Literally everyone is laughing at Blumpf. This must be rock bottom

Literally everyone is laughing at Blumpf. This must be rock bottom.

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Why won't these faggot boomer hippies just fucking die already

BK promotes violence

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The restaurant that is proud of the fact that it makes onions burgers is tEllington the rest of us how to be healthy? Nah thx

Trump never said to drink or inject bleach.
That's a jewish lie.

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Not sure why I need to be the one to tell you this, but don't eat Burger King.

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Did Q predict this?

No. Normal, sane people are laughing at retarded NPCs that are promoting a false narrative because they're too dumb to realize they were lied to by kikes.

Trump literally never said that

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Dethklok told me to drink bleach to pass my drug test. Stupid-ass BK doesn't want you to know it works but it do.

I don’t think many people are. They were hemorrhaging money while McDonald’s and KFC are doing relatively well. The BK’s around here have been closing shop. I really don’t understand why these struggling companies don’t remain apolitical.

The Xtra long chili cheese is pretty good tho

>implying eating that lard laden shit is any better

>rock bottom
this is actually peak Yas Forums. You gotta see what these MAGAfags come up with to defend this moron lmao

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The cope never ends!

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everyone has always been laughing

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Isn't it an unwritten rule of business to appeal to the widest market possible? I don't think the woke points outweigh the shrinking customer base.

light and disinfectants should work though, it's just a matter of being able to apply it to your respiratory tract without having health complications

I guess the health community doesn't bother to experiment with this and instead takes the convenient and easy route of laughing at drumpf

At this point trump can say he thinks eating poop will treat corona and MIGAtards will defend it.

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Who cares about basedgon the coke cuck?


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Only if he is Jewish himself


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At this point trump knows you will defend him no matter what, you people are weaklings unfit to live.

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You don't want to "split the market" either though.

and you will eat the poo

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I’m actually only laughing at the idiots making a big deal about it. Your TDS is strong.

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Trump finaly sees he do whatever and you people will praise him. Expect more nigger pandering and more LGBT pandering and no nationalist policies completed. You can only blame yourself, simps.

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Oh look the liberals support corporations again

>anal sex in Africa

My sides

When did he say drink bleach?

Qushner predicted this

if you are defending him IRL it makes you look like a retard, this is the real TDS - trump can do no wrong

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are you saying drinking bleach is bad?

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Communists don't care about profitability.

you god damn fucking jannies I know what you're doing

the left cant meme. wtf is this

> imagine being a weak faggot that hates violence

so? Its funny to say he did.


Hey dumb bitch nigger face. Why dont you just fucking go over to there and fuck yourself nicely. Let that poop stream down your fuckface and allow the stench to enter into the nosehole. You better apologize before the cum of the man enters onto your fuckface. Stop posting wrong items about our their president master. I sware, one more chipperfuck coming out of the mouth entrance, will make me exceedingly anger in the eyes and I will not tolerate the fuckeing anymore.

I hope everyone that made one of these 500 threads gets cancer in their dickgina

It was kind of funny when Clorox said it, but fast food companies saying the same thing is real cringe. The white liberals replying, with their tired jokes, are even more cringe.

Don't do it user.

In poor countries they use bleach to sterilize drinking water.

you're creating more Trump voters by intentionally misquoting him
you people are too dumb to survive
and you won't

sa GED this assblasted faggotry

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>all this concerted messaging

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at this point I think Trump does this to get an erection of something

>le meme flag ebic post

>you're creating more Trump voters by intentionally misquoting him
and you are showing how uterly delusional you are by defending bleach enemas from MD Blormpf

ok, cuck defend him some more

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>eurofag flag
of course

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I'm wondering if the media works with Trump to build up his immunity to criticism. They're endlessly critical about pointless made-up shit, and they ignore when he does something actually bad.

maybe use a vpn, and it would be a little more convincing?

Ur gAY

>Pointing out how trump is a fucking retard hurts the feefees of suburban retards thus making his reelection inevitable
problem is even solid trump pundits start to show polls where trump is losing support among white people

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You should drink bleach.


Burger King just flew over my house!

>haha I'm purposely misquoting him!!
>don't that just grind your gears hahaha

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you know you're misquoting me
your projection of your impotent rage onto me is amusing to me

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In the usa we use chlorine bleach to sterilize drinking water and we aren't even poor yet.

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Look up BK's ownership and you'll never eat there again.


Trump is a jew loving faggot, but this meme is just god fucking awful.