Can't afford a car in the UK

Wife and I collect about 2k a month in benefits/welfare. We have 3 children and we still can't afford a car. I have an automatic driving license but the cost of the car, plus the insurance deposit, plus tax, plus repairs etc means buying a car will leave us hungry and destitute.

Yet I see people who are homeless, single mothers, people at food banks, etc and they all have cars. How are they doing it?

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get a job, faggot.

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Maybe stop being a fucking welfare scrounger with more kids than you can afford?

Get a moped and then WORK at a JOB until you can buy a good car. Also those fuckers are probably in debt to hell at 666% interest on a $1,000 clunker.

Can't work. Both wife and I are on long term disability. She has depression and I have fybromalgia/chronic fatigue

>chronic (((fatigue)))

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Low insurance rates and knowing shit about cars really cuts costs immensely.

not an argument

go to France and get a Twingo

Imagine being this poor

> t. 23 yo Chad FANG software engineer making $210K/year and saving 75% of it

What part can you not afford?
Purchasing a half-decent one, or maintaining, fueling, insuring it?
People that have any sort of job and need a car to reach it probably can get subsidies, but beyond that it's just a matter of priorities.
It sounds like you don't need a car that urgently? Living in a city?

>She has depression and I have fybromalgia/chronic fatigue

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> depression
>fybromalgia/chronic fatigue
fuck you both, you lazy faggots
stop pretending to have made up diseases and get a job

Every insurance quote i do is like £665 a month for any car. The cheapest i found is £420 which is still loads

poor quality bait

Sell your Land Rover and get something smaller

I'd rather have kids and family tho than be an atheist who will die alone getting happy for material things and more and more cash. Still a car would come in handy but it's not a huge deal if i don't get one. I live in the middle of the city, plenty of transport here.

>fybromalgia/chronic fatigue
Literally psychosomatic.

Stop spending & stop eating takeaways, tell your lazy bitch of a wife to start making meals every day!

Also get into college course & learn a trade, within three years you could be earning 24k a year with a company van!

Kys you disgusting waste of space.

Just look at liability.

Yeah i live right in the middle of the city, plenty of transport but sometimes need car for things like grocery shopping trips, taking kids to hospital etc. Getting taxis everywhere is expensive

I can't afford any of it. For a decent auto car here it's like 2k second hand, then you need about another 500 for the insurance deposit and any repairs because it's a used car. Also MOT and tax

> automatic licence
Neck yourself

>can't afford a car in the UK


You don't need a car for your daily commute to sitting on your ass doing nothing

>fybromalgia/chronic fatigue
Psychosomatic manifestation of depression of whom 90% of the “sufferers” are middle aged overweight women.

Exercise and eating right will cure your wife user.

Which city?

the government should euthanise your entire family and sell your organs

Yeah starting fresh is usually fucking expensive. That's why most people try to inherit the low rates from their relatives of start early by paying a bit more for family insurance once the kids are old enough to drive.

She will not stop ordering takeaways no matter what. I've cooked plenty of meals and still do, she will eat it one day then order takeout the next. Sometimes she cooks a couple of times a week, takeaway the other 3 days and on the weekend. My wife is HUGE she eats a shit ton of burger meals, pizza, chinese food

Yet you can fuck and pop out more welfare leeches. You're a fraud and your whole family should swing.

> need car for things like grocery shopping trips
> taking kids to hospital
How often is this happening? Taxi is fine

>Wife and I collect about 2k a month in benefits/welfare.

Get a job you useless slag.

See: You’re wasting money on takeaway that is making her sicker

and pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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I have about 25 bags of heavy shopping tho, how can i bring it back on a bike? No home deliveries atm on Tesco or Asda, i can't get a slot


Smaller more frequent shops.

You’re unemployed so it’s not like you don’t have the time.

Sell your organs to the Chinese gov

>She has depression and I have fybromalgia/chronic fatigue

british genetics everyone

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Get a job you lazy cunt.

Multiple trips you fat fucking PIG.

two unprovable diseases. very convenient.
>homeless people with cars
not really

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You can be the commander And I can drive a panzer! Lets drop bombs on England again It will be fun!
We wont stop till we're in Stalingrad! We're going to the end. We'll get them back for Nagasaki Hiroshima! and Dresden!
We can get Hitler back! We can regrow him in a lab We'll get him on TV and he can spread his message to the masses
Everybody will be waving flags with swastikas and we can get arm-patches! we can hold hands and go to rallies and no one will dare call us nazis!

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