Do you have a clapping time in your country?
Her in spain TV said to clap everyday at 20:00, so everybody clap at 20:00.
Is your country retarded too?
Do you have a clapping time in your country?
Her in spain TV said to clap everyday at 20:00, so everybody clap at 20:00.
Is your country retarded too?
>only getting to clap once a day
People here put a teddy bear in their front window to show support or some gay shit fuck that l won't do it.
Yep, my mom rings a metal bell like a retarded cow at 20:00, and dozens of people around us do the same.
people here fuck their dogs and give our chinese overlords our EI cheques at noon everyday to show support for nurses.
god no, all clappers need to die
Yes but no one in my small town does that. Guess only Parisian faggots do so
The jacinda cuckening continues
Corny and retarded, just as the faggots singing
I haven't clapped a single time.
No, Spain has been retarded for about 300 years tho
Everyone here claps R En Aytch Ess
Had it for the last 2 weeks here in Singapore.
The worst part is, I can never mock a burger using "AMERICLAPS" ever again.
F for a wondrous meme
Just scream "VIVA FRANCO" when they start clapping and they will stop
Designated clap time is 19:00 for Jew york
People here are just angry and hate the government. We'll clap after another coup I guess.
Mine gets 2 saucepans out and bangs them together while whooping every Thursday.
tried once viva la guardia civil but didn't work
Wait wtf is this clapping shit, do westerners really do this?
Actually laughed out loud.
based hans. your lacking of gesturing in your language will save us from neverending cringefests
dont you mean napping time?
siesta time is at 16:00 you idiot
>be me.
>hear weird noises coming through open window
>sounds like a horse walking through the street
>look out of window into the dark street
>realize it is my neighbour clapping and chanting
>close window
We are the new bongs
People here only clap once a week (for now), and it's absolutely gay as fuck
t. NHS employee who is loving the pandemic as it means I have nothing to do
when i look out of my window i can see handdrawn Rainbowflags on my neighbours window to support muh nurses or support aids rights.
>stand on your driveway at 0600 and record yourself doing it for war veterans.
No. I've spent close to 20 years working from the crack of dawn, now that corona-chan has made me a neet - I'm sleeping in for once.
Luckly no one ever did it where I live and it died down as a trend in pretty much all of italy
Our press pushed incredibly hard to force this ridiculous collective flash mob bullshit on us too. It lasted a week.
kek imagine living in a city
In NYC our daily clapping is scheduled form 7pm to 7:05
Murse here. I also hate it. Can't wait for people to go back to shitting on the health service and abusing it.
No, in Sweden we do none of that since we're going for herd immunity.