time to stop.

If we keep up this rate she will reach 6mln deaths faster than the holocaust did.

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You realise it's either a shitposter or some american chink 12 year old shitposter?
It's very obviously someone having a laugh user

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200k confirmed bay beee
Far less than the millions of dead chinks/tens of thousands of dead spics and niggers uncounted, but it's still nice to see our girl make a noticeable impact.
C'moooon collapse!

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>implying the holocaust happened

Lungs are an organ yes.

Congrats, corona!

/ptg/ is two blocks down granddad

The Holocaust killed 60,000,000 Jews, you filthy goy.

no bro just a half a teaspoon in a cold glass of wster is enough, anymore than that and you'll shit a lot for a day or two.

> t. tried 2 tablespoons of it in a half a liter water jug

but does it permanently damage them?

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Don't you have some bleach to drink?


we get to (assuming we unkike ourselves) tell our kids and grankids the excuse "when the plague hit" to justify anything abnormal about us, for example as i am innabush. i remove the digestive tract/hair off game and hand mince the whole animal and slowcook it into a soup... "a habit i never got out of" since the plague hit

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still technically correct, the time to reach the 6 gorillion holocoaster victims is infinite

we already surpassed holocaust on day 1

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And so did my extended family in Jedwabne

>C'moooon collapse!
Lockdowns are being lifted soon. People are realizing your virus isn't all that deadly (IFR around 0.1%) and the lockdown is doing more harm than good.


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Yes, the demoness does attack a lot of your organs not just the lungs or heart

almost 9k

This shit thread again

miss me with that shit nigga, I'm waiting to see if I'll die or what

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How much longer until it actually gets bad? 2 more weeks?

We should nuke China

I've been looking for info on CT scans of recovered patients.
ALMOST ALL PATIENTS STILL HAVE GLASSED LUNGS ON DISCHARGE. The virus does not seem to clear so far in most patients even recovered.
>Sixty-six of the 70 patients discharged had residual disease on final CT scans, with ground-glass opacity the most common pattern.

>Based on the total CT score, the absorption stage extended beyond 26 days (our last days of follow-up) from the onset of initial symptoms.

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and yet you're posting in it...

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Dude, that's not funny! 6 million jews died in the Holocaust! How could you make fun of 60 billion dead? Is 600 bajillion dead a joke to you???

What was your decision, /cvg/?

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Slow thread today

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wtf, I love Italy now
