quick break down: europe was first populated by neanderthals, then humans came who killed them all, we call those the old europeans/pre indo europeans/neolithic farmers

then, around 5-4000 years ago the aryans started invading, they were one of the subgroups of old europeans that conquered the rest, and either massacred or mixed with the natives depending on the case

100% of european language and culture is indo european/aryan, they conquered everything from britany to india and western china, so they re a pretty big deal
(indo european just means aryan btw, the use of the word indo european instead of aryan was forced after the end of ww2, indo european just use to reffer to languages, and aryan to the people who originally spoke it, now indo european stands for both, and it creates confusion on purpuse, implying that dravidians and europeans are somehow related)

aryan ancestry is mainly characterized by R-R1a-R1b haplogroups

the germanic people were mainly in scandinavia in antiquity, not in modern germany, and when you look at the haplogroups of the areas occupied by germanics in our earliest records, what do you find...?

GERMANICS ARE I2, NOT any kind of R

this means a few things
>germanics were not massacred by the aryans, and either were conquered and adopted their culture (most likely) or just adopted their language and culture without being conquered (less likely)
>germans are aryans who were later conquered by germanics LARPING as germanics
>this means germans are not nordic
>this means "nordics are the purest aryan race' is quite literally the OPPOSITE of reality
>this would explain why germanics were so backwards compared to everyone else during antiquity, just compare celts or greeks to germanics during the same period... yeah


Attached: Haplogroups_europe.png (743x764, 752.16K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>tiny stocky bland middle-europeans were the real Aryans
Now that's quite some Napoleon complex you've got going there

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guys ignore the schizo memeflag he s insane he just gonna make 50 posts in this thread just watch

not really my intention to summon him ngl

>we call those the old europeans/pre indo europeans/neolithic farmers
no, just no
>GERMANICS ARE I2, NOT any kind of R
I1 and R1b-U106 and even Scandinavia specific branches of R1a like Z284, the only Scandinavian country where I1 is more frequent than R1b+R1a is Sweden. I1 has a time of explosion which corresponds with the expansions of Aryans, of merely 4600 years, basically they got very lucky by being incorporated into some steppe clans along R1a and R1b, maybe due to merits too, Scandinavia isn't the lush steppe and perhaps they were not as hopeless as farmers in mainland Europe, could also have something to do with the specific boat oriented Indo-European culture that came to form up there

Lothrop Stoddard pointed out that most Germans aren't Nordic but Alpine, which is middle ground between Med and Nordic.

IMO the most "Aryan" of Europeans are in Eastern Europe and the Baltics because those are the areas that were sparsely populated when the Aryans moved in and contributed the most genetically and culturally. In other parts of Europe they just got absorbed.

Attached: Sanskrit.jpg (372x468, 26.09K)

Haplogroups aren't really relevant. You need to look at Yamnaya percentages in their genes.

>Norwegians have the highest

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>the only Scandinavian country where I1 is more frequent than R1b+R1a is Sweden.
right meaning that scandinavia/the old germanics>were conquered and adopted their culture (most likely)

so basically ancient scandinavia, pre history, is the same story as britain with the anglo saxon invasions, they were invaded by aryans, and took their language, while their genetics became a mix, but retaining a majority of the native genes

Italians, and people in general, go nuts for women with blonde hair, so I'm sure the upper classes got the fair haired women as wives. You need pictures of the commoners to know what the Romams looked like.

Does this make being mostly potatonigger worse or better


it doesnt really change anything? irish are pretty much pure celts/aryans

>inb4 norman settlements
they left a small genetic trace, even funnier a large part of the norman army was the french living in normandy, who were also celts

what is that obsession with you guys and blond hair? seriously?

not in terms of autosomal DNA, which is what matters the most, the replacement was huge, Battle-Axe samples from Sweden were basically indistinguishable from Corded ware and there was relatively minor resurgence of neolithic ancestry; it's only a matter of paternal lines, I1 managed to pull it off quite successfully; consider that so far there isn't a single I1 sample found among ancient Scandinavian samples until very late, like iron age

>not in terms of autosomal DNA, which is what matters the most
y dna means the patternal line continued, which would not be the case if they had all their men slaughtered and women raped

