What do his supporters see in him that makes them damage control for him all day long?

What do his supporters see in him that makes them damage control for him all day long?

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Extremely poor intelligence. Four years later and they still haven't realized the entire world is making fun of them.

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>damage control
>ten gorrilion threads about exact same topic
Yeah, damage control. Right.

The trick is they resent the media more than they like Donald Trump.
People don't like smug "fact check" articles every two seconds nitpicking and gossiping instead of reporting the actual news.

>What do his supporters see in him that makes them damage control for him all day long?
They became emotionally invested in him; they were deceived and cannot bring themselves to admit that they were, so they invest ever more energy in trying to prove him right and defend him.

>Extremely poor intelligence. Four years later and they still haven't realized the entire world is making fun of them.
It wasn't so bad a year or two ago; but it's become glaringly obvious that he lacks the will and/or power to actually follow through; and re-evaluating his actions like the "immigration EO" or the "end of the government shutdown omnibus" shows a *lot* of poison-pills strewn throughout.

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you poor shills flood Yas Forums every election cycle and your efforts never amount to any substantial results, why do you keep trying?

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President Hillary

You are in a cult.

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The DNC is scared and in such disarray. They are splintering into factions right before are very eyes. See the Dem politician thanking Trump for saving her life with Hydroxychloroquine, and another quitting the Dem party to endorse Trump for reelection, and fifteen more breaking from their parties leadership to back Trump and the Republicans on the PPP.
They have to push these obvious falsehoods, even though most of America is watching Trump without any filters between him and them for the first time in years, because they are scared. They know they are losing. They know they are becoming increasingly irrelevent. They know that all they are doing is screaming into the void. They know they are only a step or two above a homeless guy wearing a placard saying "The End is Nigh, Repent Sinner!" when it comes to control of the national discussion.
And they hate the irrelevance they have.

Says the cultist.

not an argument and if true then you are more in a cult than I am, I dont shill, which you didnt refute being one

says the guy that thinks its not mentally ill to chop off your dick and wear a dress and makeup..

What do Democrats see in Biden that makes them ignore his obvious dementia and credible allegations of rape?

Libtards love to parade around their ignorance of science.
This is yet another example of them not knowing a thing about science.

He's not sanders

Do you not understand what he meant? He misspoke, kind of, so what? It's so pathetic this is what you guys are trying to run with.

what damage is there to control? only damage i see is media brain damage and the control seems to be in trumps hands. imagine being able to ask a mundane voter-tier question and force marionetts to dance and twerk shamelessly for you.

Drink it, shill

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He is hilarious. If you don't get his jokes, you don't belong here.

check it

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>he was le just pretending

The man is bombarded day in and day out with bad press coverage at every turn by the main stream media. Some of us start to wonder if it’s all deserved or if the MSM just has a hard on for him. I mean, are you going to tell me he’s done absolutely nothing right or nothing worth praising since he took office? Because I have to find out from alternate news sources that he has.

But then on the other side you have Sleepy Joe Biden who has a sexual assault claim against him by Tara Reade And is skating through interviews for a month without being asked about it. You try and go on YouTube to find evidence of his gaffes and you have to dig a little before you find something that resembles it.

His supporters defending him at every turn were created by the MSM disparaging him at every turn.

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They are paid shills, or prison labor

>Damage control

I actually don't give a fuck if people are retarded enough to drink bleach. That seems like it is on them.

>entire world is making fun of the U.S.

See there is the problem. The rest of the world thinks they are important enough for me to care about their opinions. I don't care what you or your shit government does.


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Oh fuck off dumbocrat you took that quote way out of context, he never used the word "injection', and even if he did, who fuckig cares? It doesn't matter if he says something stupid every once in a while, it doesn't matter that he could have done more earlier to prepare the country, what matter is how he makes me feel. he's My President, he owns the libtards, hes going to drain the swamp, and I love Him.

>What do his supporters see
Probably noticing the traitors actively collaborating with the enemy

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>; they were deceived and cannot bring themselves to admit that they were,
It was Trump or Hillary. Are you saying Hillary was the better choice?

