What's everybody injecting tonight?

What's everybody injecting tonight?

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red pills

based on your pic i see you're taking the motley crue route.

If you're going to drink, at least drink scotch, not that maize swill.

Six pack of Pisswasser

The better the burn, the better the high.

something similar to pic, but much cheaper, and closer to a half gallon

fuck off shill faggot, rot in hell

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Hot beef


Woodford Reserve

Kills Corona best in my experience.

Japanese whiskey is the only real answer

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your wife with my cum

everyone knows japanese whiskey is overpriced swill, you god damned hipster

>drinking the liquid jew

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Didn't know JD got in on the bottled-in-bond trend. Might try that out.

I drank that shit and was unimpressed. Scots make good Scotch. A few American whiskeys come close, but still fall short. The Taiwanese and Japanese make garbage.

>nigga whisky

dont bother. Evan williams bonded is better and cheaper. rittenhouse rye bonded is a lot better and about the same price.

Oh I know that it's more out of curiosity. Granddad's BiB was pretty good too.


You really cheapen such a fine product by displaying it next to WD-40 in what looks to be a parking lot shed made of particleboard. I wish I didn't have to see this.

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Going to the Liquor store today lads, what should I get for this week/fortnight?

vodka + sprite

99 bananas

Just loaded a nice 20mL of cow dung/cow urine in a needle, about to push this baby directly into my juggular.

I drink beer because eim not a faggot unlike everyone else

Injecting a few extra chromosomes friendo, cheers

I dose bud light