How did America managed to, once again, end up having to choose between two massive retards ?

How did America managed to, once again, end up having to choose between two massive retards ?

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This is literally the best Murica has to offer out of 350 million.

I mean, do doctors & lawyers actually vote for these guys ?
And if so, what are the american standards for becoming a doctor ?

Americans lost control of their money supply in 1913, they also lost control of their government in 1933, and this is the result.

Because that's what TPTB want?

Trump is the best president in modern history.

>Trump is the best president in modern history.

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Because this is by design

Donald Trump is the world's finest person.

Trump is fucking Awesome!

You know the reason

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Biden has described himself as a "tactile politician".
tactile: of or related to the sense of touch.
And Trump ... grabs `em by the pussy?
Good question OP. Of course, France and Canada don't have a lot room to criticize,
but still the question's a good one: 300 million+ people, and we have two Uniparty candidates you might not trust alone with your teenage daughter.

Because there's no one else in America.

Alright, tell me who is better than Trump and why, otherwise you are cnn bot


Please leave the thread and the board. You're an embarrassment.

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Vermin Supreme is the only choice

When the population constitutes nothing but dumb goyim, two retarded candidates are not deemed outliers. The dumb must stay dumber. The status quo must remain.

anyone with a college degree and a clean criminal record.

And who is that?

Those who vote for criminals are not victims. They are accomplices.


That same way you frenchy fucks got bent over throughout history. The same way we all got put on lockdown, because of deep state kikes. Oh and Unlce Ted and Adolf were right. Sage this shit thread .

>a strong WAHMEN with a degree in women's studies becomes president
Good job dipshit. Implement this in your own country.

You have no argument. How typical.

>population /constitutes/ nothing but dumb goyim
>The dumb must stay dumber.

its mostly because of a horrible culture of political discourse leading to angry arguments and people refusing to meet common ground

also nearly everybody is widely aware that they cannot trust most of the promises a president offers to get elected. most people know it's all a show and who can play it to their advantage the most.

They don't. Its just that you are a contrarian retard that complains about "both sides." You and people with 90-110 IQs are slightly smarter than the masses but not quite smart enough to figure it out on your own.

Look, politics is dumbed down to the lowest common denominator. Its made about polarizing wedge issues because that's what most dumb ass sheep care about. They are one issue voters whether it be the 2nd amendment, the environment, abortion, equality, immigration, or other retarded issues dumb ass sheep care about.

Notice Trump and Biden, or any other candidate ever has spend almost zero time talking about something like monetary policy, or really any issue that takes more than 3 words to explain your position on, even though it has a much larger impact on everyone's lives than the previous hot button issues. But almost no one gives a fuck about it, or even takes the time to understand it.

So while Trump may constantly dog whistle about immigrants, or Biden about civil rights or climate change, neither of them truly give a single shit about those issues. Its about turning out votes to get elected and pump up their own ego and legacy. Their public policies just fall whether they think they need to get votes. They are just human beings that mostly be luck ended up where they are and have their own individual interest in mind.

>How did America managed to, once again, end up having to choose between two massive retards?
Choosing between the lesser of two evils or the lesser of two retards has been going on in the United States for quite some time. It's one of the main reasons our country is in the state it's in because in the end you lose when these choices have to constantly be made with every election .

because America is a bunch of retards, just like France and UK, look at their leaders. just as fuck all retarded. obama was a shinny bauble for idiots who think their shit dont stink too

The candidates are boomers retardation is guaranteed due to lead poisoning