The theories of the Jew Einstein, and all theories based on his theories, are Jewish quackery. They were put in place and are promoted to prevent real science and real physics from progressing. The purpose of the Jewish quackery passed off as science today -- such as relativity, black holes, dark matter, strange matter, spooky action, spacetime, quantum theories, the idea that the gravitational force is the dominant force in the universe and not the electric force, etc -- is also to keep the goyim away from a true understanding of the universe. Jews can only thrive in a climate of ignorance where their enemies hold false beliefs and are disconnected from reality. That's why they're in love with lies and constantly promote frauds and deceptions of every kind.
All fellow Yas Forumsacks who wish to learn and educate themselves on this topic, read pic related and also check out the following educational videos which are all based on /real science/ and observations of facts (as opposed to being based on the current (((mainstream))) "settled science" dogma).
We use relativity to precisely place and predict satellite motions. Other than that, no one gives a fuck about these black hol conspiracies.
Newtonian and classical mechanics in general is real and true. You can prove it yourself, use it to design things.
No one gives a fuck if some lame ass black holes theories are fake. This "real space science" you speak of it basically just analyzing light signals from distant objects.
lmao you do know that it has been proven over and over again that time is relative, just check your GPS. they literally had to put einsteins equation into the position tracking algorythm since the time diletation in space caused inaccuracies over time(time goes a bit slower on the satellite/time is faster on earth)
Luke Rivera
Relativity was bashed from day 1. How people can take it seriously today is baffling.
Blake Mitchell
Christian Jackson
>time goes a bit slower on the satellite/time is faster on earth
No pedo, time is constant across existence, it's not a literal dimension. The field gets weaker the further away you get from its center.
Also there are no satellites.
Adrian Rodriguez
Velikovsky is Jewish
Juan Cruz
Look at this meme flag LARPing faggot expecting us to sit through all his boring and gay videos.
Lucas King
>there are no satellites And I suppose the things I can see with my hobby telescope, including the ISS in relatively good detail, are just projections or some shit? Retard
Austin Lee
OP's post seems to mainly be concerned with General, not Special Relativity.
Wyatt Richardson
Case closed eh
You know who else was Jewish? Hitler's driver
Luis Powell
Good luck trying to find them. Good luck even trying to find a concrete number of how many are currently in orbit.
Aaron Gray
You're right. Nikola Tesla knew that this world should be built on a framework understanding of electricity, not gravity/magnetism. Electricity corresponds to the esoteric masculine and God, while gravity/magnetism corresponds to the esoteric feminine and that which is not in alignment with God.
Void in the center of the field. Two electrostatic generators that cancel each other out.
I think.
James Edwards
The Goyim want their rights back. They will kill to get them back. Get ready.
Owen Reyes
The most pressing problem is that all the alternative theories have even more evidence against them or outright make infalsiable assumptions out of nowhere.
Tyler Morris
The hell does that have to do with Satellites
Jaxon Collins
A theory can be broken and full of holes and yet /parts/ of it may "work" and be possible to make some use of. That doesn't make the whole theory valid. People in the past could believe the Earth is the center of the solar system and that it's flat, and that "worked" for them but it didn't mean that worldview was correct. By the way, (((Einstein supporter))), your name checks out. Pic related.
Yes, and he was also a rabid Zionist. But the EU models of the universe and of nature does not require him. You can remove Velikovsky completely from the picture and the science still stands. The Jew Velikovsky didn't invent any of those ideas. He copied "his" ideas from several older authors, who history have largely forgotten, such as Comyns Beaumont and Hanns Hörbiger. The Jew media then pushed Velikovsky into fame, which caused people to associate "his" ideas solely with him, and then they used him as a vehicle to discredit any alternatives to the Einstein's theories.
When the ThunderboltsProject mentions Velikovsky they do so precisely because he became associated with those ideas and because of his fame. They don't worship him, and they openly criticize him and say he was wrong on most things.
Julius Schreck? He wasn't Jewish at all, not even 1/4th.
