This is what happens when you overdose on redpills

The Owen Benjamin timeline

> 2018
> maybe the moon landing was fake

> 2019
> the moon is not real
> the earth is flat
> atomic bombs are not real
> dinosaurs are not real
> Trump, Tucker, the FBI, the CIA and Mikhaila Peterson are watching my livestreams
> Vox Day is a genius

> 2020
> I drink turpentine to kill the grabblers in my gut
> gravity doesn't exist
> *burns his son's favorite books"
> mom told me I can see auras and EM fields

What's next for the Big Bear cult?

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Turpentine isn't actually that bad. Scientists know almost nothing about gut microbiota, and if you have chronic problems with your GI tract, it might actually help to destroy a bunch of shit and have a hard reset.

Dunno. I feel sorry for the guy. I hope he gets a grip and calms the fuck down.

Besides his mental rambling, a massive happening did occur and he is all set on his farm with his wife and kids.

He blocked me about a year ago because I pointed out how bad his piano playing is. He has no sense of rhythm. He plays like a self taught teenager. And I wouldn't care but he brags about it constantly. He couldn't handle the slightest criticism. His wife will leave him and take the kids. You know it, I know it, he knows it.

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This guy has serious mental issues I feel bad for his family. He got high on JRE an I think that experience literally pushed his weak mind over the edge. Right after that he moved his family out to the woods and his rants became more and more insane. I stopped watching when he couldn't stop singing that stupid BIKE song that he can't stop fixating on. He's gonna neck soon. I have no doubt in my mind this dude is on the track to necking himself.

>His wife will leave him and take the kids
You mean he will butcher his family and an hero

His mexican wife is sort of cute.

But still these voices in my head
are telling me that God is dead.

He thinks he has a 150+ IQ, but he's actually sub 100. His thoughts are stupid because he's stupid, but he thinks they are intelligent because he thinks he's intelligent. This is the result.

I was enjoying his schizo rants until he pussed out on interviewing eric dubay like he said he would. He had every excuse in the book on why he wasn't doing it anymore and it became apparent his handlers had told him it’s a no go.

He's fucking nuts but in light of this virus shit, I sure wish I had his 4 acre homestead

>he knows it

You're severely overestimating this guy

He’s pretty based

>overdose on redpill

nah he is a grifter hollykike faggot who failed at the hollykike gig so he moved on to the alt right youtub thing to be able to abuse ppl and manipulate ppl for their money. owne is an evil bastard

When he went to do Joey Diaz podcast he got so high that after asking if he can go use the bathroom or someshit like that he never returned to finish the podcast

Dude, she looks 100% Mexican. Not even Castizo, more Mestizo. How is this guy an ethno-nationalist again?

>closet gay
>failed hollykike "celeb"
>burns his kids childrens books cause he is a fucking psycho


Or it could cause renal failure

Why does he feel the need to tell his audience not to suck dick at the end of each podcast? Is he projecting his own homosexual desires on to others?

He's to faggy to actually even claim that he is one lol instead just signals for muh traditional Catholic values or whatever gay shite.

The conspiratards will wipe themselves out all is as it should be in the world

It's par for the course in this 'community'. Even here guys will constantly denigrate coal burners while talking up asian women.

He's the "as long as they're Christian I can fuck them" type.

He's intelligent enough to understand the principle behind conspiracy theories, but ignorant about his own lack of knowledge and basic understanding of physics that form the basis for them to make sense to him.

Typical argument:
Moon landing cant happen because of Van Allen belt radiation making a sufficiently shielded spacecraft too heavy due to the needed meter of lead to protect humans from radiation.
Doesn't understand:
Van Allen radiation belt is a belt, and therefor can't be gamma radiation the argument is based on.

No it’s when uncle Joey slips you a star of death

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I started watching him about a month or two before he went full schizo. I didn't expect much from his podcast. I just wanted to listen to someone joke about joe rogan, ben shapiro and jews. One day he mentioned the moon landing maybe being fake and a week later thats all he talks about and other crazy schizo conspiracy theories. The dude became as absolute lunatic so I only occasionally watch him for the retard factor.

Can't blame him for blocking you; that comes across as taking cheap shots. His piano playing isn't bad. Maybe not as good as he thinks it is, but still impressive. Why don't you post some links to vids of your superior pianistic rhythm skills.

Don't forget he had sex with Joe Rogan which is bestiality.

Isn't he 1/4 Jewish? I guess with Jewish brains, comes the risk of Jewish brain disease.

I recommend doing a water fast before drinking fucking turpintine.

I hate this faggot. My sister listens to him and tries to get me to listen. He's such an obvious controlled OP its sad.

I couldn't stand, "banned" "your banned" banned, banned, banned, banned...anger over the slightest stuff. Nick Fuentes is acting like this more and more. If you can't handle the slightest criticism, bantz or the occasional idiot, don't live stream or take questions.

The aim in life is creation of families by strong straight men. Anything else is pure faggotry. Don't be a faggot

Watch Morgoth's Review, Way of the World, The Iconoclast, Vertigopolitix. Huge amount of people woke on the JQ but you have to look for them.

What's with the piece of shit bike I see in every pic? That thing is only decorational right? Doesn't look sturdy enough to even ride.

we should get him to inject bleach, that would be funny

>> gravity doesn't exist
If you're not a Platonist, what's wrong with saying a reified abstract concept doesn't exist? It's no different from saying freedom doesn't exist.

He's still around? I'd figure he would have offed himself by now

Kek. I did this one time. Was hanging out with my brother, told him I was going to use the bathroom, was so fucked up when I got done taking a piss I forgot about my brother and went in to my room and passed out.

Gravity doesn't exist. It's just the Earth's EM field pulling everything towards the center of the field.

he’s obviously bipolar. you gotta be extra careful with those red pills if you are truly on edge.

His book burnings are awesome. He’s super based on solving the white population decline by having more white babies (he’s always encouraging families to procreate) Not a bible thumper but a very based view of Jesus. Flat Earther (it’s true faggot) and saw the COVID scam before anyone else.

Stop listening to nick Fuentes and JRE. Stop the porn and fix your life up Sven.

Mother walking with her son that has aspergers.

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How many kids and acres of land do you have Sven?

He has child-bearing hips.

You’re jealous cause this white man can jump (and dunk on your nigger ass)