lmao how the fuck do americans trust their government ?
Lmao how the fuck do americans trust their government ?
Prove to me that they do
Real Americans don't.
Mistrust in the govt is how this country was founded.
kek don't you have bodies to burn up and twitters to flood with abuse how the US stole your countries medical supplies?
Most don’t, but most still play into the politics parties, and think they can vote there way out of the mess.
Only NPCs trust the government
I mean the atf mishandled the situation entirely and should have left them alone until they had enough evidence to support a raid but that doesnt mean that koresh wasnt a child abusing, manipulating piece of shit.
only boomers trust government and that is waning by the day
>Believing the propaganda
Ah yes, because CPS totally isn't also full of pedos who sell children to other pedos
We don't.
Hence why most of the country supports the second amendment
any idiot that believes their television is not in a position to judge
Ok schizo.
It isnt propaganda. there were reports of koresh abusing children like 3 years prior to the siege but nothing was done, and reports kept coming up until that day.
So the answer was to burn those children and everyone else alive?
Are you trying to be retarded or does it just come natural
We don't assclown fucktard.
Pfft hahahahahaha fuck. Yours is literally right now appeasing China and you think we shouldn't trust OUR government??? Look around you Guido.
Nigger why the blue fuck do you think we have a 2nd Amendment and guns? You Eurofaggots talk a lot of shit about us having guns, then you fuck up and post exactly why we have them in the first place. Fuck no we don't trust our government, but more importantly, we don't trust yours either.
It is hilarious that Eurofaggots talk about trusting the U.S. government, yet you're in the E.U.? Seriously never post again, also contemplate suicide for this much fail.
I never said you retard. I said the situation was mishandled and there should have been a proper raid once they had enough evidence. None of what happened should have happened the way it did.
I literally just said that, it seems youre the one that cant comprehend what im saying.
That was a proper raid, you dont seem to comprehend what a government will do
Had nothing to do with "child abuse", just like saddam and his WMDs
Okay nigger, thanks for the update. Fucking FBI jews will burn.
They "don't" (but support their initiatives wholeheartedly according to multiple polls), also they collect ar-15s and think that they can actually overthrow it, someone give them that illusion, that's why they rarely rebel/riot - because they all have guns and they're pussies to actually use it, to get shot/killed. Perfect NPCs.
It literally wasnt a proper raid. Thats what the image explains. It was not justified. And the ATF mishandled the situation.
It wasn't even the fbi that this were reported to but ok kek
They were murdered. Janet Reno was quoted as saying, "Burn them."
You're scum.
I got in an argument with a fellow rocket scientist because he was lapping up the “masks don’t work” propaganda from the CDC. I told him the government was lying to him so the government could buy more masks of their own. He told me I was a conspiracy theorist. He didn’t seem to understand asymptomatic suppression. I’m still laughing at him.
I never defended the atf or fbi or the govt lmao. But keep implying thats what im doing.
we dont. i have deep seeded mistrust and anger with both the state a d federal government. ithey are filled with roaches that are the enemy and i am extremely scared for my and my familys future
Your country lost resoundingly to hadjis with fucking bolt action rifles.
We lost to them too.
Yet you seriously think guns in our hands couldn't EASILY overthrow our government? You're injecting Krokadil. (Because Russians don't smoke crack)
Thirty guys with only guns around our or any country could bring that country to its knees in weeks and they wouldn't ever have to fire a shot at another human being.
only women do trust the state at washington. there are lots of blackpilled people, ie. traitors, and alien men who support it also
WW2 foundation myth. The miitary took over much of society and wanted to be worshiped.
I like how some people immediately got "no u"
I don't trust my gov either lmao.
>why the blue fuck do you think we have a 2nd Amendment and guns?
To larp, for the most part. History has shown that almost the entirety of the American public are willing to take almost anything from the government so long as their panem et circenses are readily available. Hell, look at the fanatic self-policing that happens on /k/ if you start an explosive or suppressor build, or have the temerity to suggest that some laws are illegitimate and should not be followed. The bone-shaking fear of the ATF is so widespread in the gun community, it's insane. These people are going to be the ones leading the charge?
The issue is not whether guns could be used to overthrow the government (they could), but whether Americans ever WOULD. Without the political will, those guns are just tools of personal self defense and recreation, nothing more.
*start an explosive or suppressor build thread
it's true. italy is worse. actually most countries in europe appear to be uncontested run by anti-white thugs "anti-fa"
and yet, with all yer guns, you are unable to change it.
meanwhile in europ unarmed citizens march the streets and riot until their government falls.
Just drink bleach and it'll all be fine