He suggested we disinfect the insides of people’s bodies

No, he wasn’t talking about minor vaccine ingredients. He was talking about eliminating Coronavirus with cleaning products inside the body.

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Other urls found in this thread:


We have a hundred threads on this topic already. Can you fucking not?

I can.

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He was probably talking about pic related but fumbled the words or didn't understand the procedure properly, hence why when he talked about it he sounded unsure and was asking the task for for verification.

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>He was talking about eliminating Coronavirus with cleaning products inside the body.

I can’t imagine being so stupid that I don’t even believe my own ears anymore. You are a failed organism. Go look at the clips buddy. He clearly suggests putting cleaner into the body and lungs.

I don’t understand how the right can be so removed from reality.

>He clearly suggests putting cleaner into the body and lungs
No he didn't, stop lying.

Yes he does.

He never mentioned cleaning products though ....you wouldn't be purposely misinterpreting his message like the like the kikes at CNN would you user :(

That light is 1 cm in diameter, your lungs have 30000 tubes smaller than that, and UVA light can only penetrate 0.5 mm through Oxyhemoglobin. I've never heard multiday mechanical glow in the dark cherry poppin lungfucking proposed as a treatment for anything, but as Trump says "what have you got to lose?"

Seriously, it was invented by an IBS doctor, and made to go up your asshole, where you have smooth continuous surfaces that the light can reach easily. Now they're just jumping on the viral hype train, that you can safely and effectively put it in your trachea, promising nothing else, so they can pump and dump some penny stocks.

Here's the patent.

ctrl+f colon
ctrl+f lung

Why do media jump on this shit when he clearly did no say to inject fucking lysol/clorox/whatever the hell else you guys are freaking out over this week

Link or it didn't happen.

Sounds pretty based to me user. You fear the disinfectant because you're filthy on the inside.

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retard he literally said he was being sarcastic fuck off with your delusional headcanon

Show me where

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Biden raped a woman In 1995

Besides that, don't you think he may have been referring to the treatment that already exists?

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Oh, so NOW people are taking medical suggestions from someone who isn't a doctor seriously.

Or, not even suggestions, just weird ideas.

Do you let lawyers tell you how to frame a house?

>Cleaning products are the only disinfected

Spanish shill

I'm drinking bleach because the media told me Trump said I should. Even though I listened to Trump live and heard it several times on radio today, I'm going to believe the media regardless what my brain tells me because they will call me a terrorist if I don't.

He never urged or told anyone to drink bleach or inject anything, he was inquiring about the posibilities and mechanisms of treatments discussed just before he spoke. The media went and took it completely out of context afterwards.

Here is the transcript for you fags: rev.com/blog/transcripts/donald-trump-coronavirus-press-conference-transcript-april-23


>oh no people might take his statement literally

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I don't see how participating in a pump and dump scam while being a retard makes it any better.

>claims trump said drink bleach
>proven false
>claims trump pump&dump scam
You have lost all credibility. Say what you want, I'll do the research regardless.

>He was talking about eliminating Coronavirus with cleaning products inside the body.
Yeah, the mental gymnastics and apologetics I'm seeing to justify what he said are pretty ridiculous. Even if he didn't LITERALLY mean that, he did a very poor job elucidating exactly what he DID mean.

Not gonna lie, former Trump supporter here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump crash and burn. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy bleach nubile brown girls.

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Jesus every day with this.

This stupid fucking forced meme has permeated all levels of society even down to facebook. KYS for being a stupid fucking faggot sheep. You never-trump idiots have wasted 4 years of your lives trying to btfo someone you can never touch.

Read my posts billy, my claim was about how shitty that device was as a treatment for pneumonia. I didn't say Trump said drink bleach.

I don't care. Liberals are communists who simply lie. All of them. Some are opportunists who let others lie, but they are still implicitly so.

Civil War is coming. Trump can wake up, step aside or be ignored and likely not survive...but he's not a communist.

No way, no how, never a communist.

the source, as always is:
>Trump says thing
>Derangement sufferers make disingenuous interpretation of thing
>Put twisted thing on blast and finally bring down BLUMPF this time

You should try it just to prove how wrong he was. Imagine how all the other NPC’s will worship you! DO EETTT!

>Liberals are communists who simply lie
It is good to realize this and then move on without engaging in their faggotry. I feel bad that they've been spinning their wheels for 4 years in the world's most fanatical tantrum while the rest of us have been building.

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