Gelatin: The B-Thing

Hi Yas Forums. I own a copy of Gelatin's "The B-Thing" and I want to set the record straight with this book.

A lot of fucking Jews try to imply that this book has some weird drawings in it about the Twin Towers (ie 300 meters of pure pleasure, deep depression inside), but they do not. These posts are meant to distract from something interesting about this book.

Maybe Yas Forums can find other things.

In these posts I will show every page of this book. And there is just one very interesting thing regarding a phone number left in the book.

Here we go Yas Forums.

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More for timestamp

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Final timestamp.

Then I will dump this book.

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Proper scans please

>And there is just one very interesting thing regarding a phone number left in the book.
Just fucking come out with it instead of making 20 blog posts about how everything is connected to the joos.

This is the first thing you see when you open the book. It is in the left side of the interior cover.

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Never forget

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no faggot im pasting the book in order.

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First drawing

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Do whatever you want you fucking nut, there's no way in hell I'm reading this "art".

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Keep in mind that every post is the next page from the last.

I will let you all know if I show multiples of the same page.

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>you'll never get to see the WTC again in all of its asbestos filled glory because bombing brown people and turning America into a bigger version of the Gaza Strip was where the shekels were at the time

Hit me right in the feels.


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Some diagrams

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OP what is this book

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>asbestos filled glory
keked, thanks.

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Art project from back in 2000 on the 91st floor of wtc building 1.

It's weirdly insulting to me that someone would be charging money for a book of half assed doodles, but then I remembered it IS the art world after all.

Some photos now

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Thanks OP, I've always been fascinated by this book and everything I've heard about it

The first shill of the day shows up. Yeah goy they were just artists hehe. They just made some doodles. The type of artists who make "art" of candles shoved up their assholes.

No faggot, this book was an overt elite publication, meant for the elite. That's why there's only 1200 copies.

Continuing on.

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I'm guessing none of the photos say who is pictured? There's two Asian girls too from my memory.

Fun fact: text in this book was handled by Tex Rubinowitz :^)

Good man. bump this thread until it is done. please.

Here is a fold-out page of the book. It shows WTC and also an airplane up in the sky.

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What a world. What a world

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If you look back to the first photos from this book, (((Tex Rubinowitz))) wrote the forward.

None of the photos name who is pictured.

The asian girls are at the end of the book.

Continuing on. A photo of the guys looking out of the WTC.

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These the niggas that were setting up the thermite?