It's simply a biological fact.
Why does this make short stupid medniggers seethe so much?
Hmm, no
What kind of jewish magic is this?
Hmm, yes, because they are all abundant in Nord/Cromagnon aka Master Race physiology.
Don't categorize finns with wh*toids you goddamn kangaroofucker.
yes we are niggers, you win
This, We are niggers thus we dont have the need to get refugees.
You are the whites not us.
by the logic of who is masterrace, why wouldn't you circle iceland too? retard
> highest Rh- negative blood in Atlas mountains North Africa and Basque country
You snowniggers cant even win at masterracing
who draw that shit map?
what the fuck did you just put a geographic area and add 'id' to it? alpinid? mediteranid? really why did you invent this?
cont. and why the fuck is cromagnid/nordid/baltifd masterrace in your fanfiction?
those are the lowest realm of niggers in my book
yes they are rich, they have rich people hobbies like cukoldry and cricket, especially the dutch
fear all the dutch make your kids stay at home
This. I, for one, concede defeat. Nordoids win clown world, how can I even hope to compete? Let's pack it up and go home guys.
They are too retarded to see their stupidity is counter productive. Is it a coincidence that all the white genocide propaganda and all self hating things come from these areas? Let them think they are superior and white, in 50 years they'll be wearing hijabs and praising allah.
the tallest people on europe are from herzegovina,so meds.your point retard?
Let them be lol, they need to cope on a daily basis because in reality while we were taking baths, calculating the inclination of earth and drawing the first maps they were fucking goats and living in huts. Today they are destroying themselves, they allow it and all they can do is cope by coming here and vent about "muh superior genes". Let them be seriously, time will put them in their place.
Based and unarguable fact.
Pic related is avarage med.
weirdest thing about them,is that they think they are some type of "warrior" peopleswhen the most well known typical warrior peoples from ancient times,were mostly meds (illyrians,thracians,greeks etc.).even hitler said that germanics were completely inferior in culture,and based his entire "master race" thing on spartan laws lol
immensely based
Why do kikes like you keep being, well kikes?
wtf when did you put cameras inside my house? i didnt know such hackers existed in my ad friendly favorite webiste 4channel
Lies Pedro.
He's obviously an Italian.
are you enjoying getting cucked by abdallah?
Bc OP is an autist faggot
You literally are Abdallah's mate.
Deep down everyone on their Northern side of the Alps knows they are nothing more than white barbarian niggers.
im orthodox,also id rather be an ar*bs mate then have him fuck my wife
The Polish & German guy who made all that up literally called us "North Altantids" meaning Nordic and Mediterranean, how does that fit into your anti-Mediterranean attitude?
i dont think they know that only deep down in them,they are ashamed of being their own nationalities for gods sake
> (((British)))
> white
>t.David Costa
>t. James Rodriguez
true and pic related is a 10/10 peak aryan phenotype in bongland
based orthodox albanian.
>doesn't show elvish population of Iceland
Map disregarded as obviously pleb-tier.
As someone with Sicilian grandparents, yes it is simply a biological fact. They are honestly some of the most awful people on the planet and if all Italians were like them in the 20th century then I 100% understand why they were widely hated in the USA. Loud, stupid, selfish, the emotional range and self-control of a child, and I volunteer for sterilization so that these genes do not spread
>2000 CE
>Mongols are Caucasian
Ok Zhang
Is that your guido wife?
So nice you count Slovenians there, even though we are under Serbian marxist occupation. Thank you.
I love Northen pussy. Crazy bitches but delicious pussy.
americanised faggot,imagine hating your own people
hiu arman
Could you give me the link to that page, britanon?
>id rather be an ar*bs mate then have him fuck my wife
I don't know what you're giggling about Abdyl, Turks have been slipping your missus the wood for a few hundred years mate.
are you braindead.i literally told you im orthodox.the area im from never even had muslims,and still doesnt have to this day
Meds are white aryans like the nords. Anyone who says otherwise is a kike or a shtskin who wants to divide and conquer aryan europeans.
What percentage of Albania(not including kosovo) is actually muslim?
Sup Mohamed
those of sunni heritage are about 55-65%.those who are actual religious muslims are at most 3-4%.i have met hundreds of muslims,and only one of them prayed regularly and he was originally from macedonia