Is it okay to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes? Should white people do this?

Is it okay to drink alcohol and smoke cigarettes? Should white people do this?

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Neither activity is okay.

Both activities are okay.

Are cigarettes good for you?

Yes you can, but you shouldn't.

Cigarettes I’d say no, but moderation with alcohol like with anything else, too much food is bad for you, too much water is bad for you, simple thought process that can be applied to everything. Moderation is key.

can this also be applied to sucking dick?

Smoking is totaly mongoloid tier.

Alcohol is okay in small quantities. Favor fermented beverages like wine, beers or cider.

No u fag

Only the feminine dicks.

Only alcohol is harmful
Yes, antismoking campaigns were a Jewish plot to test how well they control the mind of the goyim. Without a single proof there is a causational link between smoking and cancer they managed to convince the whole world that a habit common since ancient times was somehow deadly.

Think for yourself?

i've HEAVILY consumed alcohol. like 1.75 liters of vodka a day over 4 months.

i was surprised i never got "the shakes", or any other withdrawal symptoms after abruptly stopping. wtf is going on.

smoking marb reds and drinking GnTs as we speak, last pour was 90% gin because ei ran out of tonic wter

Drinking no it dehydrates you. Smoking helps treat ADD but don't do it a lot

>Cigarettes I’d say no, but moderation with alcohol like with anything else, too much food is bad for you, too much water is bad for you, simple thought process that can be applied to everything. Moderation is key
Whats too much alcohol? I am in this yoyo state of feeling like a failure and failing at evertything and when I fail I feel horrible and want to drink. There are weeks when I drink like 5 nights a week and others when I drink once or non at all saying that from tomorrow things will be different but they never are. I ve been like this since 10th grade and now I am 25 years old. As I was saying, what is too much alcohol, is drinking 2 liters of beer in one sitting for 2-3 times a week too much? Because it seems thats my average

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Especially whisk(e)y in moderation is fairly good for you. Unlike beer, it's not estrogen-raising, calorie-rich junk. Instead, whiskey actually helps you lose weight, and aids in the prevention of a lot of mid-/late-life issues like cancer, diabetes, dementia, stroke, etc...

Nicotine is a well-known nootropic. It's about as good for you as caffeine, except the delivery method via cigarettes will, as you know, fuck up your lungs.

Pure tobacco raises test. Alcohol raises estrogen. Use your brain.

no, it is degenerate

this escelated quickly

Tobacco and alcohol is the cure for corona chan.

Smoking is fuken nice. All of my ancestors smoked so do i. It gives you that crystalline clearnes of the mind. Thats why there is a movement against smoking in the mass media. It makes your thoughts clear of all the propaganda shit.

Yes, moderation is key with sucking dicks too. The daily recommended dose of 0% should be maintained at all times.

i ate a little austrian boys ass, he couldnt have been older than 12, it was incredible

even drink water from a square glass is wrong wtf

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>Without a single proof there is a causational link between smoking

Only on Yas Forums

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Just smoke chronic and call it a day

Yea fs that's a lot brah. If I drank that much soda a week I'd feel like dog shit. 2 liters brah? Like a 2 liter soda amount worth of alcohol?

It's okay to lift weights. It is okay to learn about mechanics and computing.

My Sicilian grandfather is very good at agriculture and irrigation. In true European fashion, he has created his own irrigation system for his garden. Be like him. Be active. Create and build.

>Yea fs that's a lot brah. If I drank that much soda a week I'd feel like dog shit. 2 liters brah? Like a 2 liter soda amount worth of alcohol?
Yeah. But if you think about it that s just 4 50cl beers so its not that much

I have a few beers here and there, desu I think if you’re getting drunk it’s too much, the idea of a drink for me is a little relaxing time not to alter my mental state to feel better.

That's actually the only thing you can't do in excess. I'd know. I've been the OP of many threads.


>I have a few beers here and there, desu I think if you’re getting drunk it’s too much, the idea of a drink for me is a little relaxing time not to alter my mental state to feel better
You are right, checked