Is Alan Watts based or did hippie weedsmokers turn him into a meme?
Is Alan Watts based or did hippie weedsmokers turn him into a meme?
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I'd hardly call him based, he went around promoting buddhism while drinking himself to death.
He's good at explaining Eastern concepts to Western audiences. And he's just really nice to listen to. I don't consider him a philosopher though.
Many words little meaning.
based snake oil salesman
Leary was a more effective glownigger. Look into the works of Stanislav Grof or Albert Hofmann if you want to learn anything of value.
I wonder if he simply explained them or tainted them with leftist and degenerate ideas. I liked him when l was young but now l see him as utterly uninspiring and non heroic. Just lived like a lazy bum on his boat.
Was he a commie agent or a CIA MK Ultra agent agent?
thats what it seems like to me, and it seems a lot of these drug addicts look up to him cause he promotes the whole "the universe is what you make of it" shit which makes degenerates feel like they have value with their degenerate lifestyles
>Just lived like a lazy bum on his boat.
Sounds like a nice life.
>he’s really nice to listen to
I listen to him every night at bedtime, and have for months. I cannot tell you a single thing I’ve learned from him. All of it sounds like word salad to me. But his voice is so soothing and relaxing, I can’t stip
>The universe is what you make it
This one statement proves you know absolutely nothing about Watts or his teachings as this was definitely not something he said.
What he said, and proved very convincingly is:
>You are the universe
And I no more expect you to understand that either.
Watts was not a perfect man. He was a drinker because he got divorce raped. He lived in hippie central.
But before that, he spent decades of his life living in monasteries of all denominations across the world, learning their religions and philosophies. And then he brought that to the western world in an approachable, introductory way that changed the lives and minds of millions.
There are very, vanishingly few on this board with any comparable life achievements worthy of denigrating him.
Wow. A Swede who fails to comprehend what is right in front of him. What a shock.
Very convincingly.
You may wish to back off your daily DMT dosage.
Being fat and fucking sluts is "nice" too. Yet, like l said, not redpilled in the least. We need to get back to heroic archetypes.
Distilled Eastern philosophy for Western audiences. Had a good sense of humor. Was based. Eckhart Tolle is great too.
It's not a spiritual proof but a logical one. And it convinced me, with my two STEM degrees.
Call me a weed smoking hippy all you like. Watts himself said he would likely be thought of as an entertainer by the vast majority of people.
He never claimed to be a prophet. All he did was try to transfer some of the core ideas of the most progressive spiritual practices out there, to a Western audience.
And don't forget he had to play to the era he found himself in. When he started out his teachings, after 'graduating' from being an Anglican Minister, a Zen Buddhist and being heavily exposed to the two mainstream flavours of mainland Buddhism - Theravada and Mahayana - he presented himself as pic related.
But guess how well that went over to a generation steeped to the eyeballs in (((sexual revolution))) and hippie culture. So he relaxed his approach a little but kept the same core tenants. Which were basically:
>Eastern spiritual practices are onto something
>Especially Buddhism. Which is essentially a very effective self help psychoanalysis training, which was invented by a genius and very significant historical figure, and then refined by some of the smartest, clearest thinking humans in the world for 4000 years.
Side note. Today the single most successful branch of psychiatry is Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, which was ripped wholesale off of Buddhism and in no small way, Watts himself.
Back to Watts
>Meanwhile our civilization is going kind of crazy here.
>We might benefit from adjusting our perspective and take in more information.
He's not pushing a cult. He's not pushing religion. Hes trying to share with you the hard learned nuggets of truth from a lifetime of monastic study and practice. And he has to do it in an entertaining and approachable way. And he succeeds.
Mostly. It's deep stuff no matter how you sugar coat it. If you don't understand something at a given time, don't worry. Just keep going and come back to it.
both are true
highly based. thank you for posting
I dropped Eckhart Tolle when he started hanging out with Oprah and let her give advise on spirituality.
