This tranner gets more pussy in tinder in a day than you will ever have in your lifetime.
Why don't you take the pink pill yet Yas Forums?
This tranner gets more pussy in tinder in a day than you will ever have in your lifetime.
Why don't you take the pink pill yet Yas Forums?
>pink pill
show flag
The bible didnt predict this at all, nope. Not one word.
rape should just be allowed
men should be able to rape women as much as they want.
in exchange we make sure that mothers get gov support to raise the children.
the world would be a better place.
It's either you take the pink pill and become a faggot or get no action from white women.
White civilization what went wrong?
Based Hans gets it.
Lol he's a cockroach
or a Slav
> 21 matches
Is this a joke ? I've had to see for a week and have almost 400 matches
I want to taste her cock when it explodes in my mouth
Post more pics
>muh dick
Proof that Yas Forums is a low IQ shit hole now
koran says men who pretent to be women and vice versa go straight to hell
*reaches for gun*
Implying that a woman would actually go through the trouble and message 1st is laughable.
How did she match herself?
I have never used tinder and never will.
idk why these posts are a thing
any guy with a pic of friends and a normal face can get 40 matches a week... that’s in a tier 3 city
>women messaging a tranny means they're having sex with it
Maybe if you weren't an INCEL, you'd know what women always call each other and trannies by nice names like "cute" when commenting on pictures. Disgusting INCEL, go back to Yas Forums!!!
What if you fuck transsexuals
i'm fucking sick of you tranny groomers
that's the owner of trapan, "sue"
Show flag, coward.
My flag isnt hidden. It's clearly the pirate flag.
Whatever you say, poo.
based iran disagrees
You should probably refresh your page or something if you dont see the flag.
Based and Joy Divisionpilled
plz show bobs & vegena, i am gentelman