Women can't be fu-

>women can't be fu-

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This is why Sharia is a good idea

Those women are based af. Edgelord christcucks need to stfu with their irrelevant opinions.

fuck off ahmed

The OP is your average coping /pol incel who needs to have sex

>being a whore is based
Kill yourself

girls on the right making fun because they want to ride the cock carousel. hambeasts on the left are triggered because they know motherhood will never be something they can achieve

20 years later they're sorry, but there's no going back.

White sharia now

You know that brown girl’s butthole is hairy and full of shit bits

You're basically Chinese

i'd really love to hear the conversation between him and that Jewess on the far left.

A fucking tree

>pls respect yourself

On one hand, we have the ugly, cringe incel that is probably a virgin. On the other, we have stupid sluts.
Boy have we done a great job?

This, arabs have their sharia. Whites have their and everyone is happy including women. They just don't know it yet.

And in the middle of it all causing all this "synthesis" we have rich ass holes like, the esteemed heros of Isreal The Rothschilds, isn't this an amazing world they have built for us far flung brother.

It is. What's more based than individual freedom?

I want a trad wife (male)

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The guy is telling truth, but he looks like he wandered in from an Amish community. Of course nobody there is going to take him seriously looking like that.

lol the sexist racists want to control women

truth is most women wouldn't even look at your ugly asses

Leave my country

If they only knew how *fucked* they really are.

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Good for him, honestly. Those women have their rights, but at the end of the day they are going to regret all the sleeping around they do. It's more sad than angry to look at.

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Shit like this is why I watched the Handmaid's Tale

good to see women put in their place

This is bait, most men just want an easy shag, no ones controlling me, apart from my mom tries to

>Superchad Amish are the only men left standing after coronapocalypse

Their lifestyle always seemed kind of based to me, do we really need all this silicon bullshit to tell us why we're not cool while Miley Cyrus blows niggers under some table in the back room of a Hollywood restaurant?

What a stupid sign, it does nothing but provoke those in darkness who do not understand the word of God...

We ought to be preaching repentance and the love of Jesus, to draw people to the truth, rather than bash them with things that we know they will reject because of their state.

If I talk to non-believers, I share what God has done in my life, and show them the love of Jesus in my speech and actions, in order to draw them closer to God, rather than throw my pearls to swine as the Bible clearly tells us not to do.

Jimmies status: rustled

>What's more based than individual freedom?
conservative liberty.


Cringe but redpilled

Clearly you're a newfag or a shill, or both

LMAO lad you made my day

For that which guides them, the fire, will give them an illusion of truth, and will shine on them with a perishable beauty, and it will imprison them in a dark sweetness and captivate them with fragrant pleasure. And it will blind them with insatiable lust and burn their souls and become for them like a stake stuck in their heart which they can never dislodge. And like a bit in the mouth, it leads them according to its own desire. And it has fettered them with its chains and bound all their limbs with the bitterness of the bondage of lust for those visible things that will decay and change and swerve by impulse. They have always been attracted downwards; as they are killed, they are assimilated to all the beasts of the perishable realm.

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A fucking tree

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>Bending over and showing her ass

Imagine the smell

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All jewesses are on the far left

Only thing women can do is to capitalize their bodies, just as on this picture.
Although beta orbiter cucks are the real issue here. If any woman is shamed for doing this, the behavior will instantly stop.

>imagine the smells


A FUCking

20 years later theyll see that he was on to something.

For now though they will mock him, not because they thought about it. But because thats when theyve been mkultrad to believe they should do.

Kill yourself

I don't want Jewish laws.

>all women have is the exact thing all men want

Your a thick one

I cant wait to send my daughters to college and accrue debt.

organizing a collective government so you can do something with your life besides being a whore, which is the end game for most women in that scenario.

and lets skip to the next troll post where you think you got conservitards and just say there are shades of grey to having a government that is best for all. in short, kys.

Because they know deep down they can not compete any other way.

blonde will grow up to be a gym teacher
brunette will end up on OnlyFans

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Show tits

>Superchad Amish, Mormons, and rednecks who'll fuck anything are the only men left standing after coronapocalypse

>What a stupid sign, it does nothing but provoke those in darkness who do not understand the word of God
Let me take a guess here... you think this guy is legit and that sign is organic and nobody is doing anything shady, right?

Yeah. I feel sorry for these women more than anything. They're going to take down society with them in the near future once they realized how badly they fucked up. Just the sight alone of watching a young woman with kids, or an older man with a younger woman, is going to drive them mad and want to enact draconian laws so everyone else will be as miserable as they are.

based and redpilled

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Fuck off pedo

>beta orbiter cucks
thats not true though. why do people keep falling for this fallacy? do you blame the squirrel for desiring the acorn? nature programmed us to desire women greatly, to ensure the continuation of the species. now obviously you dont blame the acorn either, but in this case, you do blame the woman. for unlike the acorn, she has intelligence, and uses it to manipulate men that would not give a single shit about her would it not be for his nature.

how do you not understand this?

Kind of based but without all of the praying and sandnigger shit

>i want some dude's shit on my dick

your country started feminism and tranny-ism

>ITT: Simps.

pedo website


Individual freedom is not the same as an action taken. I could smear myself in my own shit because I’m free to do so. Is that based too?

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This. If women were routinely mocked and shamed for this behavior they would stop doing this.
Telling women with a cuck sign like the guy in pic is clearly not the way. The only way to change modern women is to stand up to them socially shame them right back.

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>t. Triggered beta orbiter
>she has intelligence,
Lol no, women don't have agency