Buddhism is gay, all ascetic religions and philosophies are gay and promoted by the weaker, more intellectual types of men as a means to endow them with power, and shield themselves by causing others to restrain their tendency toward conflict/confrontation
I don't think Alan Watts was a bad man, just a faggot.
Ignore what they say and watch what they do.
Watts died an alcoholic. He dealt with life by getting drunk. Every fucking day he got drunk. He couldn’t handle reality. He got drunk, made up salad speeches to bedazzle the weak minded, and then slept it off to get drunk the next day.
A true spiritual giant.
I’m pretty sure he was redpilled on women and the JQ
getting drunk is nirvana-tier you fucking special needs coomer
>Buddhism is gay.
Grow up kid, away and expand your vocabulary
that's all religion though
Cope all you want Bodhisattva-bitch, the religion of "things happen when you do things, so you mustn't want to do anything so that nothing happens, because then you are supah smaht" is fuckin gay, asceticism is gay, and you're a super duper homosexual
Noble Eightfold Path into the center of a man's asscrack
Watts is popcorn compared to real philosophers lmao. Someone like Bergson would be the thinking man's Watts you need to stfu
he spoke much truth
Wow a thread not on Christianity
Alan Watts has helped me, meditation has helped me tangibly.
I enjoy listening to his lectures going to sleep.
As some has said he had to present these foreign concepts to the Western way of thinking so yeah he may have pushed the boundaries a bit and toned his image and mannerisms to be accepted by the people he talked to often. He had a great deal of knowledge and had a great way of communicating complex theories quite simply.
Provokes thoughts and is relaxing to hear and read.
Eh, I'm willing to let it slide considering otherwise he's never done anything to suggest he's one of (((them))). Naivety on his part, perhaps.
>is fuckin gay.
>asceticism is gay.
>you're a super duper homosexual.
>center of a man's asscrack.
Have something you want to tell us?
This. Thank you.
When all you do is talk, the talking is what you are doing.
I have an IQ of 130. Educated. Professional. I also suffer from massive depression and anxiety like many of you.
Every day I smoke weed to have my mind be the way I want it to be. Not fuzzy or muted. Suppressed or hiding from reality. But adjusted so that I can go about my day as something approaching the person I want to be. With less pain, despair and dread. At least enough to function. I'm not a goofy stoner. I actually worked a very life and death job until recently. But I manage my mental health, in part, with a substance.
Watts did too. He famously said:
>"I don't like who I am when I'm sober."
He had his own crutch. And in the end it killed him. He was a man bridging multiple worlds. The Buddhist monk who nevertheless got divorce raped, with all the mental health issues that go with that. He suffered, as every single one of us does, albeit in each our own, unique ways.
He never claimed to push transhuman perfection. He simply showed some of the alternative ways of looking at and coping with the problem, developed by some very clever if somewhat alien people.
And the biggest thing to remember is:
>Buddhism makes it plain that to go all the way to total freedom from suffering
>You have to fully withdraw from society into monasticism.
>To be saturated by the practice and totally devoted to it. Free from the restraints and requirements of normal, social life.
The tools Buddhism gives us help a great deal, but they are proportional to our committment to them. That means there is often a very low, very hard ceiling for westerners unless they are willing to essentially deviate or withdraw from society. Good luck there.
>I don't consider him a philosopher though
Separate the man from his teachings. I think he was a very intelligent person that made a lot of great points, but very flawed as a person. He was not only an alcoholic that drank himself to death but was a cheating womanizer as well. Very entertaining and eloquent, very intelligent, but a flawed moral character.
>dumb american unable to learn anything
how am I not surprised
All the 60s guru types were very much red pulled classic liberals is not outright western supremacists. Look up Leary's contents on mass movements and how the Left is filled with young men with, good words, "menopausal minds", kek
I agree with you. But good luck getting average Joe to read heavy philosophy.
Watts is aimed at the average person. Or rather the average person with a spark of spiritual and philosophical interest. Something they can begin and build on.
Don't be an elitist prick.