Why aren’t Asians as historically successful as Whites?

They’ve been relevant and strong for millennia, invented many basic things and ideas but never got the big job done like Whites have. Whites took over the world when Asians didn’t do shit

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>Asians didn't do shit
You're sitting in your home right now just like BILLIONS because a bunch of Asian doctors figured out gene-editing and RNA resequencing. I say they did a lot.

In short opium trade, the warring kingdoms lasted too long, an done of the empresses ran China into the ground I believe it was the qing dynasty

posting in a hapa thread.

Whites wouldve been able to do that much earlier if they wanted to

And then you gotta specify cause japs had amazing tech getting rolled out post dub dub 2 and their economy was killing it

simple genetic inferiority, they don't have the cognitive capacity of whites. the real virus is asians themselves.

They copy and perfect, don't create anything.

small penis

These couldn’t be more retarded posts

Robots without any real agency. They can perform complex tasks when instructed, but they won't stand up for themselves when subjugated or take risks to build a better world.

Because Asians aren't human. And japs are too busy doing important stuff like animus

There are few more places in the world outside of the control of “The West”. One of those places is China. Another is North Korea. Then there is Japan which is just a fucking powerhouse of a country that we in the west are more than happy to call allies.

So how are Asians unsuccessful?

They’re not as successful as Whites. They did well, but they’re like 10% as historically strong as whites. Obviously still they are better than most

"Asian" is broad, but China was about equal in technology when the West had the Roman Empire at its height. Its just the last few hundred years they really fell behind due to isolationism, plus the earlier effects of the mongols (still a big reason central asia & the middle east have low population densities today).

Europe had more timber, more of a coastline shape suitable for trade (its a peninsula after all) a religion that strongly encouraged prosyletism, and a better passage across the Atlantic to the New World than going across the entire pacific (which chinks may have done rarely). All of these things encouraged colonialism which helped western powers snowball. The ottomans were a comparable center of trade but other than religion had few of these advantages.

The relative lack of luxury goods in Europe probably "helped" too. China saw itself as the center of the world, and the middle east had trade routes, but Europe was more of an importer from the east which motivates alternatives.

You realize the caucASIAN race is more akin to a virus than any other race on the planet, right? What other organiism than the caucASIAN bug moves into an area, decimates it and moves on? The caucASIAN virus.

How does making a chimera a couple of years ago add up to this?

Get a better immune system bug man. Figure you'd have one after the centuries of spawning viruses with your subhumanity.

Asians dont innovate. They indeed take what’s out already, and perfect it. Well japanese do at least. Japs make do insanely good work for cheap prices, whereas other asians like chinese just botch everything. Take cars for instance. They make very good cars, for cheap. Same with watches. Handmade watches that are made to equal craftsmanship as euro pieces but at much cheaper price. They culture isnt very flashy so don’t everything they make is straight to the point and absolutely stunning in it’s own way. My japanese track bike is absurdly well built but looks like a bike youll buy at a garage sale.

They never took gunpower and cannon technology to the next stage and miniaturized it. Guns go back to the mid-medieval period for Europe.

Also I'd wager chinks never figured out celestial navigation with a clock. Both of these things = why whites rule the world today.

Europe was much more competitive, China has always been huge and somewhat isolated by choice. They basically got rid of their entire fleet because of one decision. Before that they would sail as far as the coast of East Africa and exchange some gifts. It would have taken one emperor to decide to go out and colonise that area but it never happened. Columbus considered several options and even had the relative luxury of being rejected a few times.

But credit is due for the Mongols I guess

The Chinese were philosophizing and erecting massive walls while Sven and Hans were raping and pillaging villages and chimping out in dirt huts

Modern china might be a shithole, but ancient china is one of the world's most important civilizations

This is why.

Because Asians are subhuman. Whites are not

They lack creativity

George Church is white bro

Hmm has a good point.

I just got a pcr machine. Im no good with tissue culture. So virus is out the picture. But we could make a bacteria that targets chinks.

Where to start Yas Forums?

China and the Turks both had guns during the middle ages and early modern period. The ottoman guns were regarded as better until around the 1700s when European firearms took over.

This was called the Asian disease by old colonial error explorers. Stasis, corruption, nepotism, ignorance, vice.

Chinese gdp per capita is less than Mexico. 10k US$/yr

Chinks lie about IQ tests. Only Japs have a high IQ

Better Raid spray the fuck out of this thread now

2.小熊维尼(Winnie Pooh)喜欢蜂蜜),他最著名的冒险故事是他假装成暴风云,然后享受出汗的辛劳劳动,使蜜蜂冒着从他身上夺回它的巨大风险。
5.小熊维尼(Winnie The Pooh)知道他不知道的事,也不怕向朋友寻求帮助。他有朋友。


There. Carry on, gents

Too short sighted maybe? If you take a look at chinese mathematics the shit they discovered on their own is topic you would encounter in a undergrad course.
They came up with horners method, a primitive form of riemann sum (method of exhaustion), chinese remainder theorem, fermat’s little theorem, pascals triangle and etc.. . Alot of their focus on math was related to computational with little focus on proofs. In contrast the west had a great respect for mathematical formalism even if its not immediately useful. This focus on formalism allowed western intellectuals to different topics together and figure out things that are not intuitive.