What happens if the EU falls apart (realistically)?

What happens if the EU falls apart (realistically)?

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every shitskin drops dead and white utopia is a go

millions of these cats shall be unleashed upon the earth

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The EU doesn't realistically fall apart

Dude, is this real?

If? It already did. The Wuhan virus remade every fucking border reappear almost overnight.

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(((they))) win. (((they))) always win. you can stop it.

European countries become actual countries again

We can?

prosperity and happiness in all europe

you mean *when*

And what about wars?

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Realistically, nothing much will change. We are still going to be cuck countries on our own without having bid daddy EU standardizing the cuckedness. But this time, our politicians won't be able to escape responsibility by blaming the EU for everything they do.

The EU was an experiment.
It failed.
Too many people, not enough resources. The old money will survive, the middle class will scrap by.
Italy and Germany, once again will be the herpes of the 21st Century.

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If the EU falls apart, nothing really. Other than all EU nations took loads of immigrants for nothing...and will probably look for ways to get rid of them.

If nobody falls for typical jewish tricks yet again, they will happen only in extremely shitty countries.

>EU falls apart
Nothing of consequence will happen

>american tries to talk about anything other than the US

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short term.
-economic downturn
-leftists exploding

long term
-china taking over some poorer countries
-a better or worse version of the EU rises up
-some fucking wars in the balkan
-maybe Belgium will finally split up so Flanders can join the Netherlands

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The end of retarded NGO's that want sodimite rights in my country

Kalmar union 2.0

NATO is the only reason EU had any success at all, and the reason you all get to afford nanny states. It is on your interest to let the EU fall apart, or at best remain a toothless dinosaur of an international institution.

Doesn't work like that the longer they stay the less people will care. America and it's nigger problem are how it will play out.

>some fucking wars in the balkan

I hope on staying out of it huehe

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Britain leaving is a big economic blow. The northern nations are always going to be at odds with the lazy southern ones. So, likely it will break up into two or more regional alliances.

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goodluck anonovic

a north-EU with every country on the north of Austria (including it) and west of Poland (exluding it). Basically the Nazi Reich in 1942, with Sweden in lieu of Poland.

Russia will try to take control of the former-USSR states. Italy, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, fail under their overwhelming debt and get "saved" either by the US or by China. In every case, if the EU fails, the NATO dies with it, and China vastly increase its control over Europe

I dance, and I've never danced once in my life

wars for what ?

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It doesn't and it won't. Seethe and cope.

I think people who use euros can't afford as much with their wage anymore after the break up. Also anyone who took their loans in euros will see their interests increase.

I will piss myself laughing for a week having predicted this for years whilst facing disbelief and faggotry for saying the obvious.

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Is that thing still going? Fucking hell. Give it up lads it's over.

prff amateur.. not shooting yourself in leg and living for rest of your life as neet

like-minded states will make short-term loose agreements
you'll have a latin bloc, a nordic bloc, visegrad bloc and a german bloc
russia will make a play to break up these further

the eurozone will be liquidated and money converted to national currencies overnight, with vague non-binding promises of staying within an exchange rate band, but this will obviously fail
cash money will be forcibly converted to national currencies
capital will be pulled from the peripheral states with mass defaults and inflation running rampant as they try to prop up their economies with deficit spending

international trade will further collapse in the chaos


If anything. If the EU dissolves, you will see alliances form by region, shared language, culture.