>inb4 that's a lie user! Trump said that.

No actually. Trump didn't say that, but for some reason, people are being allowed to spread that slanderous misrepresentation of what Trump actually said. Should these people (including the media) be held criminally responsible for spreading this narrative?

You bet your ass they should.

>btw for legal purposes, Joe Biden didn't instruct anyone to drink or inject bleach.

Here's what Trump actually said


Attached: Bleach.png (630x630, 238.13K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: Politifact.png (666x425, 51.89K)

Solvent/Detergent (S/D) treated solution for intravenous infusion is a thing. Pharma companies who synthesize human proteins have been researching this for decades. If anything you should be mad that Trump telegraphed to his investor buddies who to invest in.

Thanks user.

Watching trumptards scramble and jump through hoops is probably the most entertaining thing about all this. Give the man 4 more years to keep this coming.

Wow, a shill finally had the balls to come into this thread.

Good for you shill.

Attached: prayerday.jpg (300x230, 22.22K)

you think fucking reputable news organizations spread fake news? fuck your retarded lies and fuck your lying god emperor

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he was not asking officials if bleach or alcohol could be used in potential cures.

He was referring to the AYTU Healight, an injectable disinfectant treatment that utilizes UV light

god damn mongoloid

To answer your question. Yes, absolutely they lie, and endanger lives by doing so.

My turn to ask a question. Why do they keep getting away with it?

Attached: bw2.jpg (520x703, 141.79K)

Is that why he walked back the whole thing and said he was just "pretending to be retarded" less than a day later?

Face it faggot, your leader is legit retarded. COPE HARDER.

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I couldn't agree more with part of your statement.

The other part, not so much.

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Trump sycophants think anything that disagress with Trump (or reveals his weaknesses) is MUHH FAKE NEWS. Trump-ism is a fucking cult at this point. They worship him more than Jesus.

Drink Bleach
Prove us all wrong

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They are hiding the cure.

>For patients with PAP, a substance called surfactant builds up in their lungs over time. The more surfactant, the harder it becomes to breathe. PAP leaves many otherwise healthy people relying on oxygen.

>That’s when lung lavage helps. After this procedure, many are able to get back to work and everyday activities without the need for oxygen.

>Pulmonologist Daniel Culver, DO, says one patient jokingly asked if the doctor could power-wash his lungs. “I had been deciding whether lung lavage was an option for this patient. When he asked that, I said, ‘Well, actually, we can.’ ”

>Lung lavage has been around for a number of decades, but the latest advance is treating both lungs at once to save patients time and stress, Dr. Abdelmalak says. Doing so takes special care and monitoring. It’s a step-by-step process:

Attached: Capture.png (620x873, 268.34K)

At no point in the video was bleach mentioned.

>Start with the most diseased lung. The anesthesia team separates the lungs using a device called a double lumen breathing tube. Basically, they ask the healthier lung to breathe for the whole body while they clean the sicker one.

>Use gravity. Using special tubing, the team flushes saline solution through the lung with the help of gravity. They circulate around 10–20 liters of fluid through each lung on average — but severe cases may require up to 50 liters. The liquid starts out very dark but becomes clearer as the process continues.

>Add shaking and suction. Doctors wrap a vest around the patient’s chest. This vest shakes the body to help agitate the abnormal protein, mix it up with the washing liquid and help remove it. Afterward, the team uses suction devices to remove liquid that gravity and shaking left behind.

>Test and switch. After a break, the team attempts to repeat the process for the other lung. But first, they must test and make sure the newly cleaned lung is functioning well enough to breathe for the body.

>After the procedure, patients may need a bit more oxygen than usual for the first couple of days as the lungs finish the cleaning process on their own. But most patients start to feel the benefit within a few days, Dr. Abdelmalak says.

Did you watch the link in the OP user?

You should. It totally shuts down your argument. Keep shilling the good shill, shill.

>“It can be a tremendous relief for them,” he says. “Outcomes will vary, but in the best cases, it helps people return to an active, healthy life.”

>The lung lavage has radically changed the outlook for patients with PAP.

>“Before lung lavage was established, the mortality rate for PAP was 90 percent,” Dr. Culver says, “but people rarely die of the disease now. Whole lung lavage really revolutionized the way we treat it, and the way people live with it.”

People are brain dead. They're already sleep walking through life and the most unpleasant thing for them is to see their faces in a mirror.

The media just give them what they want. Every article begins with a "Here's what you need" pitch.

People want their drug. Their name is "Drug". They just hate being reminded of that. So be it.... Drug!

Thanks user.

watching whoever bought drudgereport kill themselves with this shit for 2 days has been better. no doubt what they are now.

cope yourself anytime.

I grew up in Norway and we have very skilled and honest journalists there, Fox News is the only one filling your head with lies, just fucking admit it already.

Try to be nice this poor fucker hasn't been able to find their shade of purple hair dye, since this Wuhan shit started.

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Everyone that posts this shit thinks they're pretty clever huh?

Its just to distract from Joe Biden's rape case that the media is desperate to sweep under the rug. All the fucking had to do was pick ANYONE but Biden lmfao.

please just shut your mouth and let all the dumb yanks drink thier bleech. The world would be a better place if a bunch of em would drop dead.

Not really. It's actually pretty base level common sense shit.

If you want clever, lets talk geophysics some time in the future.

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Funny how /ptg/ isn't insisting injecting bleach is the cure like they were with hydroxychloroquine

o b s e r v e

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Hydroxy is administered orally...

Like how that dick in your mouth is.

Typical trumpslave abhorrent reading comprehension and unprompted homoerotic thoughts, very characteristic.

Trumpslave? Nah, I'm owned by the same slave master as you Terry.


>operation mockingbird
I thought finns were supposed to be smart

Smarter than you capitalist swine!