Why are conservatives so in love with corporations?
Why are conservatives so in love with corporations?
lol stupid corporate slaves needing to eat LMAO
Republitards think they will make it one day and become a billionaire, that's why they always vote against their economic interests and become personally offended when you mention taxing the elite
MAGAtards love the Jewish power structure.
Why do stupid rat kikes make dumb slide threads like this?
Why do white police and glowies prevent white people from killing jews?
Nothing is making sense
Thats The American Dream
Yeeee, Haaaa
kys tranny shill just trying to hit the beach SAGEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
you have never had to pay to support yourself, have you? still living with mom and dad and/or on student loans? no refunds lmao
you made a typo in the word “bleach”, corporate wageslave bootlicker
You never responded to my question. Also is anyone who criticizes the current system a moocher? You’re a good wageslave cuckold, and I probably make more money than you
>I probably make more money than you
i don't work because i have over 400 bitcoin plus a shitload of chainlink and monero
no refunds, bernout :^)
>Why are conservatives so in love with corporations?
because of global imports and exports, how you like those open borders you dumb fuck?
>t. sub 80 iq certified retards
He should off himself then to start.
Why are you a shill
Conservatives are jewish both economically and fasically.
just steal the food and live rent free duuuuh
my mom pays the rent i dont sed the problem just tell your mom to pay the rent
Why don't leftists understand that giving all wealth and power to the state effectively makes the government the ultimate gigacorporation that you can't protest, can't unionize within and can't file suit against in a court of law?
If you leftietards recall...Trump attempted to tax the ultra wealthy when creating his tax law in the first year of his presidency. It was the limousine leftists who were appalled, exposing Dems as not walking the walk...and why would they? The ultra rich like Bezos, Buffet, Gates, Zuckerberg are leftists, who donate to Democrat politicians.
>screams at you and curses at you because your face looks tired
whatever bro
Because it's been falsely ingrained in their heads that small business owners and multi-national corporations are on even playing fields. They don't realize the impact that policies which are (((good for business))) have on their communities, country, and future generations.
Instead of going out and protesting to re-open they should be protesting that they still have to pay rent as a business. They should be protesting that companies who were cheating the system and got burned got bailed out for it with their fucking tax dollars. I also truly believe that many of them don't know of more political systems than basically two. Either you're a liberal democrat or you're a conservative republican. I guess there's a fringe third option of being a (((Libertarian))) too but that's about as edgy as it gets for them. So long story short, it's ignorance.
conservative ARE the corporation
one of the main protestors to open kentucky was this bitch that ran a furniture outlet - the shut down was costing her money
LOL! Seethe harder poorfag!
You know why
>he thinks that governments and corporations aren't already conjoined
>working against their interests
>shittiest economic places in US are run by democrats
Im not sure if that is true at all.
Conservatives dont support trannies and LGBT and climate change hysteria which is what the worlds biggest corporations are pushing at the moment,
>vote democrat
>voting for a party that wants unchecked immigration, high taxes, government overreach, and constitutional restraints on things like 2nd amendment rights
>same party has nothing but elites in media preaching down on people
>party of the people
Yeah okay
Why are most Jews democrat then?
Because they understand basic economics and aren't lazy.
Why do leftists care far more about their weird sexual fetishes than they do the working class?