Should I take the bleachpill?
Is Trump right?
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Here's what Trump actually said.
No, eat the Bleach-pod, goy.
>watch this eceleb shill claiming Trump didnduthing for half an hour
Why are MAGA reddit shills like this?
Shut the fuck up and drink your bleach
It's a full transcript. You lose.
Absolutely, trump said so, it must be good, what have you got to lose?
Bleach destroys the lining of the large intestine and colon and leads to this being shed.
Sorry white incel hiding out in gookland, video doesn’t include a single quote from trump different from the one in which he clearly states injecting bleach into the lungs.
Don’t view/monetized the linked disinformation video .
try tide pods first
Shut the fuck up and drink your bleach
It's a full transcript. What Trump was saying was completely reasonable. I keep bumping the thread, people keep seeing the video. Lol.
it also cures corona
You are fucked in the head, a true follower of the Great Lie tactic. I pray for your early death.
Trump didn't say that but yes you should drink it
Hmkay, and what am I looking at? The condoms logged in your ass from your latest fuckfest?
You have to have the Zinc. Don’t forget the Zinc.
That must mean it takes the tapeworm with it.
Why didn't we think of bleach enemas earlier?
tidepod with a clorox chaser
He says just joking idiot.
curing corona is no joke
yes. It will not only kill the virus it will also kill off the normies.
Why would anyone need to read or listen to some diehard Trumptard's twisting of what he actually said when he more or less confirmed to the press that he meant for them to interpret it that way by playing it off as "sarcasm"?
>says he's just joking
>that joke could literally have gotten some people killed if the joke went over their head and they tried it
If anything, claiming it as a joke rather than owning up to it as a mistake makes him look worse.
Fellow pedes I don't feel so good. I did as our President instructed and inserted two lightbulbs up my ass and then drank a bottle of bleach with my beautiful wife of 20 years Karen. But now I'm having trouble seeing straight and I keep throwing up blood. Do I need to drink more bleach to defeat the invisible enemy or is the hoax virus dead already and this is just the 5g tower next door making me ill? It's not fair, I need to live so I can shake the hand of the Jewish man fucking Mr. Trumps daughter. God bless diversity, God bless Israel, God bless Jared Kushner. See you at the protests!
Seriously he was looking at dr scarf when he said it.
I really think she told him not to specifically mention the new light therapy and he was rubbing it in her face.
I wish he was also teasing her about vaccines but i am skeptical of that
everyone still posting about it should take the bleach pill
Thanks for bumping the video of the transcript, nigger. :D
And then he said he was being sarcastic so it doesn’t fucking matter
>maybe if I will say it enough times Hillary will win
Yes. You should. Adiablo.
>He’s making fun of the God Emperor so he MUST be a librul
How would she win when she's dead now?
when did Trump say to drink bleach?
Should'nt have to kill the joke by explaining it. Denormalize being a whiny bitch.
Don't cater to stupid whiny bitches. Let them drink bleach!
>vote Trump to get used, easy pussy
I hope no self respecting guy took her up on her offer
Drink your bleach, tan your butthole
Maybe closing the beaches and parks wasn't such a good idea
Clean the toilet