/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3443

► Detected: 2,855,699 (+26,873) ► Died: 198,532 (+1,433) ► Day: 107 (-11:54:36)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10x more confirmed deaths than swine flu —
— 83 vaccines and 312 treatments announced —
— 3,604 strains have been sequenced —


Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

For coronaviruses, antibodies don't guarantee immunity

88% death rate for patients on ventilators in NY

Blood thickening associated to infection

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

There are now 8 major strains circling the globe

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

51 patients in South Korea reinfected after "recovery"

Spike in deaths in NY already visible in mortality rates

Spain tampering with death toll, ignoring regional officials

Many "mild cases" might be HCoV false positives

Over 28,000 deaths went unreported in 10 countries

▶ 23 new cases in Sri Lanka
▶ 80 new cases and 9 new deaths in Finland
▶ 30 new cases and 2 new deaths in Norway
▶ 1298 new cases and 50 new deaths in the United States
▶ 3995 new cases and 378 new deaths in Spain
▶ 3 new cases in Jordan
▶ 41 new cases and 2 new deaths in the Republic of North Macedonia
▶ 296 new cases and 7 new deaths in Serbia
▶ 88 new cases and 10 new deaths in Cameroon


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besides the intense circlejerk, what makes SARS-CoV-2 fundamentally different than SARS-CoV for immunity?

We don't know anything about immunity for SARS-CoV because humans didn't get re-exposed. We know about other coronaviruses, and even with positive IgG levels (which is all studies about SARS have proven) you don't necessarily have immunity.

Pic related is the type of burger this happening is.

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Well anons. We all should have realized by now that we are just at the beginning of this pandemic.
I mean sure now numbers will go down.
After around 2-3 months of heavy restrictions its just normal for that. The sooner a country implimented them the faster it is for them.
Gov. gona think they have it under controle people will be happy as more and more restrictions get lifted.
And heres the point.
What do we know about corona?

>you get very limited to no immunity to it. And even if youre one of the lucky few with immunity all it needs is a new strain of a highly mutating virus
>Just 3-20% get immunity at all
>kills your T-Cells effectively destroying your immun system.
>children don’t build up any immunity at all
>longterm damages to organs like heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, testicles (if you get a more than mild infection)
>reinfection hits a lot harder and deadlier.
>incubation time of 5-28 days.
>survives on objects up to 17 days even with sporadic bleach cleaning (diamond princes)
>mutates fast (already 8 different strains found)
>asymptomic spreaders.
>no cure
>no vaccine

Now think about it. Restrictions get lifted people are happy.
Finaly freedom! Finaly human contact! PARTY! CLOSE CONTACT! FUCKING!
And trust me thousend over thousends will do that the moment they are allowed back into "normalcy".
Now all it needs is 1 single infected in a country. And we're back to square zero.
I mean sure lets say france has a new surge of infected. alot of countrys will ban travel to and from it. But some wont. And from there it spreads even in countrys with the travel ban.

But people will only realize it mostly 5-28 days later.
Now remember.


Hospitals will be full with new infections who got it the first time but are still dying quite a lot.
And with reinfections who will die like flies

We should have learned from the Spanish flu

based on polish life tables

people between 30-39
chance of dying within one year: 0.1-0.2%

covid: additional 0.2%

people between 40-49
chance of dying within one year: 0.2-0.5%

covid: additional 0.2%

people between 50-59
chance of dying within one year: 0.6 - 1.5%

covid: additional 0.8%

people between 60-69
chance of dying within one year: 1.6 - 3.2%

covid: additional 2.6%

people between 70-79
chance of dying within one year: 3.4 - 6.7%

covid: additional 10%

people between 80-89
chance of dying within one year: 7.3 - 14.9%

covid: additional 23%

based on south korean data

eat shit nothingburgers

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sorry but im going to discard your opinion because all you do is look at headlines of news articles and spam them like an autistic faggot who knows literally nothing about science.
>There are now 8 major strains circling the globe
>The virus mutates so slowly that the virus strains are fundamentally very similar to each other
>So far even in the virus's most divergent strains scientists have found only 11 base pair changes.

