Police officer general

Thinking about joining the force pls give me the pros and cons

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You'll have to enforce laws you do not agree with, maybe even arrest people & ruin their lifes for not being nice to LGBT people....

Tho it is good pay! haha

lefties hate cops

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become a fed

Ye se im not a moral creature persay so thats not a problem its more im not sure if im capable of dealing whit childabusers

You should probably go into your local police station and ask them

>pro you will get to beat and repremand the criminal underbelly of society
>con many of your coworkers are criminals themselves, pussies, diversity hires who will watch you die if the criminal gets an upper hand

It's unfortunate that police work these days is more the reserve of bitter, socially malajusted virgins and extrovert pussies who enjoy explaining in patronising tone how you should behave more to their liking. Then they wonder why people HATE them.

>you get to finally be in control, unlike when you were bullied in school
>you can kill people and get away with is
>you get to feel a false sense of superiority

>your wife is cheating on you
>you become fat because you don't do anything
>no one respects you
>people will celebrate your death

Pros: killing niggers

yes good goyim, enforce kike laws

>your wife is cheating on you
>you become fat because you don't do anything
>no one respects you
>people will celebrate your death

Check your flag faggot it's all the same for you. Theres a reason we call you swedecucks


Sounds like UK police alright. In the U.S is almost the opposite for the most part. We have a fair share of faggots in the forces but for the most part the whole career is a very conservative one and most of the men in it are as well, depending on where you are working of course

You will be an asshole
You will have to work with assholes
The biggest assholes will be your boss.

pro: free donuts, extra cash from corruption
cons: low-level zogbot enforcer

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That's whatever, you will have to wrestle with junkies with collapsed veins, neurotic flesh, HIV, open cuts and paranoid delusions because they're shoplifting or mugging their own grandma. That is regular police work.

Seethe piggy, I hope you get dragged under a nigger's fender and your department has to scrape you from the asphalt with shovels to slop you in the casket. Your wife can bring her bf to your funeral, where she arranged an open bar and karaoke for the wake.

I'm also thinking of joining my city's police department
One of the few things that interest me jobwise.

Be polite. The average person won't mind a stop and search if it's done quickly and respectfully. Start acting like a cunt though and things like this will happen.


Not sure what you're getting at
The reason "we" call you Swedecucks is because you are projecting the fact that you are getting racially cuckolded more than we are


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Bollocks all coppers are bastards. That's why most of you cretins introduce yourselves as LEOs so the accronym will hopefully obscure your status as a grade-A swine.

If the pigs are respectable and conservative why are they walking the street in a gimp suit carrying a big black stick to enforce laws pushed through by elitist pedos?

normally i would call you a cop hating nigger but being a bong you guys are absolutely right to hate your nigger fearing twitter rules enforcing pigs. They are pathetic and deserve the worst kind of treatment.

>143 times more likely to get murdered
>14 times more likely to get raped

Keep convincing yourself that you're not living in a 3rd world shithole

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>pros - you get to shoot niggers and spics
>cons- alcoholism and suicide.
Do it faggot.

Cant speak for Finnish police or society user.

Only thing I can think is to not let the power go to your head.

Make sure not to arrest black men in interracial domestic disputes. What better way to send a message to coal-burners than to not arrest there bulls for trampling them?

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I've never wanted to rip someone's throat out more than when some pencil neck kid in uniform blocked where I was walking because he wanted to lecture me on what is and isn't 'sensible behaviour' during a street party for the armed forces. When they turn their tazer half out of the holster as a passive-aggressive 'I might use this' you know you're dealing with a sadistic little roach.

>sorry ma'am but your nigger isn't mslfunctioning. Check the manual, punching, stealing and rape are built in features and the zero warranty couldn't be more obvious

>good pay
Here they earn a bit more than LIDL employee.

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Fuck pigs and fuck the kikes they protect

1600 euro netto voor een aspirant.
Vader van mijn vriend was een commissaris in Brussel, kreeg mss 3500 netto. Echt een aanrader.

LOL. Serious as a heart attack though. Would be a major mind fuck to roasties if you're somehow legally allowed to look the other way.

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Will you take your Oath to the Constitution seriously?
If so cool.