You can think what you want about the woman, but she would never have told you to drink bleach
You can think what you want about the woman, but she would never have told you to drink bleach
She might have forced you to drink bleach, but that bitch wouldn't ask
Know what else she will never do?
Be President.
You really sure about that?
hans a shit skin is behind you watch out!!!
As sure as you're using a German vpn Moshi. It's her turn right? What a fucking retarded hill you shills want to die on this week.
Why are you so dumb?
Bleach, Gasoline, Urine:
Whats the difference?
Poop, Pee, Diarrhea:
Whats the difference?
>Can't we just drone the virus?
She will replace Biden. You will see
Its getting ready to run:
Shes even putting on a running shoe:
Her expertise:
Trump was talking about this new technology: a tiny ultraviolet light device which, if lowered (“injected”) via a tube into a sick person’s lungs, will use safe UV light to kill all the viruses, thereby effectively disinfecting the patient’s lungs and curing him of COVID-19.
Is that a real pic of hillary with a photoshopped head for plausible deniability?
with (((her))) you are the bleach, mutt
Her bathroom:
Check this one:
Hillary's brain:
No, she would've turned he world into a radioactive waste land.
I'll drink bleach before i drink children's blood like Hillary and her friends do
Thats gut less. It's about time the American President told the American people to drink bleach. Long overdue in fact.
No, she'd hire a goon to funnel it down your throat and then say you "committed suicide"
Gtfo, you faggot
You do know that these Great Lie posts are rebounding against you, don’t you?
>she never told people to drink bleach
That's going to be her legacy
Her donors drank aquarium cleaner without the recommendation.
She would have but she used all the bleach on her e-mails
Listen, nobody is more pro medical than Trump, but we have to hit the virus where it hurts and it's not a virus I call it the plague, it's a plague ok because it's an invisible enemy, we can't see it nobodys ever seen anything like this and so far we've done a good job and but the time has come to hit the virus hard and fast. We've seen things to do with medical and it's great but we have to hit it fast and hard with light, tremendous light but we have to bring the light inside the body, have to do it either through the skin or in other, various ways ok but it has to be done, and bleach, we know the virus can be killed with bleach ok. Suppose we could bring the bleach inside the body though various ways, possibly injection or through a drip we can save lives, many lives