I'm heading out for a bit, you guys need anything?

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no vaccine
no immunity
no future

>I am going to discard your opinion because I have no argument
>why are you using verbatim headlines to link to a news article REEEE

Based Kemp opening up our start soon boys. Barber shops, salons, restaurant dinning rooms, tattoo parlors, and more!

Has Science Gone too Far?

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thats fucking scary
May-Day is real

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If you live with your family you're going to die

Daily reminder that this is permanent , South Korea's controlled study proved that and now they are starting to soft leak the info.

Airborne aids that attacks your organs over and over again manifested in a loop until you die.

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Do viruses normally mutate this quickly, or is this virus unusual? COVID toes, bloodclots, new strains, etc.

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Looks like a gigantic pile of corona shit. Imagine how greasy and soggy the buns must be.

Why did he pick such weird places to reopen?

Also has the face of someone that hasn't a clue.

Any good news...?

Any interesting news, niggers?

any type of nut or legume, liquid cheese sauce in packet forms


i posted my argument, i used literally your own source to disprove your argument. you say "8 strains" as if that actually matters. even this dumb kraut is parroting it. except those strains do not behave differently from each other. there can be a thousand strains and if the changes are not fundamentally different, it doesn't matter. every single article in the OP is just looking at the headline and extrapolating from it.

I’m more worried about a gamma ray burst or Yellowstone than this virus . All my friends who got it never showed symptoms and are now fucking tons of chicks due to immunity

airborne aids confirmed for the xth time

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>We'll live in the future without some people. It's like a filter.
sorry just going a bit schizo

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listen faggots
>food poisoning kills 6 million a year
>murder and war kills 5 million a year
>car crashes kill two million a year
>diarrhea kills 1.8 million A YEAR
>hiv/aids kills a million a year
>Measles kills 500,000 a year
>hepatitis b kills 800,000 a year
>Niggers murder 600,000 a year
>flu kills 250,000 a year
>Medical malpractice in the US claims 250k lives a year alone
>coconuts kill 100,000 a year
>noro virus kills 50,000 a year
>falling off ladders kills 40,000 a year
>erectile dysfunction kills 20,000 a year
>DIY accidents kill 15000 a year
>ebola kills 10,000 a year
>botched transsexual surgeries kill 500 a year
>lightning strikes kill 500 a year (double if it strikes twice)
Total nothing burger



> Researchers have concluded that the virus does not attack the host via the lungs, as was previously assumed, but instead it directly attacks the body's defense system via the ACE2 receptors found in endothelial tissue, spreads and causes a general inflammation of the endothelial tissue, which disrupts its protective function. This means that the virus not only triggers the inflammation of the lungs, which then causes further complications, but is also directly responsible for systemic endotheliitis, an inflammation of all endothelial tissue in the body which affects all vessel beds – in heart, brain, lung and renal vessels as well as vessels in the intestinal tract. The consequences are fatal: this results in severe microcirculatory disturbances that damage the heart, trigger pulmonary embolisms and vascular occlusions in the brain and intestinal tract and can also lead to multiple organ failure and even death.

*If* Kim does bite it and NK goes to shit, both China and South Korea will get fucked hard by plague refugees right?

if get then virus mutates to airborne aids


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no they do not.
>detected “striking” mutations in a new coronavirus that may have occurred during transmission between family members.
>potential to alter the way the virus behaves
>significant changes
>nonsynonymous substitutions, can alter biological traits, allowing them to adapt to different environments
>Two nonsynonymous changes took place in the viral strains isolated from the family
>total of 17 nonsynonymous mutations from cases
>30,000 base pairs, longer than many other viruses
>theoretically, mutations can make recovered patients sick again and cheat existing detection methods

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Thank goodness it's still happening. I was beginning to get scared that things were about to go back to normal.

