Remember the supposed alien that was posted on Yas Forums and the pic was never seen before?

Remember the supposed alien that was posted on Yas Forums and the pic was never seen before?

Why is it being portrayed in this show?


Attached: AyyLmao.png (414x345, 259.89K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1585271481417.png (743x378, 167.01K)

Because the creator of the show, Zach Hadel, is friends with Chris O'Neil. Chris made that alien character in blender for Zach's pilot. I don't know about Zach, but we know Chris goes on Yas Forums. Whether or not that alien was made consciously or subconsciously with the Yas Forums alien in mind, I have no idea. That being said,


i'm here to see the real ayy lmao

bros watch the part when they walk in the pink dudes killing the red dude i think zach might be trying to tell us something

Attached: 1587111172051.jpg (480x350, 31.42K)


go to 10:10 if you dont want to watch the whole thing also theres another moment towards the beginning at 1:45

This is how I remember it. I have not seen a similar one.

The real pic was at night. The flash of a trail cam illuminated the alien and the tree.

Had grey skin and darker skin discoloration on the head and maw. Maw was sharply defined but not beast like. Had pores and sweat you could see. Deep black eyes. Yellow chitin plate and armor on the breast.

Yes, it did make me feel nautious and scared. Triggered a primal response.

Attached: sketch-1587831522385.png (1080x1920, 227.28K)

I don't get it how does that correlate with the alien?

were there any pink color under the eyes? have you seen the pic posted before? could be fake since there are many

There was never an alien pic flaggot, it was a meme born out of Yas Forums getting shutdown after the wikileaks insurance files keys were posted.

Nah I just remembered deep black and a perfect reflection from the flash.

I think now they are trying to muddy the waters so everyone forgets.

it is right here

Attached: 1587831094422.jpg (2116x845, 493.19K)

fuck off dumbass exit the thread with the retarded nonsense schizo shit

lol the bognadoff pic isn't even real kys

I am so sorry for crashing your little shitty larp party. Now suck a BBC you fucking faggots.

please do us all a favor, don't leave /x/

fucking meme nigger, did you just switch ip?


Why don't you tranny fags post some ayy images instead of attacking me?

kill yourself

stay mad, fucking larper, one day i will get you all, and than you will hang from a tree, nigger.

i wasnt talking about the alien...

Attached: 1587173484496.gif (250x300, 785.21K)

>expose this shitty larp
>get attack out of nowhere
really makes you think

Attached: 5634.png (647x951, 70.81K)

what the fuck is this show its brilliant

Why manchildren like this type of ugly unfunny cartoons?

oh and ur this well rounded government agent who just happens to live at pol

smiling friends. it's pretty epic.
the whole episode is hilarious.

They are multiplying user.. Soon it will be a battle of Memeflags.. verse retarded country flags *squeals in gleee*

War of the memeflags kek

if you use your left over 2 brain cells it should become evident

Really hope adult swim take this one up, Zach is funny on so many levels.

Attached: DvnFNrkWwAEotgR.jpg (500x500, 28.54K)

yeah, i infiltrated their shitty discord memeflaggang /mfg/, thats where i actually found this image
watch them get angry

what are you even on about? just leave

Paint him a picture user.. He's using a confederate flag. Being the party of the Ass and of Slavery.. you should be the one to explain to the confederate flag why he's morally immoral. While the rest of us laugh.

garbage show

end your existence

This is not true! Go away you fucking asshole.

If you want more kino, watch Superjail

Quick download it before it gets deleted.

Attached: 1587088582451.jpg (1280x960, 739.92K)

This image is garbage and user should be ashamed for posting it.

Taste your own medicin you fucking communist faggots.

Actually there are two tranny discords attacking 4 chan along with Reddit.. So i just wanna know which Discord Tranny group. Depending on the answer well.

Actual user in the discords here. You didn't infiltrate yourselves and it's very funny to me there was some discussion about coopting the narrative that some anons are infiltrating you by actually creating an unironic entirely literal and nonfigurative for both lulzy and legal interpretation purposes. When faced with anons gathering evidence of terrorism whose enactors only defense is to claim it's for the lulz while their organized efforts and attitudes reflected when not playing a character are still documented.

Dig that hole deeper. You made you grave and I'm not optimistic that between your delusions of grandeur, eagerness to manipulate and utter lack of self awareness alongside healthy empathy you have it within you to go homicidal before suicidal. We all just pray for you and your families' reputation after you an hero that you just chose to do a flip off a bridge instead.

why is everyone getting so buttmad about this post? if i go to that archive will i get v&?

you're the one who should be taking their meds, go back to /x and stop posting nonsense

leave already why are you still here

so you stay mad

because he's spreading nonsense, the schizo should stay where he belong /x

Attached: 310x190_igor-bogdanoff-5-mai-2010-paris.jpg (310x190, 8.42K)

read the image, it's from the archive the day Yas Forums was shut down.

holy fuck your autism

retard, this has nothing to do with the bog in the image, but i guess you are already aware of it, but yeah, go on and bite that bait.

Except there is a UN shill who literally spends all day making B8 threads. I have also seen a rogue democrat flag, a Pair of Nazis fighting with each other, A pair of Pirates, a pair of Communist and atleast one other Kekistani like myself that posts absolute bullshit.

that's not the real one
I've seen that one and has never been deleted when posted

Fuck off i dont care you asshole. Fuck off fuck off fuck offf fuck offf go away.

am i based yet ?

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you haven't seen the real one, there's about a 100 fakes

Attached: EUgHyMcUUAAiN9e.jpg (1525x1815, 341.45K)

Reminder lefty Discords created the Kiwi mosque shooter.
Reminder they encouraged the manifesto's language.
Reminder they consider the loss of human life in the name of slandering Yas Forums for political motives a win.
Reminder they are refining their process.
Reminder they invite pol users to discords that are intended to filter out the sane from insane and argumentive from those who will circlejerk increasingly radical and violent topics
Reminder they screen out sanity while telling themselves they're good people.
Reminder they have the express intent to groom the mentally ill into homicides.
Reminder you are infallible and objective evil in their eyes and they are righteous champions both by the "good guy's" bias.

Reminder they are too illogical and crazy to be dealt with through reason, so they must be destroyed through evidence. You know what to do, anons.

>friendly reminder
makes the meme flag larper angry
>notice how everyone angry at this image has also a meme flag?
>welcome to the meme flag club and their larps