My countries national news says this guy is a moron with sub 80IQ. What were Americans thinking in voting him in?

My countries national news says this guy is a moron with sub 80IQ. What were Americans thinking in voting him in?

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They're also morons with sub 80 IQ.

Still better than Obama

King nigger had potential over here, but as time went on he became a donothing.

Your country is irrelevant lmao

Much like your senpai, minus 2 nukes

Trying to call Japan irrelevant lmfao you can't make this shit up

>sub 80IQ
Source your press said this

>What were Americans thinking in voting him in?
The alternative was worse

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Ok Muhammad

He's probably an American on base, retard.

My countries national news said that guy was involved in a conspiracy with Russia. But they had to back track and retract their statements when it was proved that he was not.

If you had the option to choose between a dumbass and an evil witch, which would you choose? Those were our options and that's why we picked the dumbass.

Well yeah, the Japanese are American lapdogs, you are right.

When they show him on the news they dub him and he sounds pretty normal.

My country supported him during the election cause muh trophy wife.

You're a lazy shill, and your slide threads, and apathetic responses are embarrassing now.
You don't even want to be doing this anymore, do you?
You've been redpilled on too many subjects here, and now you're just going through thee motions to collect a paycheck.
Your soul is suffering.

This suffering is only the beginning. things on this plane are going to get much worse for you.
The next plane, I'll let you find you on your own.

You have the power to stop this, and put energy into positive Logos instead.
What are you doing here?

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>My countries national news says this guy is a moron with sub 80IQ.
so he has an IQ 5 points higher than the average burgernegro

Should really think about adding more options

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He’s a guy with slightly above average intelligence with a somewhat successful business history. He’s also socially awkward and borderline autistic with no filter. Look at his social media history and interviews long before becoming potus.

Time for your bleach injection boomer

He became a do-treason you mean?

the Tea Party wanted someone like them

I expected so much more from you.
This is your life, nigger.
Take a good look.
This is the very best you will ever be.

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I remember the state media (officially not state controlled) reported that drumpf paid russian prostitutes to piss in a bed. Everyone knew from the very get go that this story was bullshit and at the time they talked about it, it was proven to be fake.

I don't know if the faggot who wrote this shit is still posting but fucking hell... this was one of the most funniest shit an user pulled off

How do republicans deal with that interview where he says if he ran for president he'd ran republican cause they're dumb.

>slightly above average intelligence
What exactly makes him above?

Ah, another shill. By the way his iq is 158, not 80. Do your research

Why don't you go ask them?
Take your lazy rhetorical questions with you, kike.

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Shhhh, it will all be over soon

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But I'm already here. This is the republican central

Yes. It will.

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You're lost, boy.
Find your way back.

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I suppose because he invested his money somewhere.

We were thinking, "OMG! We don't want Hillary The Cunt to be president."

You're country is feeding you communist propaganda America will vote trump
The Supreme Court will side with trump.
Media and that communist arm is done atleast in America

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I've been here longer than you. Bet you feel pretty stupid now

I killed your pitiful slide thread, faggot.
You are next.

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So Russians are meddling in the election?

>national news

thats your problem goy

He believes you can nuke hurricanes, inject disinfectants, rapes kids, pretends to be Christian and eats McDonalds everyday. Typical American hero for the right

So does the private news in Sweden report on the child grooming gangs or nah?

That your national (((news))) guy was an idiot distracted by the lump of crystal meth lodged in his rectum.