Little Vegetableman won't be firing any more bottle rockets into the sea anymore. DPRK will fall within the year, China will annex the northern mineral rich third in return for keeping the Peninsula stable. Southern 2/3rds reunifies with the south.

Attached: LITTLEROCKETMAN.jpg (870x754, 80.1K)

They won't allow a unified Korea. China does not want US Bases on its border.

Knowing the North Koreans love for that dude I wouldn't be surprised if they Golden Throne him.


They already do. We have South Korea garrisoned.

This is the CIA shot across the bow at Xi Jinping but he's mad and will never get it. China is in a trance and under a death wish. They've hit population critical mass and have gone completely mad. What you are witnessing is mass suicide. They will absolutely bait and provoke the west into nuclear war with them because simply put, they wish to end. They want to die.

And like Native Americans and other races before them, they are about to challenge the white man at war and do so.

It's self genocide and we will be witnesses.

It'll be the closest he's ever gotten to a vegetable.

>Southern 2/3rds reunifies with the south.

I hope this happens. It sounds hilarious and would make for some good sitcoms.

>China will annex the northern mineral rich third in return for keeping the Peninsula stable. Southern 2/3rds reunifies with the south.
Buffer states exists for a reason

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>inb4 they extract his semen and impregnate a woman and then worship the baby

Karma not only bit Kimmy in the ass but it turned him into his worst fear

The next war isn't gonna have a d-day invasion force you smoothbrained child.

If China were wise, they would see the assassination of Kim as a clear threat "If we can get him we can get Xi." Kim's security was far more hardened than Xi Jinping's and every Chinaman in the CCP knows it.

Yet onward they move to confront the white race.
>See ya

>this is a 36 year old in NK

And they say there's a famine geez

Insightful analysis for a middle schooler.

Dubs, and upvote joke

Kek, a based leaf

kek seriously

i will marry his sister and become First Gentleman of North Korea

Attached: kim2.jpg (590x354, 26.72K)

If North Korea exists, then they're not on Chyna's border, are they?

>Little Vegetableman won't be firing any more bottle rockets into the sea anymore.
Does her Sister squirt tho?

Attached: Korea new Supreme Leader.jpg (561x794, 58.51K)

Go back to r/donald you ZOG idiot

before she has you gulagified for being o' the leaf

I can't wait to go to North Korea. Their women are the most unspoiled in Asia. You'll be able run such alpha male game there.

>sensationalist sensation
>something spectacular
>a magazine says
>unamed sources
>pls click us

>Does her Sister squirt tho?
*his Sister

Attached: LaoWhy86 Chink Waifu.jpg (970x970, 135.4K)


He shouldn't have eaten all that cheese.

Expected response from someone soon about to die.


stop basing your world view on fucking comic books