Under the cover of a deadly pandemic, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán is legally erasing trans people. It’s driving them to suicide
Under the cover of a deadly pandemic, Hungary’s Viktor Orbán is legally erasing trans people...
Are they being counted as COVID deaths?
he's erasing also police and anti-corruption agency, the country is a third world shithole
"‘I will kill myself.’" - local ungarish transgender person :((((
>Ivett will be forced to keep her male deadname and male gender markers on all of her ID documents.
Unashamedly Based.
Just once, I wish libshits were right.
Orbán is a fucking saint.
Every single damn time one of these "based" "/ourguys/" gains prominence, it turns out sooner or later that they are in cahoots with some sort of mafia, group of oligarchs, or outright whores to Russia or China.
exactly like Muhammed
Wonder why ppl still call hungarians based and white
orban has a huge propaganda army online
pol on average is just as ignorant about the world as the average progressive NPC in america - only the messaging has slightly different wording
show flag, istvan
>Wonder why ppl still call hungarians based and white
I have nothing against them since I dont give a flying shit about romania or the past, but they are in the same boat as romania bulgaria and croatia. This shithole shilling for them as if they were some kind of national socialist alternative to switzerland really confuses me. What confuses me even more is that r/Paul praises the stuff regular hungarians despise, most hungarians hate orban because he is creating even more corruption.
can't really understand the hate towards trans people, they can't reproduce, they are not raping anybody, they are not robbing anybody with machetes and they write good open source software
i am currently studying law at a uni and there are zero gyppos. really activates my almonds. there are a bunch of arabs and nigs but they're well behaved. too bad half the pop here are libs. lefties literally shudder at the sight of a Fidesz pen like pic
>I'm not mentally ill, but if you don't call me a girl despite having a dick, I'll kill myself
>i am currently studying law at a uni
How do you even cope with that? I am also studying law. I am the forth year and i just can take it anymore the system is so arbitrary and pathetic it makes me angry
im only at second year. i dont really have to cope with it since as of now the material is very interesting. im sure by year 4 it will get shitty and too obsessed with minor details, but right now im feeling very good. one thing i didn't like learning was the philosophy bullshit. our book was over 1400 pages long and it sucked. lectures were good though.
they're the messengers of degeneracy and it started with fags
google Magnus Hirschfeld and what books were there actually burned
Dont you need a bachelor's degree to study law or do you get straight in studying in europe?
Hungarians instinctually associate trannies with Romanians
Pic related: Vlad Tepes’ sister (Male) Radu cocksleeve of the Ottoman sultan
No, they just demand special treatment, lie to your face, and get you fired or even jailed if you dare say anything bad about them.
oh by the way have you read your country's laws on discrimination yet? (how it can happen and punishments?) on legal doctrine class we analysed and studied our dis.-laws and it fucking infuriated me. i hate brownies and cripples with a passion, and the fact that one has to provide these failed humans with equal opportunities to normal people.... christ.
Then why is he at the top of the polls? A single party majority.
Nordcuck being a cuck
Lol fuck trannies
my years of studying went like this:
3 years kindergarten but that hardly counts
8 years of primary or elementary school idk what to call it
5 years of high school, or "secondary grammar school"
and currently im on a 7 year law course to becoming an international lawyer (+5 year basic shit and 2 years specialisation) because i want to GTFO of here, and potentially europe too.
so no, all you need to do to study law is perform well in your previous schools. which i did. tuition is fucking insane though i hardly have money to exist, my job is 90€ / month (pathetic ik, but i just do translations, its pretty easy)
>most hungarians hate orban because he is creating even more corruption.
55% voting share
the + before the number 5 was a typo, ignore that
>most hungarians hate orban because he is creating even more corruption
Absolutely false. Most people still support Orbán and Fidesz. And the accusation of corruption is a standard leftist talking point that's universally made against all right-wing governments without any evidence. It's also very ironic coming from them, considering that it was their guys who were known to embezzle public funds to offshore bank accounts the last time they were in power.
Why you wanna leave?
Im currently moving to Poland
Why do Hungarians look like alboniggers?