Some Hispanics are white

Pic related is Carmen Ibanez

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Pic related is Juan Rico

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dizzy still best girl

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Many a faps were had to her when I was younger

that's a filipino

that's a man

How can Hispanics be white, if Spaniards Aren't white? Is "her" having to be white what you use to validate your attraction?

this, we aren't even close to what anglos consider white so this thread is stupid.

fuck off mexishit

Pic related is Ricky Martin

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No it isn't you tranny lover

white 100% hispanic here. why not? All the spaniards I know have white skin.

> From a future where wars of ethnic cleansing removed the current Argentinian and resettled actual whites there
Heinlein is based

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didn't everyone?

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Spaniards are white, live in Europe, conquered half the planet and are closely related to a myriad of nearby eurocuck nations, such as Ireland and Italy.

Mexicans aren't white, because Mexico isn't a fucking ethnicity. Indio savages aren't white, and they are pretty god damn obvious.
>oompa loompa short
>dumb as rocks

Were not white just european descent. Most of us are broken into 3 categories: european descent, native Indian, and nigger.

>Carmen in the book

>Amazing, unrealistic Super-Stacy
>Hardly a character for majority of the story
>Suddenly comes back
>Had decency to stay out of 99% story until
>Loyal af
>Never really changed mind about Rico
>Professional af
>Feminine ideal af
>Takes as much social responsibility as a man

>Carmen in the movie
>Eh nice teeth
>Repeated plot transitions and reappearances
>Just wants to me go fly fast yay
>Unprofessional af
>Citizenship? Me want fly big. Big ship please.
>Plot contrived inflated career importance
>Leaves, immediately is "Rico Who"
>Breaks up with Rico for random NavyChad
>Disloyal af
>Feminist Ideal af

The two don't even resemble each other at all but in the most vague sense.

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Well, argentines are whiter than amerikans

Build for big babylonian cock

Some Spaniards might be white, but they also hate work, which is why their colonies all invariably went to shit once they could no longer be used as instruments of bullion extraction. In the immortal words of Jonathan Bowden:
>Being white isn't enough.

who is this hooker?

Is coffee good for you?

As a half argentine have white American I can confirm, favorite part about going to Argentina is everyone is white lmao

They overextended, and also trying to corral subhumans into labor = haha peace out homie.

We paved the way for conquest of the new world you ungrateful maplenigger.


Some Mutts are white

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jesus Christ you dumb fucking burgers


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sad tits

this nigga read the book

she is best girl

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heinlein's book is so based
fuck the (((hollywood))) version

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What a great movie.
Was fun as hell, didn't take itself seriously, was over the top, yet still wasn't a mockery or parody. I miss movies like this.

>Spaniards Aren't white
Yeah, that's bullshit

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*alabama noises*

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Shut up gypsy you don't represent the rest of Spain.

>Pic related is Carmen Ibanez
That's Denise Richards you dumb fuck. Carmen was the name in the movie.

She's as white as they come.

the book fucking rules

I still like the movie though.

I think though that ST movie based directly on the book would be nice to see

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I own a copy with precisely that cover.

Tell me how is Spain anywhere near close to the standard of whiteness anglo countries have?
English and irish gypsies are whiter than us lol

which is actually based

unlike the movie, which is a satire and makes fun on the concept of 'basedness' and 'redpilledness'

The future of america is WMLF. Open the border and impregnate latinas

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South america was way more developed than anglo america, the first university on the continent was made by us.
Appart from that people forget that we were the main players in the 30 year war, facing french english, dutch, somer germans and swedish at the same time...

Skin tone does not tell a persons ethnicity.
Instead of describing skin tone people MUST just say what the persons ETHNICITY is.

i hate work too lol

Colonist Spain invented the concept of La raza.
Are you Catalonian by any chance?

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Dina Meyer's sexiest role was the Romulan commander Donatra

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Duh he’s from Argentina

I thought wops weren’t white, spaniards were good to go

wow im convinced, im hispanic too, and i totally look Aztecan, but now i can claim to be white thanks to /pol

No i'm not you dumb negro. Why does it matter if we/the portuguese coined the term if no one uses it to mean that aymore?
The anglosphere, which is the most influential culture in the world, has redefined what the word means, and we clearly are distinct from them. Stop coping.
It's ok to be non-white

Some Hispanics are Spanics
Some Spanics are white

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>It's ok to be non-white
Found the podemita

I had my first impulse of beating women while 10 and watching this whore cheat footsoldier rico with some chad pilot

Yeah, 10% of them can be considered white...and those 10% aren't the ones flooding across our border.

Lol dumb mestizo thinks because he lives in Spain he's Spanish. No, Paco. You're right, you are indeed non-white.

found the coping darkie who LARPs as a hwithe

read the book, then you'll be sad it wasn't faithful at all. The troopers in the book troopers would kick Master Chief's ass.

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Lol why is it when I visit everyone is mestizo / castizo at best?