Anyone has the colored corona-chan that the polish drawfag used to post? I have the colored version of 0 but never seen any others.

Please help me. Here the government are opening lockdown in next week. Do i finally get chance to breathe fresh air? Is normal life coming back again? Thanks God. Finally free from this lockdown.

#1 United States 926,530 (52,243) #2 Spain 223,759 (22,902) #3 Italy 192,994 (25,969) #4 France 159,828 (22,245) #5 Germany 155,054 (5,788) #6 United Kingdom 143,464 (19,506) #7 Turkey 104,912 (2,600) #8 Iran 89,328 (5,650) #9 China 82,816 (4,632) #10 Russia 74,588 (681) #11 Brazil 54,043 (3,704) #12 Belgium 45,325 (6,917) #13 Canada 43,888 (2,302) #14 Netherlands 37,190 (4,409) #15 Switzerland 28,894 (1,593) #16 India 24,942 (780) #17 Portugal 23,392 (880) #18 Ecuador 22,719 (576) #19 Peru 21,648 (634) #20 Ireland 18,184 (1,014) #21 Sweden 18,177 (2,192) #22 Saudi Arabia 16,299 (136) #23 Austria 15,148 (536) #24 Israel 15,148 (198) #25 Mexico 12,872 (1,221) #26 Japan 12,829 (345) #27 Singapore 12,693 (12) #28 Chile 12,306 (174) #29 Pakistan 12,227 (256) #30 Poland 11,067 (499) #31 South Korea 10,718 (240) #32 Romania 10,635 (579) #33 Belarus 9,590 (67) #34 Qatar 9,358 (10) #35 United Arab Emirates 9,281 (64)…

#1 Russia +5,966 (+66) #2 Spain +3,995 (+378) #3 United States +1,298 (+50) #4 Mexico +1,239 (+152) #5 Saudi Arabia +1,197 (+9) #6 Iran +1,134 (+76) #7 Brazil +1,048 (+34) #8 Belgium +1,032 (+238) #9 Belarus +817 (+4) #10 Netherlands +655 (+120) #11 Sweden +610 (+40) #12 Portugal +595 (+26) #13 Ukraine +478 (+8) #14 Indonesia +396 (+31) #15 Bangladesh +309 (+9) #16 Serbia +296 (+7) #17 Pakistan +287 (+3) #18 Kuwait +278 (+4) #19 Denmark +235 (+15) #20 Romania +218 (+12) #21 Switzerland +217 (+4) #22 Poland +175 (+5) #23 Panama +172 (+8) #24 Morocco +131 (+1) #25 Afghanistan +112 (+4) #26 Bolivia +104 (+1) #27 Philippines +102 (+17) #28 Israel +90 (+4) #29 Cameroon +88 (+10) #30 Armenia +81 (+1) #31 Finland +80 (+9) #32 Austria +77 (+6) #33 Bosnia & Herzegovina +65 (+2) #34 Hungary +60 (+12) #35 Germany +55 (+28)…

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I have no idea. it really is like he picked the most difficult to socially distance businesses you can imagine. it is possible he just did this to reassure people that our state is opening up soon(tm) and hoping people won't go. OR maybe he's just dumb. Libs are speculating he's doing it to prevent people from filing for unemployment and business relief.

Pic related was his opponent.

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History repeats itself, human hubris will always be our undoing.
Until there is a clear idea what the fucking long term effects of corona-chan are, I plan on bunkering down...I don't want this chink shit in my body.

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Watch a busy Peterborough City Centre during lock down 24 April 2020

She looks like the most stereotypical early-1900s mammy ever

You are the only one who talked about strains. We were talking about immunity. I cited a news article headline verbatim and you're butthurt for whatever reason.

It will temporarily in the US. Stay the course