Shits on "climate activists" and "green energy" in his new doc, and calls out the bullshit of the alternative energy industry.
Michael moore goes full 180
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Good thing I never paid any attention to him in the first place.
Moore is an old school commie and ecofascist his views havent changed
Yes hes a charlatan coming to terms with the fact the political documentary isn't as interesting anymore and doesnt print money or stir up controversy like used to. If people want that they think they get it in bite size segments watching mainstream news network now.
>Michael moore
Michael Moore is a commie who with a stern expression talked about a second civil war in the US after Trump got elected
however he wishes to backpedal now ought to be irrelevant.
Besides what he is the documentary is correct we are fucked the planets fucked and it does not matter what your political ideology is we are fucked
The guy in Halloween I think.
Havent seen it but fuck solar and wind power in large scale, you cant control input or output so to be efficient you have to have someplace to storage energy like batteries or a hydroelectric dam. Uranium is life
to be fair, he did call it that trump was gonna win months before the 2016 election. said it would be "the biggest 'fuck you' in human history". at least he wasnt completely retarded
He did Supersize Me but just decided to keep going with the program after the documentary
I literally havent heard of either
halloween is an american b series horror movie from long ago right?
No, that’s Michael Myers
he's a fat fuck who wants to make "gotchya" documentaries. Bowling for columbine was actually decent. It's about a school shooting by a pair of students in america.
Austin powers is in Halloween?
he's still saying 'planet' so he is still controlled opposition
why so blackpilled?
Its not blackpilled its just fact. Climates going to change and theres really nothing humans can do to stop it
Went to see Fahrenheit 9/11 at the cinema. It was alright I suppose. But never seen anything by the obese cock sucker since.
so why sound like a bitch about it then?
Michael Moore is and has always been a lazy dumbass.
Anything to stay relevant. He always goes 180 and back again. A commie at heart though
No that’s Austin Post
>Supersize Me
>That was Morgan Spurlocker not Michael Moore.
> Moore did Bowling for Columbine.
So like 25 minutes into this shit and what I have gathered so far is these two faggots are mad that alternative energy is somehow not magically produced through magic and it requires the current energy system to transition into something different or god forbid requires a hybrid of the both. Boohoo throw these people into the wild. Little cry babies that want things NOW! NOW!! NOW! Their fucking retarded policy won and yet its not good enough.
It’s obvious, brah.
The world will transition to “renewables” and away from “dirty energy” but it will only do so as an economic transition, not a political transition.
people still watch his trash?
i am 25 minutes in, looks intresting.
No that's Post Malone.
It's more from the position what's the angle of his propganda. The criticism isn't "We were wrong about this" like OP implies, its actually the opposite which is "I want to force society into communist anarcho primitivism". Another fever dream of the gay liberal mind who can't even address the powers that be because it would ruin their life of decadence.
It's actually both if you pay attention to names. Specifically jewish donors to these projects.
good news, because wind and solar are not only unreliable and dependent on location, they are ridiculously inefficient compared to coal and oil. no thanks to 3 billion acres of windmills
Its good to expose this, all "natural energy" is just an extra step from the normal coal energy lmfao.
Just go Nuclear energy and send waste into space, how hard can it be?
Actually we now have reactors that can even use the waste as energy too. So literally we can use uranium all the way down to a literal rock.