Why are atheists brave enough only in criticizing Christianity? Why do they tend to ignore Judaism and Islam and never discuss it with other plebittors? Find me one atheist book/publication/article openly mocking Islam or Jews. It simply doesn't exist.
Why are atheists brave enough only in criticizing Christianity...
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Juden are afraid of christ thats why they keep shitting on christianity
Blood Passover, a book by the ex-Jewish son of the high rabbi of Italy regarding dark blood rituals and human sacrifice in Judaism
Fuck Jews and fuck Muslims. Happy, Christnigger?
Milwaukee Atheists on YouTube have spent the last 2 years rigorously covering the Hebrew Bible and all of its immorality.
>Yurine/Wine lol
Not much difference between Islam Christianity and Judaism. They all worship the Jew god. Christianity and Islam are just golems created by the Jews for war and conquest.
Jewish media only promoted edgy atheists when they criticize Christianity.
It's conditioning and nothing more.
Has nothing to do with bravery.
They are NPCs.
They are taught to laugh at Christianity.
They are taught laughing at any other faith is racist.
They are taught - conditioned.
Any religion with skydaddy is retarded.
No atheist tho, agnostic.
True atheists don't give a fuck about anything, as long as it doesn't meddle in their own interests
>be religious
>get taught religion through a book
Damn dude it's like you're retarded or something
NPCs are not spiritual beings so I understand your confusion. Consider this:
>Atheists are not confused regarding the existence of God
>Atheists leave no room for God's existence
>Atheists are certain that there is no God
Yet, they have zero evidence for their claim. They fail the most basic requirement they make of others. They will say they do not need evidence to claim there is no God. But you do. You are making a claim.
If your position was "I have seen no evidence for the existence of God," then as a man of Science you would need to leave open the possibility that He exists.
But the atheists does not do that. The atheist is certain that God is not possible.
He has no evidence for this.
>atheists only attack christianity
absolutely false
>atheists defend judaism
absolutely false
because all of the atheists you know of live in western countries where the majority of religious people are christian why do you retards always ask this question when if you think for 2 seconds you'd have the answer?
>plebbit is a fine litmus of anything
absolutely false
Not true at all.
Why do Christians lie all the time?
This is the main reason I lost touch with my fedora hat tier friends of the 2000s.
>because all of the atheists you know of live in western countries where the majority of religious people are christian
In complete fairness, America has a sizable Jewish population, its bigger then a lot of wacky Christian cults many Atheists attack, Islam is also a fairly decent problem in many European nations, Atheists attack Christianity because culturally they are a Christian cult, but there is no reason for American Atheists not to cover the Talmud for example.
>capable of thinking
What a funny joke. Remember, cultists can't think. They can only regurgitate the things they've been indoctrinated to believe.
Why does jeebus have a celtic tree in the chest?
I don’t, all religions are a detriment to basic human knowledge. Ppl are just pussy about death so they cope by making up afterlife fairytales
This is stupid. There is no evidence that there isn't a convention of gremlins going on in pluto right now either. BURDEN OF PROOF
Atheists are NPCs in the purest sense who have internalised the kike propaganda to attack Christianity
Because atheists are jews
>blindly follows doctrine that defies what the "messiah" explicitly commanded
>hurrr durrr someone else is an npc
>worship the god of abraham, isaac, and jacob
pick one moron
>This is stupid. There is no evidence that there isn't a convention of gremlins going on in pluto right now either. BURDEN OF PROOF
The sun exists, I consider the sun to be my God, so i have given you proof of a God, if you think thats not God, thats just your opinion, but you cant claim I havent given you evidence.
Youre doing exactly what Schlomo wants.
Accept Christ
Atheists are nothing but disillusioned retards. They only attack Christianity because they are projecting their own pedo fantasies onto priests. Jews and Muslims love fucking children so they align with the athiest's interests.
