What is the greatest knowledge Yas Forums has bestowed upon you?

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Nothing. I am the giver of Yas Forums wisdom, not the recipient of

The ways of kikes.

OP is most often gay and mutt christcucks are different species of people.

there is nothing in particular
just sometimes find the news earlier than usual on here

That op is a tranny

Probably that the global elite (jews) are actually saturn worshippers, pedogate, and the existence of chaos gods.

Esoteric Hitlerism

That christians are actually much more deluded than I previously thought possible

everything i have came from kek

Every time I think there's something weird about an article, I check if the author is a jew. Nine out of ten, it's a jew.

That everyone here is a homosexual animefag

/pol. is broken, degenerate boys LARPing as upstanding, generous, alpha men

How to make neat crystals using bleach and ammonia

I'm mostly just here to harass niggers and jannies.

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glass all abrahmic scum

having my views challenged and ridiculed is healthy

Hey bud all abrahmic filth is to be glassed
All. To a gene and a rag

I'm not entirely sure.

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Welcome to Yas Forums.

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It really is the Jews.

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You didn't know about the existence of Chaos gods? Shit i knew about those before i even came to Yas Forums. Course i was a mythology nut and back then i was still trying to find connections between the Masonic Lodges, The Occult, The denominations of the church and the World Bank, Sometimes we are better off not knowing.

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If I'm feeling it, someone else is too

The truth

It gives me a greater understanding of the minds of my enemies.

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Excuse me you Rude cocklicker. I Am only here for the genuine Mongolian weaving instruction threads.. I just happened to be trapped here because of anime and gave up trying to leave because once trapped here you will always end up returning sooner or later.

around blacks watch your backs

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>and gave up trying to leave because once trapped here you will always end up returning sooner or later
>t. imageboorder

I've always enjoyed that screencap.

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Meme magicK

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Praise Corona chan

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Black people are literally a different species and jews run the world

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Beware groupthink

Alexandre Dumas and Pushkin were superior black men.

1. Uncensored information.
2. A view into the depravity of current society.

The Shaytaan in us, that i must believe in Allah. Truth about niggers, and kafirs. the "jew" many people refer to is just the devil inside us, those who submit to the Shayateen are "zionists" that wish to corrupt the innocent.