Yas Forums approved anime characters

ill start

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Lelouch vi Britania
Also Sakata Gintoki, real life shitposter in chief
Sora and Shiro being our 4d chess champions
Kamina to make the impossible possible
And of course Momoko since this is a christian board

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Imagine thinking this garbage is good.

Girl Ranma

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WTF the anime is gay video has been scrubbed off the internet!
can anyone find it?

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Based SnKChads.
How long before huntercucks appear?

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Naruto is the best thing that happened to anime. All you fags posted so far is zoomerkino and boomerfapbait entry level shit. Shonen>every other shit.

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There is only one 2D character all of Yas Forums approves of.

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Unexpectedly, Eren has become as much a Yas Forums character as possible. AoT is the most based series ever.

hey guys

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oy vey

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Hey nigger

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I'm thinking that this thread is preordained to define all personalities as transsexuals and rapists.

Whats that from?

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Hashirama senju from naruto. Would sacrifice everything for his country.

why is the sink full of semen

What is that just the manga adaptation of fight club?

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Are.. you. Me...? These are the correct answers

Its your moms cunt ching chong

Imagine thinking otherwise

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None of them you man child.. Stop watching cartoons with strong paedophile themes you slant loving poofter-cunt.

Best girl(male)

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>Be australian
>Go for a swim
>Die from box jellyfish stings

Magic Jews use humans as batteries because they were shekelcausted

More likely to die from boat people these days

anime..I hate even typing the word.

It is for faggot asians and american males with low T, wearing teddy bear t-shirts, eating fruit loops.

Fuck anime.

>loses to a old woman

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anime is for fags

Around 20 minutes

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Fuck i thought you said hunterchad. Fucking tricked me

He said Yas Forums approved

Such a damn good anime!