Redpilled Dutch cartoon

I had a thread talking about this show last year lets start another one about how based this show is

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Grow up manchild pedo

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OP you stupid dimwit at least say the name of the fucking show

Typical leaf say that to my face and hers while your at it

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wasn't there only one episode though?

some Dutch cartoon, I don't remember what it was called though. Something with an O maybe.

How is it redpilled?

Just use the image search fool and it is called ongzellig

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So stereotypes about hair color are okay but stereotypes about skin color aren't?

Reverse image search is more useful than you.

It’s called “Ongezellig” by Studio Massa

Here it is

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lmao what :D

Looks like miss Skeletal in the middle.

This is the link for the unlisted video enjoy

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Oops forgot link

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I expected it to be shit but it was actually great. Why wasn't there more?

Give them some funding here and they might make another one

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>blimey these aren't spices
I laughed


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That was cute.

>tiny studio of clogniggers
>expecting them to make shit quickly

If you're lucky you'll get episode 3 in 3 months.

any more ?

the artist is an idiot for not setting up an onlyfans.

Are they retarded? Have it in English to make more money.

>main girl is from brabant
based dutch girl from the south

but dutch sounds so cute. Its not quite English and not quite German and for some reason i really enjoy every time they say the word for presentation.

Even the flag in the ad is based

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No but I hope so

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People watch japanese anime with no problem
As long as it has subtitles it's fine

I want to [spoiler]hug [/spoiler] the fucking shit out of maya

What gibberish is that, Swahili?

honestly i've been thinking that i should probably learn it after get pretty good at japanese. my family is all dutch so i'd like to learn their native language. you're right, honestly dutch girls speaking dutch is pretty cute

Norway user was referring to the donation site being in English, not the animation.

Kys nigger

Dutch silly billy

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Why the fuck does it feel like half of your words dutch anons you stole from the English language? Explain yourselves NOW.

what is redpilled about this?

It's charming and cute

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Dutch isn't even a real place.

>dutch isn't even a real place
holy fuck, please be joking mutt. i haven't laughed so hard in a while

Where can I find girls like Coco?

>Burger education

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He must be trollling nobody can be that stupid

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> show
> only one episode a year ago

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