Acceptance of an electrical/plasma cosmology allows for understanding how the sun drives the Earth’s climate in a cyclical manner, and all of the “dark matter” in the universe is actually just very hard to see ionized dust and gas. We travel across the sun’s electromagnetic current sheet every two weeks, switching from negative polarity to positive polarity. The effects of this action are relatively small. Minor geomagnetic instability—our magnetosphere is more susceptible to space weather events for a few hours as the switch occurs. The interesting thing is a phenomenon that is still being uncovered known as the Radcliffe Wave in which we replicate the same process on the galactic scale. When we travel through this current sheet, rich with ionized dust and gas, it is possible that the instability could cause our sun to behave dangerously. There is evidence on the Earth and the moon of events where the sun rains beads of black glass on the earth, our magnetosphere weakens and we experience an influx of cosmic rays (they’re energetic particles that break apart when they hit the Earth’s atmosphere and assist in cloud creation, which cools the planet), floods, earthquakes, volcanic activity, etc happening on a cyclical basis of about 12,000 years. It’s been about 12,000 years since the last catastrophic event, known as the Younger Dryas, and because we’ve allowed our institutions, political, academic, and religious, to be overrun with wild goose chases, we are unprepared for what’s to come. There’s still time to take actions to be prepared for major upheaval, but because of the “I fucking love science” crowd dogmatically accepting all of the pie in the sky theories modern academia puts out, I doubt if there will be a mass movement to change. Civilization will collapse, and humanity will be doomed to extinction on planet Earth, never again sailing among the stars. That’s why this shit is important.
I guess you meant Maurice, knew about him but forgot he was once the driver. Yes, he had a tiny bit of Jewish blood. So little he didn't even know about himself. They discovered it by accident when checking his ancestry. Case in point: his Jewishness was so insignificant that after the war he was punished by the victors to 4 years in labor camp and had his possessions confiscated. They didn't treat him as one of theirs.
Robert Perez
Not my problem if you want to stay ignorant. Have fun with that.
I'm sure there was a kike bff right in the inner circle. Unless I'm misremembering TGSNT. Obviously, the guy was a kraut who happened to be Jewish.
^^ That must be the guy. Along with the little girl who visited AH on their shared birthday until the RAF heroically bombed her from 20k feet
Benjamin Taylor
>prepare okay. but how would you prepare?
Ethan Myers
Physicucks have brushed ECE under the rug and are refusing to reconsider, DESPITE having agreed with it for four years. The whole "scientific" community is a bunch of priests with their shitty theological theory of creation that has to rely on literal ether (Dark Matter/energy) to exist.
Brayden Turner
without the electric force, there is no attraction between particles, without that interaction particles will never gather in great enough mass to create gravity. One causes the other. The pondering question, for me, is always to the presence of the neutral force in this reaction as I do not believe that neutrons are actually neutral but acting on a force or particle of their own that we have yet to label or discover. perhaps it is the balance to dark matter in the spinning of an atom. you cannot have light without the presence of dark, for what is one without the other? how would you explain the concept of light if there is no dark? the sciences they have explained so far work as far as they appear to work, but this lack of true understanding is why there hasn't been a great increase in the field in such a long time. They believe they have the answers figured out so they will accept no new data that suggest otherwise. I do believe that the Jews honestly could care less for any advancement, they seek only to be on top and in control of everything. they are scared of what we may find out among the stars, that they may lose their power. Better it be, for them, to remain here and make things go to shit. so they can be king turd of shit hill wearing their crown of corn.
Samuel Collins
Think about it: If you lie about one thing, you lie about everything.
There are no particles.
Michael Long
>Recommends electric universe/ThunderDolts bullshit
>all of the “dark matter” in the universe is actually just very hard to see ionized dust and gas. Don't forget about Birkeland currents. Pic related is the Norwegian scientist Birkeland himself. He died under very mysterious circumstances, seems like he was suicided.
Is there a single scientific prediction ECE can make about the universe that is completely and unambiguously true?
How come GR can nearly predict the orbit of Mercury? How come plasma cosmology can't?
Nice Jewish trick,by conflating all scientists with people that believe in dark energy/matter (not all of us do), you can make it look like all science but yours is invalid. Very kosher, Rabbi would be proud
Brandon White
Gotta go, might return, might not.
See pic for more redpills into why black holes are nonsense.