He's my fren that's why.

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Laughed at by people that worship celebrities and think trannies are real people. Yeah, doesn't bother me one bit.

It's actually a brilliant idea, to inject disinfectant. But he actually meant UV light. Which he also didn't mean because injecting UV light is also insane, but actually he meant chemotherapy, which isn't either of those things. But actually he was being sarcastic. But still it's a very brilliant idea. But he was being sarcastic obviously because it's so obviously stupid. But it's actually a tremendously brilliant idea from a genius president.

>The DNC is scared and in such disarray. They are splintering into factions right before are very eyes.
What's ridiculous is that Trump is still having to fight...

>It was Trump or Hillary. Are you saying Hillary was the better choice?
I'm just saying that he's completely and utterly failed on virtually every single one of his campaign promises. I voted for him because he was at least punching back against the MSM, and thought the rest would be "icing on the cake"... now though, I realize that his idea of 'action' is a tweet or press conference. Hell, we can't even get an actual, REAL stoppage of H!Bs and Refugees even with more than 20 Million unemployed!

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everything that comes through the television is lies, misinfo, disinfo, laughing at the audience; at least Trump cuts us in on the joke

Exactly. I'll never understand why foreigners think their opinions matter in US policies. As far as the bleach thing is concerned, if you are actually retarded enough to imbibe bleach, you probably weren't long for this world to begin with.

He is the only leader making a mockery of the situation because that's the only kind of treatment this hysteria deserves.
Everyone else is a spineless faggot being bossed around by fucking nurses and chink-funded (((scientists))).

He's not Joe Biden which is probably his biggest strength.

Which leaders have we called infallible?

See you can't reason with these trump cultist. You can only have them executed out of mercy.

>something like that
>conveniently leaves out the part where he said it wouldn’t be by injection

lesser of two evils

>Laughed at by people that worship celebrities

Do you see the irony in what you wrote

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Who give a shit if retards make fun of you?

Because establishment shills and nevert-Trumper retards have attempted to denigrate Trump literally every single day since late 2015, usually predicated on baseless accusations and vitriol. One man's damage control is another's setting the record straight.

Taking the quote out of context... quoting the man on such a trivial thing at all, when he was just showing optimism for a range of novel potential treatments they may be looking at... it's a joke. You're a joke. And, at the same time the media tells us that Trump isn't taking coronavirus seriously enough, they drone on for two days non-stop about a non-issue. It's a simple gaffe turned into a smear campaign. This has been American political "analysis" for almost 5 years now and it's fucking embarrassing.

They have nothing else. It's either shill Yas Forums or start saving up money now for how many coloring books they'll need to occupy themselves after they've damaged their voice from screaming at the sky in protest of his 2nd election.

"something like that"

To learn who rules over you, simply find out who you are not allowed to criticize. — Voltaire

i'm waiting for the first death from an electricity injection. unironically people have disinfected needles with bleach and neglected to fully clean them out before they mainline their marijuana plants


I voted for him and will again but he stepped in his own shit here. He has no business commenting on anything but the economy and immigration. What really pisses me off though is the media and democrats really believe over half the US population is so stupid they will drink bleach. How arrogant and condescending you woke fucks are.

it's "I was merely pretending to be retarded" on a world stage

I intensely dislike Trump, but I hate the (((media))) even more. Seeing them seethe brings me great pleasure.

>astroturf all day long
>accuse opponents of *doing thing* all day long
You guys are so fucked once the shit hits the fan. Your 'intelligence' should have prompted you to spend your time more wisely going into the mad max reality that's on our horizon.

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>retarded liberals being retarded
cope harder

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I haven't met a person who worships everything he does. He just doesn't have scandals and controversy every other day.

>spend 4 years taking any scrap of soundbite to BTFO BLUMPF
>tell everyone else they're in a cult

>he has failed on every one of his campaign promises

This is objectively wrong and gets screeched by blatant shills every fucking day on this board even though it’s regularly refuted.

Why is a Croatian so interested in American politics?
Is this an admission of American Superiority?
Bow to the American BVLL