The r/atheism comment section has been over this before. It went something along the lines of, Christianity is an easier target since it's a racially diverse religion (mostly white/black/latino). Islam and Judaism on the other hand, have no WASPs practicing their faith, so when someone criticizes Islam/Judaism, the first thing normal people are gonna thing is "oh you just hate brown people, or you're just an anti-semite"
you first
Based and larp-pilled.
Wow, basically admitting atheism is about hating White people....
Atheism is just a name given to a christian who forgot to worship a deity.
Almost every atheist follows christian morality.
and the kikes dont give a shit what religon a people is, lrn2jew, they have their hand in everything, including christianity, this is why most doctrines of christianity today outright defy jesus
if people actually followed jesus the global banking cartels stranglehold on the world would crumble
>1 post by this ID
>Why are x, y?
>Prove z. You can't.
>D&C thread
My greatest wish for /pol is that one day the thread info on the pages/catalog will show the number of posts OP has made in the thread.
Tree of Gondor
lol. Just because they aren't protestant doesn't mean they don't fit the mold.
Atheists are brainlet narcissists that fancy themselves superior to everyone else because they choose not to believe in anything greater than themselves
In fact, the thought of a Being infinitely superior to themselves frightens them deeply, it offends their ego to think that a God resides above them forever.
>christian morality.
The normal behaviour of society ain't christian, but as usual you don't keep your jewish commandments so you assume the pagan natural behaviour of people is somehow christian.
Looks like the Gondor flag from lord of the rings which makes sense since Christians are the biggest larpers.
The USA and its allies have been actively bombing Islamic countries for around three decades now. There's no reason to add insult to injury when the western world is attempting a genocide of that religious group.
>raping women, pillaging cities, and sacrificing animals to a grove is 'normal behavior' and we should wish to go back to that time
Satan doesn't oppose himself.
>1 post by this ID
this describes the behavior of the people of god in the bible before jesus came
Because those religions aren't on the wrong side of the political compass. Christians are. Christianity is the religion of the powerful, strong western world. Leftists (and in this context, atheists) despise that which is dominant and powerful, similar to that of a rabid feminist.
Regardless, it takes a certain low IQ type to reject the concept of God. Hundreds upon hundreds of philosophers have come to the same conclusions regarding a divine creator, and thousands of empires have fallen when abandoning theirs.
>The normal behaviour of society ain't christian,
It is, Jesus (and Paul), where decadent lefties, who consorted with whores, forgave someone for racemixing, ended Jewish laws, Jesus rode in on a mule to mock the Jewish concept of a messiah.
Every leftist and degenerate is following Jesus (and Pauls) journey.
No, people didn't do that in Rome.
Normal society behavior is pagan, except when you have a multicultural christian society, you have conformity and the nature of amorphity is bizarre behavior. Its not natural to be an atheist, it is to be a christian.
It seems you have completely misunderstood what I wrote.
You are claiming that there is no convention of gremlins on Pluto right now.
I am not claiming there is.
What atheists always fail to understand - beyond the general mechanics of reason - is that you are the ones making a claim.
The Man of Faith doesn't make a claim - he believes.
Personally, I don't care whether you believe in God or not. I am a flawed person, a sinner, and part of that is not caring whether your soul - assuming you have on - ends up in hell or not.
I believe, that is what faith is. Belief. I do not need to prove my belief nor do I need to save you.
The atheist on the other hand makes a claim for which he has no evidence.
You have no evidence that God does not exist. You don't. Yet you claim this without hesitation.
Because they were brainwashed by Jews like Brian Warner and thought he was one of them
>Christians are. Christianity is the religion of the powerful, strong western world.
Christianity uses the masses for political influence, that doesnt mean it creates strong indivuals, Islam is like that but worse, all its strenght is collective.
It describes the behavior of ALL peoples before Jesus came
Lmao yes they did, read a fucking book nigger.
Roman historians recorded countless instances of themselves and their enemies raping, pillaging, and sacrificing.