See Haplogroups are irrelevant to the replacement, which was likely in some cases peaceful because people relied on the Proto Indo-Europeans for trade (they had horses and chariots)

not necessarily, as I said, some, but only few, local males may have been incorporated with the overall steppe rich expansion led by patrilocal clans, and one of these got particularly lucky, even if its local Funnelbeaker-like ancestry would get extremely diluted; keep in mind, as I said, that ALL I1 males living today, as different as their subclades may have gotten, descend from a male living just around 4600 years ago
Scandinavia wouldn't be that much populated to begin with, unlike in south Europe where these bands of Aryans would face much more populated areas

>there are peoples proud to be descendants of literal turkroach tier steppe niggers

native european gang

Attached: dinaridm.jpg (292x392, 16.42K)

it doesnt even say what kind of dna its based off what am I supposed to do with an infograph that has no legend?

so basically what you re saying is that only a few pre indo european males survived, but aryan women literally COULDNT get enough pre aryan dick and they just fucked all the aryan women while aryan simps watched in the corner until their once almost absent haplogroup became the majority again?

you realize that if that is what happened the haplogroup isnt the only thing that spread, all the rest of the pre aryan ancetry also spread at the same time right? which means its basically the same thing as what I was saying likely happened

Germanics are just larping “aryan”. The genetic record, linguistics, archeology all prove this. Where’s your horse culture at you Nazi cucks?

>proud of being descendant of the effeminate grain eating coward losers who ran to the mountains to avoid the chad Aryan rapetrain
pro-tip: "dinaric" I2 is the product of the recent Slavic expansion, it's got little to do with the I2 present in the Balkans during the stone age

yeah, haplomemes, are, well, a meme. At least until you start looking into specific mutations

European R1b and African R1b are wildly different

no, keep your resentment and cuck fantasies to yourself, it just means some local males got accepted by their betters in their clans and entered these typically patrilocal circles, getting a chance to reproduce and spread their otherwise loser lineage; Aryans are often too merciful

oh well, lucky me, I'm J1

>quick break down: europe was first populated by neanderthals, then humans came who killed them all, we call those the old europeans/pre indo europeans/neolithic farmers
Not true, you fucking moron. End of the thread

>The genetic record, linguistics, archeology all prove this.

Are you retarded? The Germanic languages belong to the same family is Sanskrit

Sure Kike.

It shows Yamnaya percentages. Haplogroups don't show the amount of mixture that took place

>, it just means some local males got accepted by their betters in their clans and entered these typically patrilocal circles

if 5% of the males end up with 50% of the grandkids somebody got cucked here

what kind of adn does it show you still havent answered that question, I still dont know what that study was looking at

it doesn't work like that

you can go fuck a nigger, she gives birth to son who has your haplomeme, he proceeds to fuck other niggers etc etc, you get a pure nigger on the end but with your, european haplogroup

that way you get the weird mystery populations with weird haplogroups around, even though they're exactly the same as surrounding people

>Recent studies display genetic continuity between the paternal lineages of the Dnieper-Donets culture and the Yamnaya culture, as the males of both cultures have been found to have been mostly carriers of R1b, and to a lesser extent I2. While the mtDNA of the Dnieper-Donets people is exclusively types of U, which is associated with the Eastern Hunter-Gatherers (EHGs) of Eastern Europe and the Western Hunter Gatherers (WHGs) of Western Europe, the mtDNA of the Yamnaya also includes types frequent among Caucasian Hunter-Gatherers (CHGs) and Early European Farmers (EEFs). This admixture is referred to as Western Steppe Herder (WSH), and has earlier been found among the Sredny Stog culture and the Khvalynsk culture, who preceded the Yamnaya culture on the Pontic–Caspian steppe. Unlike their Khvalynsk predecessors however, the Y-DNA of the Yamnaya is exclusively of EHG and WHG origin. This suggests that the leading clans of the Yamnaya were of EHG and WHG paternal origin.

yeah but if that happens to the extremity you re talking about it means that only the descendant of the man from the minority race got to reproduce

I dont know if thats what happened with the nig nog r1bs but if it is that is absolutely hilarious, it means that basically a small number of whites fucked a nigger there, then the half nigs had such a high social status in their society that literally no one but the part white mutts ever reproduced

>if 5% of the males end up with 50% of the grandkids somebody got cucked here

not really, what happened a lot in those inefficient times was the following

>ooga booga raid time
>village gets killed
>literally 1 guy lives because he was taking a shit or hunting or sumn at the time
>proceeds to repopulate

it's why haplogroups are not very good indicators

The only reason you speak an Indo-European language is because it was imposed on your ancestors by a Man from the Steppe on horseback.

