The absolute madman
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Sage thread Italialainen anonyymi, Sage thread.
It shouldn’t be just chinks but all yellow niggers and their poo cousins.
what a banging body. i'd smash.
It was nuked from insta.
Get FUCKED chink insectoids.
God dammit. Now im gonna spend the day mentally punish fucking ugly insectoids. Actually reminds me of the chink-hate webm were the lady snatches a baby bird out of bush and eats on the spot.
Geezuz they are primative
These are the people calling you an incel.
>So supposing we hit the body with a tremendous, whether it’s ultraviolet [...] Then I see the disinfectant where it knocks it out in a minute, one minute. Is there a way we can do something like that by injection inside? Or almost a cleaning, ‘cause you see it gets in the lungs and it does a tremendous number on the lungs. So it’d be interesting to check that. So you’re going to have to use medical doctors but it sounds interesting to me, so we’ll see but the whole concept of the light. The way it kills it in one minute, that’s pretty powerful.
and then I'll point out you're actually a niggerbrain retard that heard the word "disinfectant" and immediately associated it with Lysol because you're a brainrotted consoomer mongoloid, but UV light is a disinfectant and it's the disinfectant he is talking about both BEFORE and AFTER saying the word "disinfectant" and never mentions a thing about lysol or bleach
but in any case you should definitely drink it because you're braindead already anyway.
try again though. maybe eventually you will understand. lap up that jew media like a good boy and be outraged over your own stupidity lmao
The comments are an absolute goldmine of leftist butthurt.
one on the left looks better unironically
Imagine supporting this type of repulsive wignat tier raycism. I don't have a problem with racism, I've problem with ugliness. Unsurprisingly the creator is also a very ugly individual. You must have ample amount of spiritual ugliness to make something that disgusting. If you find that ''funny'' or something, by all chances you revel in ugliness.
Corona chan is a better example of beauty + racism. You can still increase happiness and beauty in this world while being a racist.
I have rarely seen so much hatred on the comments just for a 5 second animation.
Its just performance art bro
No surprise.
It triggers so hard because it rings true. Chinks take pride in eating disgusting food they actually believe it's something to brag about. And they don't care that they spawn plagues, only about their face.
Facebook boomer tier racism. Ugly.
Ugly! I don't like ugly.
What's racist about that pic?
You know, if they didnt make a bioweapon the leak it into the world maybe people wouldnt be racist to them
This bit was the best. Ignore the chink critisizing it. War with china soon
I'm serious though, what's racist about kissing a bat?
Love how he is blocking people left and right. Almost as if he is creating a place where his delicate persona can't be hurt by mean words. A place where he feels safe. What a fucking snowflake faggot.
About time these chinksects were knocked down a few pegs.
Lol thanks for the laugh
Any criticism of china is considered racist because chinese inflitrated parts of our media and academia and governments.
In reality they really do this stuff and deserve to be punished as much as anyone who does this stuff. I think a world war is coming where everyone takes a peice of china. Do you agree?
he's kinda yerrow
i wish it was longer.
I dunno... looks pretty accurate to me
>huge specs, batman nightgown
it's like this dude is a caricature
ok cringeman
nothing. we should stop kinkshaming the chinks and respect their vibrant culture
Someone should post some of the ways they "kill" their animals before eating them. I'm sure the account would be nuked for that but the meme is ok and the Chinks are seething. Time to show them how they prepare their food, not only that they eat everything with a pulse, including themselves.
Death to China
They should have included frogs too: