Are sexworkers based? I have been to 30 in the last two years. Should it be legalized in all countries?

Are sexworkers based? I have been to 30 in the last two years. Should it be legalized in all countries?

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Why did men make prostitution illegal in the first place if they are the ones creating the demand for it?

It's like making food illegal for yourself.

You can't be trusted to be loyal to your wife. You could never be satisfied with one woman

Nope. Fuck sex work, fuck porn. Masturbation ruins your body and mind.

Just more thought from the frankfurter school

Prostitutes are based and a traditional part of Western society, even while during the Christian age.

>are sex workers based

1. Sex work isn't real work.
2. Sex is an affront to my religious traditions.
3. Pornography is the jew's fuel for miscegenation agendas.

Fucking kraut.

I want to be trad like warriors of old!
Warriors of old: time to fuck some whores HAHAHAH
No, it shouldnt it would give rights to whores and they fucking walking cumbuckets

Cheating on your wife is only bad if she finds out. I've had two relationships so far, and I've been with prostitutes during that time. It's only a problem if you get caught, so be careful.

It's great. Imagine not having to chase girls and take them on dates. Talk to them on the phone. Just show up pay some money and get your dick sucked. I believe it's only against the law because pussy is powerful and they can control the world with it.

God I wish it were me.

How much do you pay and his dues it go usually

You're trash Hans

Because some men aren't as degenerate as others.

Prostitutes are relatively cheap in Germany. For a good looking one you pay 70 Euros for half an hour and 140 for a full hour.

That's too expensive for a whore. She should be free.

Yes, since you know so many of them how about you start a religion with some pagan larping and hire bitches to do sacred prostitution rituals and orgies for the goddes. Plenty of Simps expending fortunes with e-thots could at least get some action this way. Probably would start a civil war among feminists.

Escorts are the most honest women on the planet.

No. Women need rights taken away.

>Is pay for sex morally wrong
Are you that same Brazilian retard nigger that reposts that same thread using a vpn?

No, putting women on a pedestal is a mistake and at this point they can't justify being up that high, why would you uphold the rights of a whore?
Hans is retarded.

i have a unique fantasy in mind (dont judge me); what's the tallest prostitute youve ever seen? im 5'11, thin and want a girl that could realistically kill me with her bare hands. ever found something like that?


What makes a man strong is the ability to deny his nastiest desires.

could you give some details?

No, it’s degenerate. Nobody should fuck until they are married, and adultery should be punished by law.


You mean based

>Should it be legalized in all countries?
and every man under 30 should have a right to have sex with a prostitute once a month for free.
that would fix modern women.

Canada is your best bet.[height][0]=181_

It's illegal because as a collective, women pay no taxes. They take out more than they contribute to the system. If it weren't for the current divorce rape/family court system laws, the government would go under water from supporting millions of lazy women.

fritz, it's your turn in the oven now (even just for attention whoring when you could do something useful)

Imagine going to a prositute, YUK.

Its a larp German women are repulsed by their "men", and honestly who could blame them.

Imagine being black and not be able to get white pussy for free, I feel bad for you man.

they're called whores

$500/hr where I live for a 7/10, 8 if you're lucky
Once a week that's $26k a year, still worth it so you don't have to give a single thought to thots
Is there anyway I can write that shit off as a business expense?

Going to prostitutes is based. I've fucked countless beautiful women I wouldn't normally have a chance with. I have gained a lot of experience which helps me now in dealing with other women. It drastically increases your self-confidence and is much better than masturbating anyway.

Attached: woman in red.gif (320x132, 1.19M)

>Paying 26k/yr to thots because you're too much of a bitch to rape them.
Absolutely pathetic.

based hungaribro seeing beyond the subtle jew of language
we need to call things by their name and bring back bullying and social pressure, no more western 'just accept yourself for who you are, love yourself more, you are perfect the way you are'
this large scale faggotry was made possible through faggot enablers who paved the way, it went from gay parades to gay pride trying to erase the conscience of their sin

I'm working in Thailand. Never been with a prostitute or anything. You can get it from prostitutes or slurry girls for free just by being white. I never did though cause I have a wife and loyalty is #1 to me. But I got a friend out here who is slightly autistic. His mom died and he inherited a few hundred thousand. He spent over $30,000 on Thai prostitutes in just one year. He's a pretty handsome dude and he's fucking jacked. Looks like he's roided up but he's not.

>i pay to fuck women i couldn't otherwise fuck
>i touch the human equivalent of dumpsters
>i'm so chad
you're not even trying