We are genetically related to them

Nothing much. It's just anger that blossoms when ethnic groups, that the jews and their christcuck brothers in arms have nearly or fully exterminated throughout the ages, are being erased from history. Hellenes, Persians, Vandals, Russians, Kiev-Rus, Prussians, Anglo-Saxons and now Nordics.

Niggers in South Afrika do the same as you do right now, you know? They claim they are the original South Afrikans and that the Afrikaaners should be wiped out from history. But in reality the niggers are the invaders. They stem from invading Zulus who came down from middle-Africa. It's the same thing that's happening everywhere, and will happen everywhere as long as the jew and the christcuck is in charge of the show. Every single European ethnicity will have their history denied, then erased, until all are rootless consoomers as mixed as the favela-mutts of Brazil.

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Nobody is "Aryan". We're all mongrels.

The problem is, that there is crucial data missing.

Germany has never been racially homogeneous. This was already known and studied in the 20s and especially 30s. The books are available for free as a pdf on the internet. If you're German, I encourage you to take a look at them. They identified around half a dozen "German races", all of whom they classified as Aryan. However, such a logic is flawed by itself, hence this term was later removed from legal texts.

What we need is: A register of not only the genes and the country of a specific individual, but also a description (at best a quantitative one) of said individual, maybe even a racial classification according to old standards.

Then just run a correlation and you have the answers.

As a note to conclude this post, it should be said that they term "Iran" actually derives from "Aryan", so there is no need for Aryans to actually be Germans. But take a look at what the Iranians look like, in contrast with their neighboring states, and come yourself up with an explanation.


>>literally 1 guy lives because he was taking a shit or hunting or sumn at the time
>>proceeds to repopulate
idk I find the whole "kill only the men and just abandon the women there" pretty unlikely

more than genetically related, the steppe celts on chariots pretty much did a complete genocide of the british isles, you re not just related to them, you are them

>Nobody is "Aryan". We're all mongrels.
actually georgia is pretty pure, though not aryan

Attached: 1583313142212.png (1460x909, 481.59K)

well, the yamnaya weren't nordic anyway (but the population movements they caused created the modern nordics) anyway

i don't think their plans can work. What goes up goes down, as identities are erased, new ones pop up. They can play whack-a-mole forever, but it's a game that can't be won

The Archaeogenic section on the Yamnaya wiki

Names are a fickle thing. It's a ship of Theseus issue, the Iranians are the only ones to keep that name, but are they how the original Aryans looked like? I doubt it, most recent reconstructions indicate a more hapa/eurasian phenotype (basically identical to modern central asia, with a slightly more European bent), definitely not the swarthy, southwest eurasian types of Iran

>i don't think their plans can work. What goes up goes down, as identities are erased, new ones pop up. They can play whack-a-mole forever, but it's a game that can't be won
It seems to have worked well enough in China and America

you know wikipedia has sources right? this is your source


most reconstruction say something entirely different from this nonsense, the physical type of these steppe folk was overwhelmingly proto-Europid/Cromagnoid, with a minority of "mediterranid" types
and this would be much truer for later steppe tribes like those who had mixed with European farmers before going back east and invading Iran and India, who are extremely close to modern north Europeans

Attached: jack-palance-3785.jpg (600x900, 62.4K)

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If you take a male bird, who uses his appearance to get mates, and draw something novel on him, such as a red dot on his head, he gets a lot more mates.

Both human sexes use their appearance to attract mates and human men are judged by their resourcefulness (money, house, etc.) So the most resourceful men get the most exotic looking women who also have the most natural ornamentation.

There's more to it, but that's the bit factor imo.

Attached: cardinal male and female.jpg (1242x976, 111.67K)

>idk I find the whole "kill only the men and just abandon the women there" pretty unlikely

not abandon, but they would try to integrate them

>But one of the major themes in pastoralist communities seems to be patrilineality and integration of local women.

Aryans were pastoralists

based Tengri Finn

most doesn't mean the most new and accurate