>Ah it’s only one crazy bitch no problem
I don’t want to live in this clown world anymore. KILL ME PLEASE. KILL ME. I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE.
>Ah it’s only one crazy bitch no problem
I don’t want to live in this clown world anymore. KILL ME PLEASE. KILL ME. I CAN’T TAKE THIS ANYMORE.
or you could just stop being transphobic? Just a thought.
literally who fucking cares faggot
Guess I’m transphobic then. Now what?
ok time for a breakdown of this faggot
lets take this word apart into its two major pieces
obviously transgendered
scared of, a fear of
Nigga im not scared of dickchoppers, im scared of the future with them running around telling people what to do and think. If i was scared of men in dresses, i would be one myself, and furthermore, i would have no problem bashing them with a pointy stick in minecraft if the chance came to me.
I think he means "YOU HATE TRANS PEOPLE" and yes i do how could you tell?
but thats a fallacy. i dont not date trans because theyre trans, i dont date trans because theyre not women.
that is pretty much the end of it.
just a label for the seething dicklets to give you to avoid you
wear it with pride.
Protip: if a leftie shows you this and you dont upvote it, they will contact your employer, have you fired for racism. The real question is how much of that 52k will be voting trump this year. I'd bet upwards of 90%
Can we get a trans hate thread going instead? We already talked about this last night.
I’m so sick of this phobia BS. I’m not afraid of trans people, I just don’t like them.
You first buddy. Go and have sex with a tranny, do insert your penis in a smelly infected wound full of feces, pus, and hair.
i am trans and i would not date a trans person they're fucking trash
Why so fag?
based phobic suffix working user into a seething shoot
This had me dead
The reason I don’t go out with shizos it because they are shizos
There are 4 billion women. Have some perspective and realize that almost none of them even look at twitter.
>just own it, user
>own being an irrational idiot
You cannot reproduce with another man dressed as a woman. You cannot have natural sex you with these have to do it in the poopy hole or blood wound. I like twinks as much as the next fag but I would never date or marry one. I want kids someday.
So what if a tranny asks me out and I turn them down because I'm not interested in dating anyone period? Am I still a bigoted transphobe who needs to check their privilege?
Stop being transphobic. Reported, removed, fired from your job. Your opinion is not allowed.
People who only date based on the prospect of procreating with another person would be what tuen?
Maybe it’s time to raise our hand and say , yeah i am transphobic , whats the problem?
Time to end their NPC dialog lines
'how dare you not worship me?'
how DARE you not go out with this OPRESSED FRAGILE HUMAN you massive SHIT HEAD how DARE YOU
i think im gonna puke, sweet summer child, oh my gosh i cant even believe you would say something like that
now GET ON THE GROUND and lick that sweet neovagina juice to APOLOGISE to this wonderful HUMAN BEING
lmao if my job fired me for "being transphobic" (they wouldn't anyway) I'd just share their emails and locatiosn and shit all over here and twitter. But it doesn't matter cause it wouldnt happen.
They just want to fuck transpeople
So how do you intellectual 200 IQ fellas think groupthink online like this works? I’ve had intellectually adept friends fall into this trap and they all bunch up in a big herd of faggots and don’t want to hurt each other’s feelers. THIS IS REALITY. Men are not women, apples are not oranges. I don’t care if it hurts your fag feelings, deal with reality you ape brained nigger bitch.
>lol ur transphobic fuck a man
How do people think like this? 52 thousand of them?
i've got your back, OP.
you niggerfaggot, you responded to me and I HATE TRANNIES LIKE YOU AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
Do remember that like 10 percent of americans use twitter and lefty twitter makes the vast majority of posts from that demographic.These people represent like half a % of the entire population if that.
They're insane but they're a tiny tiny fucking minority.
oh my god reading that made my balls hurt wtf
Reminder that if you refuse to suck a dick and take it deep into your anus you are homophobic. And if the dick happens to be black you are also racist.
Finally, FINALLY, the sweet release of death
>snaps neck and dies
>my ass cheeks hang out because a hung myself in oversized jeans while freeballing
>MFW a girl cop comes in to clean my corpse and sees my naked ass
Already we are all died and this is hell
OP is the fucking problem. They need to be ignored. Trannies want nothing more than attention. Let them cut their dicks off in obscurity. Don't talk about them.
Nobody owes that thing a reason.
However, the guarantee that it took a whole lot of shit choices to end up where it is, should be fairly enough to justify complete and utter ostracization.
Nice b8 memeflag
Then they use that to apply to general "scared" label to you which then is used to apply the term "fragile" to you. If you don't care about carrying either label, then you're fine. They love using these labels to get a negative reaction out of people.
>no-one can force, coerce and/or guilt you to go out with someone, there is no reason you should ever go out with anyone if you don't want to
>if you don't go out with trans abooboo pee pee some boring left twitter reference, some tag group, aww sweaty ur transphobic :))))
>canada in the ditch
you made us do it, leaf. it didnt have to be this way
dude I wasn’t being sarcastic I genuinely think you have a 200 ultrabrained IQ I want to know what you think why these fag queerniggers group up in a herd. Do they need someplace to belong to? Why do they care about feelings so much?
I’m spreading positivity. I love you man.
this user is dead now.
Bro I been transphobic for 6 years now
bro pls
>people who want to procreate are what term?
We call that “normal”