Is America still the land of opportunity?

Is America still the land of opportunity?

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Wait till everyone starts opening business in a world where every leftist bet their entire credibility on the meme virus.

Americans will accept 50,000 deaths and 20,000 lies from a white president, but not healthcare from a black one.

Not for whites

Its sunday shouldnt he be getting ready for church?


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It's the best place on Earth as long as you were born rich.

he didnt give us shit faggot. raping us in taxes is not giving a person something.

Nobody mentioning that the Obama medical equipment tax is why respirators are so expensive

No we are jewed and chinked beyond comprehension

You niggaz ain't been to biz? Shit I've made 60 grand in trading stonks. Its a hellova opportunity. America fuck ya. *Eagle Scream*

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No, Americans have more rigid social ladder than Scandinavians or Germans

>universal healthcare
>forces you to buy private insurance or fines you.

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Yeah, the land of opportunity to go down in flames!

Alternatively, you can fail upwards and luck your way into vast amounts of wealth much more easily than in other countries. You can also be a total piece of shit and fuck people over to get the same results.

Americans actually venerate criminals, so as long as you stay out of prison there is no consequence for immorality.

>muh "taxation is theft"
>blaming obama...again
Basic conservatard arguments

>"Free market" healthcare
>If you can't afford treatment, just die

Only for God's chosen people.

That flag be rare

The only way you're gonna make immense success here is if you commit several sins.

Yeah for H1B curryniggers

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>Is America still the land of opportunity?

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Yes, but it has shifted toward generational opportunity. You will likely never be wealthy by your own hand, but can advance to give your kids and grandkids a much better chance.

Land of opportunity... to get shot.

Yes. We have the most opportunity for financial success. 6% of Americans are millionaires.

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for boomers and rich people maybe.

early 2020 was chill

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opportunity to get shot, yeah.

>Is America still the land of opportunity?

Opportunity to die from covid19

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no and it never was. any catch phrase associated with the cold war era is just that.. a propaganda catch phrase.

The entire world had been turning away from small businesses and empowering people to become wealthier through their own devices. The global economy is shifting further and further to people working for a select few large companies while discouraging people from starting their own businesses, which is the best opportunity. America is still the best place to start a business and get rich compared to the rest of the world. But it's gotten significantly more difficult to be successful with your own business.

A lot it policies make it hard, especially with taxes and regulations. It's clear the EU doesn't want you to have your own business. If you make a business in China, it's not really yours since the government can take it from you. Out of the big three GDPs the USA is the easiest to be successful with your on business. But that's really changing because of things like minority loans that let minorites undercut Americans, high minimum wages, and regulations. It's the easiest out of the big three to start a business and get wealthy, but is getting more and more difficult to do so.

Only if you live in a nigger infested shithole called a “city”

Opportunity to get smashed by niggers. Literally wouldnt move there if paid 10 million pounds.

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