Alright everyone, I am ending my coverage of the coronavirus pandemic because the legacy media wants you to be afraid...

Alright everyone, I am ending my coverage of the coronavirus pandemic because the legacy media wants you to be afraid. This is no different than the satanic panic, in the most literal sense. It's time to go back to work for Mr. Shekelberg so you can pay for my newest laptop. Link to the Gofundme is in the description. Remember to use the aggregate. Also I predicted this months ago. That's about all, peace out.

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Other urls found in this thread:

*blocks your path*

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Perfect slampig

What am I looking at?

A faggot.


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Nah his wife is a hottie

Does her vagina still work?

> That Flag

What would your wife say Tarl?

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I need to know!

Don't have a wife or "partner".

Oh Carlos


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Oh the satanic panic? the thing you stopped talking about as soon as the finders files came out and proved everything about it right? including mcmartin preschool?

Id eat her out

>We will interview David Icke
well when the honey is this sweet, how can I resist?

This faggot has become insufferable and stale and his cats are niggers.

hey wait I know what the mcmartin trial was. was molested as a kid (not there tho). who says it was real? asking for a friend

We know your cat gave you corona virus

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ok glowfag

poor 'shop bro

delet this

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An expat whose income relies on you buying his occult books.

>If i ignore it, maybe it will go away

What a dumd amerhishit, exactly like the rest of them. Worked well in the begining, right?
>but ,uh freedom!
and even if asteroid approaches earth we can't evacuate people from the impact area because we afraid to violate their rights?

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Imagine putting her on the back and watch her wiggle like a turtle haha

>poor 'shop bro

Ok Alt Liteā„¢

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I miss the old Styx.
The shirtless Styx
The [clink, clink] Styx

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ahahaha, he is even dumber than i thought

What do you expect ? He is an ameritard, and a trump4lyf moron. Also he calls the beatles heavy metal.
Unfortunately Corona-chan has so far evaded retards like this one and mill bitchel

Yeah I would

Elon Musk will give her back the ability to work and do pretty much anything.
Isn't that amazing?

God bless capitalism! God bless the United States of America!

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