I'm a White Australian and my name isn't Chang. I choose China because when I look at them I'm astonished at the advances they are making. China has developed faster than any nation in human history and very soon they will surpass the USA. China's effective form of government is what enabled their rapid development, but meanwhile in Australia our own progress has stalled. We need to adopt the China model for ourselves in order to survive in the 21st century, and who better to teach us it to us than the Chinese? For this reason I support Australia being incorporated into China as an overseas territory.
If the USA will make us pick sides then I pick China
Kys chink
Death to all kikes
Hello chang, how many yuan did you get for this post?
Australia has already picked America.
Sage all chink threads
Ok Xi
Funny how this is literally all you have to offer in response. Almost like you're afraid of having a real dicussion because it would expose the weakness of your position.
Don't believe what you see on t.v. you human china virus.
Everyone in America knows Taiwan is far superior to china.
Rot in hell you communist loser.
Taiwan #1 forever! china never.
Nah. US soft power isn't what it used to be and now we're even struggling to prevent other Anglo nations from becoming Chinese colonies. Not that we're trying very hard.
>Taiwan #1
Since Taiwan is a part of China this is the same as saying China #1.
>If the USA will make us pick sides then I pick China
You just opened yourself up to internment for the duration of the war due to the risk you pose as a saboteur. Enjoy slave labor, turd.
Anyone who gives jobs to everyone so that they can take care of themselves and at least one children is fine in my book.
In present day system there aren't enough jobs for everyone and men with no social skills or contacts are totally unemployable.
Please ignore the OP, American bros. Op is either a disgusting chink, or is a chink sympathizer with very left views and one that tries to get our guns taken away and free speech.
I, a real Australian, born and proud. Having served the Australian army would without a doubt pick you.
All anti-CCP shills are Jewish neocon slaves.
Take a look at the people shilling against the CCP.
All controlled by Jews.
Sessions, a failure and a human disgrace, controlled by Jew Rod Rosenstein (invoke the 25th against Trump ).
Sessions is the biggest fraud in this nations history.
Nikki, “Anyone but Trump”, Haley
Charlie, promote global homosexuality, Kirk.
China government is wise like 1000 year old fish. You thank me them for peaceful stop of American virus crown CIA virus. Chairman Xi is the leader of free world not Dotard Trum.
Lmao chang cant resist wumao posting.
>i would be happy to be part of china
lol its almost as if you never noticed how chinese dont care about any place or teritoy but their own.
you now that chinks kinda own Australia, yet they just bought all your products and shipped them back to mainland.
unless australia become 100% chink, they wont care about it.
>they will surpass the USA.
>For this reason I support Australia being incorporated into China as an overseas territory.
Not this, but I would support China over the US. No Chink has ever bombed German cities. No Chink has ever brainwashed my people. No Chink has ever tried to genocide Germans though forced immigration and continuous wars that flood refugees into Europe.
have fun taking care of 500 mil elderly Chinese
China is a paper tiger lol
Nice try
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just because we oppose the yellow jew
Why would they make some random Australian pick sides?
>I'm a White Australian and my name isn't Chang
Ok, Zhang.
Ching chong ding dong ping pong
We care what Australia thinks, lol.
Another useless shithole.
Australia is lost to the dynasty. It had changed its master from the british to the americans to the chinese and it remains a colony.
>t. Gook
oh sure sure sure. death to china
>China has developed faster than any nation in human history
Cheap labor and no concern for the environment will do that when all their competitors pay living wages and take care not to pollute the Earth to Hell and back.
>very soon they will surpass the USA
China won't surpass anyone in the First World. There's no innovation on their part. All their technology is stolen from other countries and reversed engineered into a cheaper, lower quality product than the original. At best, they'll achieve the same level of the USA and then stagnate until someone else usurps them
Chinks are just loke cockroaches
Emotion free ugly things that crawl over the whole earth
you make me sick. seriously stop eating bats. it's affecting my health too you fuck.
Sure thing, wang. Have some more bat.
You are subhuman to chinese
Whether your name is chang or hogan your opinion is irrelevant, you’re Australian, which makes you a retard.
if anyone destroyed europe all these years and centuries, it's you krauts and your subhuman ideology. how dare you still live??
Its cause nobody would even have a view like that or defend the worst country in the world unless they were chinese
Vote with your feet then retard, head straight to Wuhan and stay there
Just fucking nuke Melbourne already.
explain how communism is better than capitalism, asking for a friend.
>Criminal picks subhuman
Not surprised garbage tends to stick with garbage
I'm also a white Australian and I have yet to see a single good arguement in favour of capitalism and how China is bad.
Alot of seething capitalist jews on pol
Belt & Road. They fucking own Australia by now.
>ruin it by illegally invading
>illegally invading
what mate?
>the most effective form of government
which government?
>enabled their rapid development
no, that would be the sweatshops
>literally want oriental jew to take
take your sanity pills
>I'm a White Australian
No you aren't.
Keep fucking around Chang and we will make you eat all the debt you have bought.
I know they give you a script and stuff but please take a minute to consider the level of garbage that you are trying to convey here
Nice to see another CCP slide thread Chang
>China #1
that’s how I know that English isn’t your first language.
Low IQ post from a majority Muslim country. Imagine my shock.
FO Chang mental retard KYS...
Let me guess you are pissed you can't eat koala in public and this is your solution. You do sound chinese.
I pick China because I'm sick of americans exporting their nigger culture
I came here to intellectually steal this post and copypasta it to a lesser degree while declaring my chineeee maaaa. I think Pubg made me hate them more than anything else.
low IQ or not, you're screwed, and that's rightly for good.
+10 to social credit score chink OP
>a White Australian
user, I...
5 eyes, bruh.
Imagine being chinese and thinking that you can fool people on an image board who watch hundreds of industrial accident, children getting killed while people fuck off and don't care, random explosions, gutter oil, eating and torturing live animal, and collapsing infrastructure videos a day.
Sure thing, Chang.
>I'm a White Australian and my name isn't Chang
"I'm not a racist but white people are bad"
STFU Chang, real aussies choose the freedom eagle
You may not. But, our government does.
>my name isn't Chang
Chang/chongs get the bullet first.
Your Muslims will not like this, prepare for civil war.
They're Natsoc, a capitalist economy but with a heavy intervention of the government in certain areas such as basic resources. They're more fascist than commie
There are like 3 aussie cucks who post pro-chang shit all day on Yas Forums.
1. You gotta change that flag to be taken seriously. Everyone knows you're a shitposter.
2. China is far less a threat to me than to you. Your military is setting up specifically to fight them.
3. If you think China is doing great, go there and see. It is an absolute fucking shithole of epic proportions. Polluted, disgusting, zero freedom, people treated like insects, and outside the cities? China makes Africa look like a 1st world country.
I get this is bait or chink shilling, or you're just in 7th grade and are fucking stupid but come on, bro. At least make it somewhat believable.
Ok chang
All the entry doors to the great wall face north.
The Tartarians built it.