Are white women even human anymore?

Are white women even human anymore?

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Why are you cool with corporations shitting on your rights and manipulating your politics but its a problem if a woman uses her god given assets to make a buck?

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Lmao shut the fuck up commie egalitarianism is a spook

Women make money by simplify being women. Is life on easy mode.

Why do you blame her and not the simps that support her?
If you saw a bunch of people pay to eat shit do you blame the vendor for selling it or the people for buying it?

Mass casualties from corona virus is the solution.

In short, no. They crave struggle love and are extortionists, par excellence. Videos related

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Women are as human as society.
She engages in subhuman behaviour because subhuman men pay and enable her.


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I was about to say that as well. I have heard this argument before: "there is a market for it, might as well use it." If simps stopped paying for this garbage they wouldn't do this in the first place.

Feet subhumans need the gas

>why are you cool with...
He didn't say he was
>making money off God-given assets
Selling your body is whoring, dude. She's a whore even if she isn't getting paid for sex specifically. Spiritually she is whoring.
>be a man
>have a SKILL
>use your body to apply that skill
This is what God intended

>women have a vagina
>sell their vagina
>women have feet
>they sell their feet for money
It's whoring

If I could make money selling pics of my feet I'd do so as well. Good for her for separating fools from their money.

I wish I had a sofa as comfortable as that

You blame both. It is a symbiotic relationship and both get blamed.

>no customers
No suppliers
>no suppliers
Potential customers are disappointed, but there are also fewer potential customers (because many fetishes are 100% taught/learned)

Blame the whore and the simp.

This says more about men than it does women.

Whore. She's a whore.
Both. She doesn't have to partake in such a garbage business. I don't sell drugs because I don't want to contribute to making junkies and giving street gangs/cartels money.

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You don´t sell drugs because you´re a bitch and would get punked

The only correct answers

Well, as a white woman... I am hopefully

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This is literally the gayest attempt at internet badassery I've ever seen.

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I highly doubt it. They should definitely be sold as livestock when slavery makes a comeback. And I'm sure they will fetch an extremely low price. No skills, high appettites, and an attitude that needs such a severe beating to correct that may result in their death and loss of assets.

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kys larper

F-f-female? H-hi, m-my n-name is b-brian.

Ok pirate

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Blame the heroin dealer, not the addict. The Addict can’t help themselves, the dealer is profiting off of their mental condition.

While the addict is not innocent, it's kind of true his state of mind is damaged and needs help, but the drug dealer is even more vile for basically using these ill people for their own benefit

Isn't it already common place in Saudi Arabia though?

This is garbage tier excuse they use to overcome whatever moral objections may arise over their so called “careers”. It’s nothing more than copeage

Precisely, user

>there is a market for it, might as well use it
Typical roastie whore tier excuse

>if men would just stop putting their dicks inside my vagina i wouldn't be a whore :)